Thursday, 31 January 2013
Sunday, 27 January 2013
upcoming gig in Đakovo, Croatia
Friday, 25 January 2013
upcoming gig in Kiskunhalas, Hungary

when?.................2.02.2013., Saturday
where?.................Freedom Music Club, Kiskunhalas
who?...................HUMAN ERROR grindcrust (Hungary)
THE SYMBIOZ hcpunk (Ukraine)
ASHEN EPITAPH deathmetal (Serbia)
entrance?.............700 Ft
Thursday, 24 January 2013
"some time has passed since the June 18th, 2011 when we settled in spaces on Kolodvorska 2, at the railway station in Kranj, Slovenia.. back then nobody's property, today property of M. O. Kranj.. from September 2011 to 2012 we've carried out around 100 events organized by KUD Subart, Vibe Department, NKLG, Spiritual Submarine, Foresdelic, Volume, Interparty, KD Quilenium, The Mor(R)ons...
in a single year we managed to unite almost all active local organizers of non-commercial alternative events under the one roof.. the space has become a shelter, meeting point, we could also say center of Kranj's urban, non-commercial, alternative and youth culture which has already established at home as well as abroad..
also, you can find us in the book of the Office for Youth and Institutions Pohorje's Battalion named "Na Trdna Tla" (On Solid Ground O.E.) which represents the importance of this kind of "wild" venues in Slovenia..
currently in the spaces there are:
club - a multipurpose space for events
studio - space for artists, screen printing, sewing room, painting and sculpture
music studio - for bands, DJs and producers
skate ramp - for skating and rollerblading
and some smaller club space with computers, kitchen, bar, etc..
thanks to all the visitors, supporters, crew and all others who stand by us and collaborate with us.. The train goes on, to see the next station have a look at current program here:"
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
NUCLEAR ALTAR on bandcamp
Nuclear Altar are now on bandcamp also.. for now, just with live recordings from 4-way split tape.. check it here:
Monday, 21 January 2013
In Greece, the criminals live in other Villas
there is a very good article by Leonidas Oikonomakis on about recent squat evictions and current political situation in Greece.. read it here:
antifa/squat solidarity action, January 19th, 2013, Zagreb (Croatia)
19. sijecnja 2013. na Trgu zrtava fasizma u Zagrebu je odrzana internacionalna akcija povodom iskazivanja solidarnosti s grčkim antifašistima, koji su isti dan organizirali masovne prosvjede protiv Zlatne zore, ekstremističke parlamentarne stranke ksenofobične retorike i nasilnog političkog djelovanja. Isto tako svoju podrsku smo iskazali nekima od skvotova/autonomnih centara i zajednica koje su zadnje vrijeme pretpile fasisticke napade, evikcije te pokusaje istih.
Jedan svijet, jedna borba!
Saturday January 19th 2013, Solidarity action took place in Zagreb in support of these spaces: Villa Amalias, Skaramanga, Radio 98FM (Greece), SJZ, LIZ (Germany), the ZAD (France) and the Assentamento Milton Santos (Brazil). Wagenburg Atlantide.
Stop threats, fascist attacks and evictions!
Jedan svijet, jedna borba!
Saturday January 19th 2013, Solidarity action took place in Zagreb in support of these spaces: Villa Amalias, Skaramanga, Radio 98FM (Greece), SJZ, LIZ (Germany), the ZAD (France) and the Assentamento Milton Santos (Brazil). Wagenburg Atlantide.
Stop threats, fascist attacks and evictions!
Friday, 18 January 2013

4-way split kazeta požeških bendova izdana od strane Mentalna Smrt fanzina i Crni Flomaster inicijative u samo 66 primjeraka koji su se dijelili uz 2. broj Mentalne Smrti.. tih 66 primjeraka je podijeljeno u kratkom roku pa evo sad i kao mp3 fajl za sve koji nisu uspjeli dobiti svoj primjerak..
bendovi su zastupljeni sa svojim lajv snimkama koje su snimljene na oproštajnom koncertu od kluba iliti kafića Evergreen u Požegi 22.12.2011..
kazetu otvaraju Propast, jedan od novijih požeških dis-crust bendova, ovo im je bio tek drugi nastup.. 10 stvari, uključujući i Black Flag obradu u nešto manje od 14 minuta pa si možete stvoriti neku predodžbu o čemu se ovdje radi..
sljedeči su No Name, jedini melodični bend predviđen za tu večer, ali neka vas ovo „melodični“ ne zavara, iako ja ne volim baš punk rock, ovako uživo zvuče odlično..

zadnji na kazeti su Nuclear Altar, isto noviji pž bend, ovo im je zapravo bio prvi nastup uživo mada je sastavljen od već prekaljene ekipe.. oni nam donose odličan crust u stilu ranog Doom-a i Discharge-a, ali sa puno onog poznatog požeškog duha..
sve ostale informacije o kazeti kao i skenovi omota su priloženi u download mapi, a ako neko hoće ovo u boljoj kvaliteti ili omot pripremljen za printanje neka mi se javi..
Kopirajte i širite po volji, nečemo vas tužiti za autorska prava i slat vam fbi..
okay, same stuff as above but now on some tarzan-english..
this 4-way split tape was released by Mentalna Smrt fanzine and Crni Flomaster iniciative in only 66 copies and was going for free with 2nd number of Mentalna Smrt 'zine.. those 66 pieces has gone long time ago, so here it is now in mp3 format for everyone who failed to get it..
four bands are represented here with their live recordings from the gig that was held at cafe bar Evergreen in Požega, Croatia on December 22th, 2011 which was the last concert in this space, all bands are from Požega, as well..
first we have Propast, one of the latest dis-crust bands from that town, this was, like their 2nd gig or something.. 10 songs including cover of Black Flag's Wasted in something less then 14 min, so you can get some picture what it is about here..

then we have Hellback, already veterans on Croatian punk scene playing hardcore with elements of punk and metal.. in their set are included covers of Distress and Disčerge (legendary song Pank Pankerima which is here like some punk hymn)..
last band on the tape is Nuclear Altar, also new band, that was actualy their 1st live performance.. great crust delivered by them, like mixture of early Doom and Discharge but with a lot of that Požega's spirit., perfect..
okay, this is everything you need to know for now, all other info, same as cover scans are included in the download folder.. if somebody want that in better quality or need a cover prepared for printing let me now..
copy, share and spread this link at will, fuck copyright, let the diy spirit live!..
P.S. - thanx to yogi who liked the tape and bands so much that he cut the files, now we have a new download link, this time on mediafire with all tracks separated..
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Lelas Karagianni 37 squat in Greece evicted and shortly after re-occupied again
evictions of squats in Greece continues almost every day, unfortunately.. newest victim of Greek authorities is Lelas Karagianni 37, Athens oldest squat which was evicted yesterday on January 15th.. but only few hours after eviction it's re-occupied again.. more info as it come check here:
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Senseless and Bad Justice posts are updated
just to mention, I've updated Senseless post with download link for split CD w Pro Masa, scans of booklet with info and lyrics included in the file and Bad Jusitce post with scans of an interview published in 1st number of one old 'zine called "Još Nikak".. if you're interested check it here;
Bad Justice
Bad Justice
Monday, 14 January 2013
NO EXIT #4, #5 fanzine
number 5 was published on May, 2012.. this time design is again chaotic cut'n'paste, just like it was in 1st 3 issues of this 'zine, text is written with typewriter (or it's just the computer fonts that looks like typewriter, I don't know..) which is cool 'cause it looks like some old 'zines and brings some of that old school spirit.. as far as a material this time you can read one column, tribute text to band Void, movie and record reviews and of course interviews (which are shorter and not so interesting as in previous number), with Amebix, Deathhammer, Stripmines, Pyroklast and D-Takt Rapunk records.. all material comes on 24 pages..
yes I like previous one more, but check for yourself.. and if you want to read more serious review than this my rants here check the Maximumrocknroll's "zine of the week" section HERE
for downloading both numbers, as same as previous ones visit No Exit blog or to order physical copy write at: also new number #6 is in preparation or it's already out, not quite sure..
Sunday, 13 January 2013
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
when?...............17.01.2013., Thursday
where?..............AKC Medika
who?................NOODWEER crustmetalpunk, NL
H. D. HORSE experimentalsludge, Cro
+before gig in infoshop Pippilotta: peoples kitchen, coffe, tea, beer... all donation-money goes to the bands..
Friday, 11 January 2013
RADIKALNA PROMJENA / UNUTRAŠNJI BUNT live @ Unterhund, Ormož (Slovenia) 10.01.1998. - video
something lower sound quality here, but who cares.. great video of a concert by those two legendary ex-yu bands in a legendary club Unterhund.. in video title on you tube there stands 1997 as a year, but according to the Unterhund's official web page this gig was held in January of 1998..
piece of history..
piece of history..
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