Wednesday, 30 November 2022

24/24 - "Munk​á​spr​é​s" tape is out now!!!

do you remember 24/24 and their demo "Munk​á​spr​é​s" mentioned here two months ago?!.. well, you should and if you ever click play button on their demo they probably stayed in your memory and their raw, fast and angry hc punk is screaming on Hungarian somewhere in the back of your brain and you're wondering how the hell you hate Orban so much lately..
and now you can do yourself a favor and grab a copy of a tape and enjoy this on the best possible format, as good old cassettes which are available from the band..

for more info contact them here: tomiconia[at]gmail[dot]com or found them at facebook if you use it..

neeeeee, nekem te ne!..

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