so, few weeks ago my computer broke down.. as I am in some serious financial shithole it won't be repaired so soon, so this blog will be in some kind of hiatus next few months.. and of course there are much better ways to spend the rest of summer then sitting in front of PC and posting stuff that nobody actually cares for..
I will check my e-mails and comments here on blog from time to time but won't update it so often..
apologies to all of you who send your stuff via e-mail to post it here, like Micke from Schozo 'zine and distro which finished 9th number of his zine and released international punk compilation called Schizo Punk Comp. Vol. 1, guy from Dekadencia Humana 'zine who send me pdf file of his latest issue, but I still didn't make it to check it, also all the bands who send their stuff and all the guys that wait for me to send them my 'zines, Jurica for such delaying with tapes and so on and on...
just to mention some other stuff that were supposed to be in next few posts.. there are many great festivals in next few months, like:
SAWA FEST (Croatia)
KRASTIVAL (Slovenia)
A-DIY FEST (Czech R.)
for info about the gigs here in Croatia check those sites:, then, and
for news from the squatting world check here:
when it's about the music I highly recommend: and, at the moment 2 best music blogs to me, for sure..
okay this is all I can remember right now.. stay well and hear/see you around!..
but remember, this is not the final good bye, so for the end I will just quote the mighty Terminator: "I'LL BE BACK!"..
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
ISKRA euro tour
JULY 2013
JULY 16, TUESDAY. Ghent, Belgium with WAKE (Canada) & DEUIL (Belgium) at
Bakunin's Pogo Bar
JULY 17, WEDNESDAY Leipzig, Germany at Liwi
JULY 18, THURSDAY Berlin, Germany at Kopi (Koma F) with HELLSTORM (Greece) & KATYUSHA (Berlin)
JULY 19, FRIDAY Hradec Králové, Czech Republic. Play Fast or Don't Fest 10 , With
JULY 20, SATURDAY Hradec Králové, Czech Republic. Play Fast or Don't Fest, Day 2 with
JULY 21, SUNDAY Prague, Czech. Play Fast or Don't Afterparty at Modrá Vopice. With DEATH TOLL 80K, SEX DWARF, PERIKATO & HOLY EXTERMINATION
JULY 22, MONDAY Bratislava, Slovakia
JULY 23, TUESDAY Timosoara, Romania at Atelier DIY
JULY 24, WEDNESDAY Belgrade, Serbia
JULY 25, THURSDAY Struga, Macedonia. B.A.T.N. Fest
JULY 26, FRIDAY Three Days of Freedom Fest, Veroia, Greece. 3-Day fest benefitting political prisoners. Over 30 acts on July 26-28. for more information and lineup.
JULY 27, SATURDAY Tyrnavos, Greece. Arm Your Desires Fest 7, with URSUS, PANDIMIA, CALF, BORN FOR SLAUGHTER, NARCAN, JAGERNAUT, ARRESTUM. Arm Your Desires Fest is a 3 day event (Friday-Sunday)
visit their website at for festival info.
JULY 28, SUNDAY Sofia, Bulgaria at the Grindhouse with SISTERS OF RADOMIR, UPYR, OLD SHORES
JULY 29, MONDAY Jagodina, Serbia
JULY 30, TUESDAY Novi SadSerbia
JULY 31, WEDNESDAY Subotica, Serbia
AUGUST 1, THURSDAY Zagreb, Croatia
AUGUST 3, SATURDAY Pula, Croatia. Monte Paradiso Fest, Day 2.
AUGUST 4, SUNDAY Rijeka, Croatia. Monte Paradiso Afterparty .
AUGUST 7, WED. TBA, Croatia
AUGUST 8, THURSDAY Zadar, Croatia. Intermezzo Fest
AUGUST 9, FRIDAY Sibenik, Croatia. Martinska Fest
AUGUST 10, SATURDAY Sibenik, Croatia. Martinska Fest
AUGUST 11, SUNDAY Koper, Croatia. TBC
AUGUST 12, MONDAY Ljubljana, Slovenia. Mankind Disaster Wedding Party Fest at Tovarna ROG with bands ZAPRTI ODDELEK, RADIO BIKINI, HIDING INSIDE VICTIMS, NULLA OSTA, DIESEL BREATH.
AUGUST 13, TUESDAY Graz, Austria
Thursday, 20 June 2013
upcoming gig in Rijeka, Croatia

when?.......................22.06.2013., Saturday
where?......................Podrum, Rijeka
who?.........................WARDHILL stoner metal hc, Swi
BOSONOGO DJETINJSTVO d beat punk stoner, Cro
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
when?...............................................................17.06.2013., Monday
where?..............................................................AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?.................................................................WARDHILL stoner metal hc, Swi
THE PATHETICS punk'n'roll,Cro
where?..............................................................AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?.................................................................WARDHILL stoner metal hc, Swi
THE PATHETICS punk'n'roll,Cro
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?.....................15.06.2013., Saturday
where?....................Jedinstvo, Zagreb
who?......................EXPECTATIONS modern hc, Bul
CLOUDS OF CANCER crust punk, Cro
upcoming gig in Zadar, Croatia
when?....................15.06.2013., Saturday
where?...................Kapetanski Park, Zadar
who?......................THE PATHETICS punk'n'roll, Zg-Čk-Nm
UGLY FUCKS hc punk, Zg-Vž-Čk
STEPPED OUT hc punk, St
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?...........................12.06.2013., Wednesday
where?..........................AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?.............................SICKOIDS hc punk, USA
Friday, 7 June 2013
DIY Manifesto #2 apdejt
nakon dosta problema, promjena u zadnji čas i svega ostalog dopunjen je sada konačan program za sutrašnji koncert u Novom Marofu.. možete ga provjeriti ovdje: ili kome je draže evo i fejsbuk iventa:
ukratko - Bosonogo Djetinjstvo su otkazali zbog bolesti jednog člana, pa su u zadnji čas upali The Pathetics.. također svirat će i Giz Medium, lik iz Francuske koji na akustičnoj gitari piči svoju verziju folk panka.. on je trebao svirati istog datuma u Zagrebu, ali pošto navodno dosta ekipe iz Zg-a dolazi u Marof i on je prebačen kod nas..
inače, iskreno se nadam da je sad to konačno to i baš me živo zanima kak će sve to ispasti, s obzirom na mjesto održavanja i sve ostalo..
ništ, vidimo se sutra, a ko preživi - pričat će!..
ukratko - Bosonogo Djetinjstvo su otkazali zbog bolesti jednog člana, pa su u zadnji čas upali The Pathetics.. također svirat će i Giz Medium, lik iz Francuske koji na akustičnoj gitari piči svoju verziju folk panka.. on je trebao svirati istog datuma u Zagrebu, ali pošto navodno dosta ekipe iz Zg-a dolazi u Marof i on je prebačen kod nas..
inače, iskreno se nadam da je sad to konačno to i baš me živo zanima kak će sve to ispasti, s obzirom na mjesto održavanja i sve ostalo..
ništ, vidimo se sutra, a ko preživi - pričat će!..
Thursday, 6 June 2013
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
upcoming gig in Rijeka, Croatia

when?......................11.06.2013., Tuesday
where?.....................Podrum, Rijeka
who?........................BLACK HOLE OF CALCUTTA grind crust, USA
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?.................9.06.2013., Sunday
where?................AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?...................PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE hc punk, Zg
CREEM hc punk, USA
upcoming gig in Koprivnica, Croatia

when?...................8.06.2013., Saturday
where?..................Dom Mladih, Koprivnica
who?.....................LIFE IN PERIL modern hc, Vž
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
D.I.Y. MANIFESTO #2 - 8.06.2013., Novi Marof
what?.....................D.I.Y. MANIFESTO #2
when?....................8.06.2013., Saturday
where?...................garaža, N. Marof
who?......................UGLY FUCKS hc punk, Vž-Čk-Zg
THE PATHETICS punk'n'roll Zg-Čk-Nm
GIZ MEDIUM akustik punk, Fra
+ people's kitchen from 16:00
Nakon prošlogodišnjeg izdanja ovog jednodnevnog mini-festivala koji je prošao i više nego odlično, evo nas opet! :)
Ovaj put sa puno više problema i nevolja oko same organizacije, znači nemamo adekvatan prostor, nemamo opremu, nemamo čak ni frižider, ubiti nemamo ništ! Ali su zato volja i želja da radimo i budemo aktivni tu, a to je kako se opet ispostavilo i najvažnije. Nakon prvotnih optimističnih planova te nekih promjena oko mjesta održavanja na koja nismo mogli previše utjecati, morali smo pogledati realnosti u oči i stati malo na kočnicu tak da se sve to dosta odrazilo na sam program (barem ovaj dio koji se tiče broja bendova i raznih radionica).
Znači ovak:
16:00 – 19:00 VEGANSKI RUČAK
-Klasika! Ovo je valjda stoti po redu, znači sve se zna, pomoć pri kuhanju je dobrodošla, hrana na donacije…
19:00 – 21:00 KONCERT
-Mjesto održavanja je privatna garaža jednog od organizatora pa zbog toga koncert počinje u 19:00 i završava do 21:00 iz sasvim razumljivih razloga, tak da nemojte kasniti ako hoćete vidjeti bendove. I ne, koncert neće kasniti kak je to obično normalno!
Jebi ga! :)
*UGLY FUCKS* - (pankčina, Vž-Čk-Zg)
- Noviji, ali već svima dobro znani bend sa članovima nekadašnjih Vaseline Children, I Hope You Suffer, Destrukcija Stvarnosti, Evazija, Equal, Junk Messiah i ostalih. Iza sebe imaju nedavno izdani CD, gomilu koncerata po Zagrebu i šire, te turneju po Srbiji poslije koje se vračaju kod nas sa dobrom dozom brzog i ljutog hc panka s još bržim i ljućim ženskim vokalom. Ekipa ne postoji na internetu pa vam je ovo dobra prilika za vidjeti ih uživo.
- Također noviji bend iz Zadra sa članovima bivših Pedestal, Distanca, Alergija. Isto su nedavno bili na mini turneji po Hrvatskoj, Srbiji i Austriji. Muzički nešto mračniji anarho hc pank u d-beat stilu sa povremenim uplivima u rock/stoner vode.. Dobar đir! ;)
*THE PATHETICS* - (pankčina, Zg-Čk-Nm)
-Pola ekipe iz Ugly Fucks-a + Žbla.. isto već svima poznata punk'n'roll ekipa.. upadaju nam poslje otkazivanja Bosonogih te im na tome hvala..
*GIZ MEDIUM* - (pankčina, Francuska)
-Sam na turneji i svira već par godina. Također je bio član francuskih pank bendova Xtramedium, Sriracha i Cross Division te australskog folk punk dua Vélociraptor. Trebao svirati u Zagrebu isti dan, al na kraju upada kod nas.
Zahvaljujemo se domaćinima na ustupljenoj garaži/dvorištu i selimo se ispred Prostora na druženje i feštu do jutra..
(možda i neki disko padne, ko si ga zna?! :))
Dakle, vidimo se u našoj maloj pank garaži!
Dođi i podrži svoju lokalnu d.i.y. scenu!.
(samo pank!)
when?....................8.06.2013., Saturday
where?...................garaža, N. Marof
who?......................UGLY FUCKS hc punk, Vž-Čk-Zg
THE PATHETICS punk'n'roll Zg-Čk-Nm
GIZ MEDIUM akustik punk, Fra
+ people's kitchen from 16:00
Nakon prošlogodišnjeg izdanja ovog jednodnevnog mini-festivala koji je prošao i više nego odlično, evo nas opet! :)
Ovaj put sa puno više problema i nevolja oko same organizacije, znači nemamo adekvatan prostor, nemamo opremu, nemamo čak ni frižider, ubiti nemamo ništ! Ali su zato volja i želja da radimo i budemo aktivni tu, a to je kako se opet ispostavilo i najvažnije. Nakon prvotnih optimističnih planova te nekih promjena oko mjesta održavanja na koja nismo mogli previše utjecati, morali smo pogledati realnosti u oči i stati malo na kočnicu tak da se sve to dosta odrazilo na sam program (barem ovaj dio koji se tiče broja bendova i raznih radionica).
Znači ovak:
16:00 – 19:00 VEGANSKI RUČAK
-Klasika! Ovo je valjda stoti po redu, znači sve se zna, pomoć pri kuhanju je dobrodošla, hrana na donacije…
19:00 – 21:00 KONCERT
-Mjesto održavanja je privatna garaža jednog od organizatora pa zbog toga koncert počinje u 19:00 i završava do 21:00 iz sasvim razumljivih razloga, tak da nemojte kasniti ako hoćete vidjeti bendove. I ne, koncert neće kasniti kak je to obično normalno!
Jebi ga! :)
*UGLY FUCKS* - (pankčina, Vž-Čk-Zg)
- Noviji, ali već svima dobro znani bend sa članovima nekadašnjih Vaseline Children, I Hope You Suffer, Destrukcija Stvarnosti, Evazija, Equal, Junk Messiah i ostalih. Iza sebe imaju nedavno izdani CD, gomilu koncerata po Zagrebu i šire, te turneju po Srbiji poslije koje se vračaju kod nas sa dobrom dozom brzog i ljutog hc panka s još bržim i ljućim ženskim vokalom. Ekipa ne postoji na internetu pa vam je ovo dobra prilika za vidjeti ih uživo.
- Također noviji bend iz Zadra sa članovima bivših Pedestal, Distanca, Alergija. Isto su nedavno bili na mini turneji po Hrvatskoj, Srbiji i Austriji. Muzički nešto mračniji anarho hc pank u d-beat stilu sa povremenim uplivima u rock/stoner vode.. Dobar đir! ;)
*THE PATHETICS* - (pankčina, Zg-Čk-Nm)
-Pola ekipe iz Ugly Fucks-a + Žbla.. isto već svima poznata punk'n'roll ekipa.. upadaju nam poslje otkazivanja Bosonogih te im na tome hvala..
*GIZ MEDIUM* - (pankčina, Francuska)
-Sam na turneji i svira već par godina. Također je bio član francuskih pank bendova Xtramedium, Sriracha i Cross Division te australskog folk punk dua Vélociraptor. Trebao svirati u Zagrebu isti dan, al na kraju upada kod nas.
Zahvaljujemo se domaćinima na ustupljenoj garaži/dvorištu i selimo se ispred Prostora na druženje i feštu do jutra..
(možda i neki disko padne, ko si ga zna?! :))
Dakle, vidimo se u našoj maloj pank garaži!
Dođi i podrži svoju lokalnu d.i.y. scenu!.
(samo pank!)
PARTiYA need help for euro tour 2013

06.09 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Wroclaw
07.09 Germany, Dresden «Paranoya Festival»
08.09 [NEED HELP!] Germany, Nurnberg
09.09 [NEED HELP!] Germany, Munchen
10.09 [NEED HELP!] Germany, Halle
11.09 [NEED HELP!] Switzerland, Zurich
12.09 [NEED HELP!] Switzerland, Winterthur
13.09 Germany, Freiburg «Diesel'n'Dust festival»
14.09 [???] Germany, Chemnitz
15.09 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Poznan
16.09 [NEED HELP!] Poland
17.09 [NEED HELP!] Poland / Belarus
It is not obligatory to stick exactly to this plan. If you could help us with gigs in some other cities on our way or you know someone who can help, please, contact us.
We are 4 people from PARTiYA + driver and several people of support.
We have only amps (without boxes)…
We would like to get some money as we need to pay for the rent of bus and petrol.
And we need some food, drinks and sleeping places if it is possible.
Please, send your answers on the email:
...and repost this message to friends who can help us.
Greetings and thanks in advance! Hope to see you!
Mysh / PARTiYA
Please, for more info about band check these links:
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
presentation of Monteparadiso association and promotion of the same named festival
when?......................................7.06.2013., Friday
where?....................................AKC Medika, Zagreb
what?......................................from 19:00 @ Infoshop Pippilotta - projection of a documentary movie named "Monteparadiso 20" (70-min long movie about 20 years of Monteparadiso association, collective and festival)
from 20:00 @ club Attack - gig:
DJ & THE WOOTCHYAK hc punk, Cro
BECAUSE THE BEAN hc punk , Ita
KRLJA grindcore, Cro
where?....................................AKC Medika, Zagreb
what?......................................from 19:00 @ Infoshop Pippilotta - projection of a documentary movie named "Monteparadiso 20" (70-min long movie about 20 years of Monteparadiso association, collective and festival)
from 20:00 @ club Attack - gig:
DJ & THE WOOTCHYAK hc punk, Cro
BECAUSE THE BEAN hc punk , Ita
KRLJA grindcore, Cro
upcoming gig in Wienna, Austria

when?..........................31.05.2013., Friday
where?.........................Venster 99, Austria
who?............................K. APARATA hc punk crust, Aus
BETON d-beat crust, Slovakia
ABFOLTERN hc punk crust,Austria
EWIG FROST rock metal, Austria
it will be the last show by Kurwa Aparata, legendary Austrian hc punk crust band..
Monday, 27 May 2013
tribute to Warsore - 7" EP

Extreme Terror Production and Grind Father Production are searching for bands to contribute on 7" EP which will be released as a tribute to this legendary grind band..
bands send your stuff to:
Sunday, 26 May 2013
benefit veganski ručak 1.06.2013. Novi Marof
when?.........1.06.2013, Saturday
where?........Zagorska BB, N. Marof
Nešto se često kuha u kuhinji Crnog Flomastera :)
Ali i sve sa svrhom! Naime, marljivo skupljamo sredstva za buduće aktivnosti i koncert koji planiramo (o koncertu više uskoro..) tak da je i ovaj put ručak zamišljen kao benefit.
Stvar funkcionira sad već standardno, znači hrana je na donacije, vjerojatno bude i za popiti po koje pićence, a dobro društvo je zagarantirano kao i uvijek. Svaka pomoć oko kuhanja ili namirnica je i više nego dobrodošla!! Jedan od razloga tome je, jer vjerujemo da je jedini ispravan način djelovanja i postizanja promjena upravo udruživanje i međusobna solidarnost.. Također ako nisi u mogućnosti pomoći drugačije, dođi navečer, podruži se sa ekipom i možda ubaci koju kunu u našu već legendarnu piksu za donacije, te na taj način podrži cijelu priču.
Nadamo se samo da nas vrijeme neće zeznuti ko prošli put pa da se možemo podružiti još dok nas lagano sunce prži. Dakle, ako i ubuduće hoćete aktivnosti i događanja poput ovih (znate već kaj možete očekivati od nas..) vidimo se! ;)
*kuhanje je u kući od 13h, pa se selimo van ispred prostora!
when?.........1.06.2013, Saturday
where?........Zagorska BB, N. Marof
Nešto se često kuha u kuhinji Crnog Flomastera :)
Ali i sve sa svrhom! Naime, marljivo skupljamo sredstva za buduće aktivnosti i koncert koji planiramo (o koncertu više uskoro..) tak da je i ovaj put ručak zamišljen kao benefit.
Stvar funkcionira sad već standardno, znači hrana je na donacije, vjerojatno bude i za popiti po koje pićence, a dobro društvo je zagarantirano kao i uvijek. Svaka pomoć oko kuhanja ili namirnica je i više nego dobrodošla!! Jedan od razloga tome je, jer vjerujemo da je jedini ispravan način djelovanja i postizanja promjena upravo udruživanje i međusobna solidarnost.. Također ako nisi u mogućnosti pomoći drugačije, dođi navečer, podruži se sa ekipom i možda ubaci koju kunu u našu već legendarnu piksu za donacije, te na taj način podrži cijelu priču.
Nadamo se samo da nas vrijeme neće zeznuti ko prošli put pa da se možemo podružiti još dok nas lagano sunce prži. Dakle, ako i ubuduće hoćete aktivnosti i događanja poput ovih (znate već kaj možete očekivati od nas..) vidimo se! ;)
*kuhanje je u kući od 13h, pa se selimo van ispred prostora!
Friday, 24 May 2013
R.A.F.A.L. fest 5
when?....................15.06.2013., Saturday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
who?......................WARCOLLAPSE crust core, Swe
TRUE tambura grind, Cro
GELO hc crust, Ita
BAKA YARO d-beat crust, Slo
ĐORNATA hc punk, Slo
entrance?................10 euros
Thursday, 23 May 2013
upcoming gig in Emmen, Netherlands

when?............................28.05.2013., Tuesday
where?...........................Huize Spoorloos, Emmen
who?..............................INFEKCJA crust punk, POL
upcoming gig in Split, Croatia

what?.......................HARDCORE FOR THE LOSERS 9
when?.......................27.05.2013., Monday
where?......................Kocka, Split
who?.........................STAND DER DINGE modern hc, Ger
GARE KRISHNA crust pv, Cro
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
upcoming gig in Pula, Croatia

when?.........................25.05.2013., Saturday
where? Monteparadiso, Pula
who?...........................NULLA OSTA d-beat hc punk, Cro
STAND DER DINGE ,modern hc, Ger
D.J. & THE WOOTCHYAK melodic hc punk, Cro
6.B punk, Cro
Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2013
where?...................AKC Metelkova, Ljubljana
about? here
more info? here
Only squat in Croatia going down because of an ''anarchist''?
so, sadly Klaonica squat in Zagreb is in trouble again.. this time the cause of problem comes from "the inside", from an ex resident, relaying on some comments of people who knew him, a parasite and hypocrite person.. I don't know this guy in personal and don't know what to say but it's sad to see that those kind of people actually exists out there.. I only do hope that crew from Klaonica will find a way out from this fckd up situation.. below is their announcement about the problem, originally published at official blogspot..
"We are writing this short announcement with a bit of delay because we are technically unabale and, because of all worries and obligations, short with time. We are looking back at a disaster that has befallen us as also the entire movement. A disaster in the shape of a huge poison of this society which stings even more when the executor of the same are big ''anarchists'' and ''antifascists''.. or better, ''comrades''. The poison is indifference (which implies to not-giving-a-shit, parasitism, insensitivity, malice) which allows an individual to do all sorts of abominations without any real reason.
3rd of may 2013 guards of this complex came knocking on our door with a threat and an announcement that somebody sent an e-mail to the adress of Zagrebački Holding (Main Zagreb communal company which is also the owner of the complex where our squat is) which greatly endangered the squat, individuals inside the squat and really shook the picture of the whole movement. Some of the e-mail content were heavy acusses of electricity and water stealing, activities of people from the collective and similar. It wouldn't be so devastating if we found out that it was a sabotage act of a fascist, but the picture is quite different. (or maybe it's best to call him a fascist saboteur?)
The e-mail was sent by Krunoslav Gregorec from Benkovac. He admitted it. We don't want to put his photo because of his own sake. A person who lived with us for a year and we fed him for also that long since he couldn't contribute in finances and food", whos violent and sexist acts we tolerated with a belief that everybody could change to a better person by time. A person who stole from us and talked shit about us no matter what and when we finally decided to put a stop to that and exclude him from the collectiv, he couldn't help him self so he had to do something like this. Best of all, it's a person who calls himself a great ''anarchist'' and an ''antifascist''. THAT person talks about solidarity, resistance and mutual aid? We wouldn't say so.
How to fight this kind of problem? How to fight this rotten parts and traitors of the movement? How to continue the fight without questioning it? A fight which, first of all, should be guided by friendship and trust.
We want to spread the word about this sad act. We want you all to know what kind of people you look in the eye. Be careful, but not sceptic.
We don't have electricity anymore but we have regual police visits and threats thrown at our face. Maybe also a few lawsuits will show up. We are going so many steps back just now when situation became so clear and things went really well. We are deeply dissapointed.
We have a hard time communication with the ''outside world'' so we won't be able to update you regulary. Every information about Kruno is welcome.
Reciklaonica Collective"
"We are writing this short announcement with a bit of delay because we are technically unabale and, because of all worries and obligations, short with time. We are looking back at a disaster that has befallen us as also the entire movement. A disaster in the shape of a huge poison of this society which stings even more when the executor of the same are big ''anarchists'' and ''antifascists''.. or better, ''comrades''. The poison is indifference (which implies to not-giving-a-shit, parasitism, insensitivity, malice) which allows an individual to do all sorts of abominations without any real reason.
3rd of may 2013 guards of this complex came knocking on our door with a threat and an announcement that somebody sent an e-mail to the adress of Zagrebački Holding (Main Zagreb communal company which is also the owner of the complex where our squat is) which greatly endangered the squat, individuals inside the squat and really shook the picture of the whole movement. Some of the e-mail content were heavy acusses of electricity and water stealing, activities of people from the collective and similar. It wouldn't be so devastating if we found out that it was a sabotage act of a fascist, but the picture is quite different. (or maybe it's best to call him a fascist saboteur?)
The e-mail was sent by Krunoslav Gregorec from Benkovac. He admitted it. We don't want to put his photo because of his own sake. A person who lived with us for a year and we fed him for also that long since he couldn't contribute in finances and food", whos violent and sexist acts we tolerated with a belief that everybody could change to a better person by time. A person who stole from us and talked shit about us no matter what and when we finally decided to put a stop to that and exclude him from the collectiv, he couldn't help him self so he had to do something like this. Best of all, it's a person who calls himself a great ''anarchist'' and an ''antifascist''. THAT person talks about solidarity, resistance and mutual aid? We wouldn't say so.
How to fight this kind of problem? How to fight this rotten parts and traitors of the movement? How to continue the fight without questioning it? A fight which, first of all, should be guided by friendship and trust.
We want to spread the word about this sad act. We want you all to know what kind of people you look in the eye. Be careful, but not sceptic.
We don't have electricity anymore but we have regual police visits and threats thrown at our face. Maybe also a few lawsuits will show up. We are going so many steps back just now when situation became so clear and things went really well. We are deeply dissapointed.
We have a hard time communication with the ''outside world'' so we won't be able to update you regulary. Every information about Kruno is welcome.
Reciklaonica Collective"
Monday, 20 May 2013
upcoming gig in Kranj, Slovenia
when?................................................24.05.2013., Friday
where?...............................................Trainstation squat, Kranj
who?..................................................NULLA OSTA d-beat hc punk, Cro
ĐORNATA hc punk, Slo
entrance?............................................5 euros
where?...............................................Trainstation squat, Kranj
who?..................................................NULLA OSTA d-beat hc punk, Cro
ĐORNATA hc punk, Slo
entrance?............................................5 euros
upcoming gig in Gent, Belgium

when?.......................24.05.2013, Friday
where?......................Bakunin Pogo Bar, Gent
who?........................INFEKCJA crust punk, Pol
LES SPIRITS noise experimental, Ita
LAST LEGION ALIVE stench crust, Bel
P.S.: btw, this one and Scum Fest on Saturday on 25th May are gonna be the last shows for Last Legion Alive and that's big big big shame.. they definitely will be missed..
"We are sad to announce, that after 4 years of battle, the legion decided to lay down its arms. We are very grateful to all of you, who stould by us, and helped us out in any way. Your support made our stenchcrusade in one of the most amazing period in our lives. THANK YOU.
But don’t fear (or maybe just do!). Maybe the war can not be won anymore, but we won’t give in without a fight !
The legion is going on 1 FINAL CRUSADE. Lives and livers will be lost & the black banners will fly high on our 2 last concerts. Come and join us, to make these last battles victorious.
- Friday 24 may 2013 – BAKUNINS POGO BAR – ghent (be)
-Saturday 25 may 2013 – The allmighty SCUMFEST – London (uk)"
upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia

when?.....................22.05.2013., Wednesday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana
who?.......................FUBAR grindcore, NL
WARFUCK grindcore, FRA
DECA DEBILANE punk - noise - industrial - metal - hardcore - anti rock - jazz ... , SLO
entrance?.................5 euros
Friday, 17 May 2013
upcoming gig in Rijeka, Croatia
upcoming gig in Graz, Austria

when?............................19.05.2013., Sunday
where?...........................SUB, Graz
who?..............................RUINS melodic crust, Ger
BØREDØM crust, Aus
B. DJETINJSTVO, stoner d beat punk, Cro
IRON HEEL stoner doom, Aus
Thursday, 16 May 2013
ZAPRTI ODDELEK / NULLA OSTA - split 7" out now
new killer release by FUCKING KILL records and NEANDERTHAL - STENCH distro, a split 7" of Zaprti Oddelek and Nulla Osta is out and available now..
Zaprti Oddelek is relatively young band made by already experienced members that were/are playing in bands such as Anaeroba, Nulla Osta and Homo Homini Lupus delivering mix of grind, crust and powerviolence.. and Nulla Osta are well known d-beat hc punk monsters from Pula, Croatia.. some really nice artwork on this release by Doomsday Graphics..
for more info about the release check here:
Zaprti Oddelek is relatively young band made by already experienced members that were/are playing in bands such as Anaeroba, Nulla Osta and Homo Homini Lupus delivering mix of grind, crust and powerviolence.. and Nulla Osta are well known d-beat hc punk monsters from Pula, Croatia.. some really nice artwork on this release by Doomsday Graphics..
for more info about the release check here:
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
upcoming gig in Subotica, Serbia
when?.........................................................18.05.2013., Saturday
where? Clash, Subotica
who?..........................................................ATOMSKI RAT raw noisy hc punk, Šid
KALO raw hc punk, Novi Sad
HARMONIJA HAOSA punk, Subotica
where? Clash, Subotica
who?..........................................................ATOMSKI RAT raw noisy hc punk, Šid
KALO raw hc punk, Novi Sad
HARMONIJA HAOSA punk, Subotica
upcoming gig in Novi Sad, Serbia

when?............17.05.2013., Friday
where?...........SKCNS Fabrika, Novi Sad
who?..............RUINS melodic crust, Ger
YACK grind crust, Hun
FEK crust punk, Ser
BOSONOGO DJETINJSTVO stoner d-beat punk, Cro
I STARED INTO THE FOREST screamo metal, Rom
"How it started…
The Pizzeria Anarchia is a house project located at the Mühlfedgasse 12 in the second district in Vienna. It exist since November 2011 and is now in danger of eviction. At that time, the two owners of the house, Avner Motaev and Nery Alaev, owners of Castella GmbH, offered a temporary use free of charge, first until March, later until June 2012. Even though they claimed to be motivated by social responsibility, it became quickly obvious that their real motivation (which they admitted in front of the judge by now) was to scare away the remaining tenants. Due to their permanent rent contracts, it was nearly impossible to displace them by juridical means, and they also couldn’t be persuaded to move out by the sabotage and intimidations made by the owners.
In spite of these quite contradictory conditions, we decided to take the chance. Our goal was to protect the remaining tenants and to collectively resist against the brutal business practices of the owners. At the same time, it was clear that most of us didn’t have the intention to leave the house after the end of the legal time given in the contract. This way, we placed ourselves amidst one of the many fronts of gentrification, being completely aware of the owner’s intention to use us for their own profit interests. From the beginning it was our plan to turn the tables. In the middle of the Viennese second district, which is under strong gentrification pressure, we put an anchor to intervene in the ongoing process of displacement.
Many of us were homeless at this time and, therefore, this step was also a possibility to emancipate oneself from the constraint to pay rents, without being dependent on the meagre charity institutions of state and church, which are open only for people with the “right” passport anyway. The start of the project was not easy, many people didn’t know each other beforehand and it took some months until a functioning collective emerged.
As an open collective, we try to create a free, social and cultural space in which different forms of events and open discussions can take place.
What we do:
Since the end of February 2012 a “People’s Kitchen” with pizza from our woodfire stone-oven takes place every Sunday. Food and drinks are always given for a free donation, while it is important for us that also people without money are not being excluded Some time later, the “Filme unter der Hand” (underhand movies) was established, where political movies, documentaries and rare movies are being shown every Tuesday. There is a free shop with clothes and other useful things and there is an info-shop with a small library. To open them for the public also on other days of the week, the Pizzeria is also open on Friday afternoons since some months. Since September 2012, discussions and information meetings take place more or less regularly on the Pizza Sundays. Inhabitants and other users of the Pizzeria organised a big street party on May 1st 2012 and 2013 with the name “What you want…”. It is planned to be repeated in 2014. Since summer there are monthly demonstrations with the slogan “The damn rent is too high!” where topics such a the critique of racism or the prison society are equally given attention to.
With the expiration of the contract we started a campaign where the methods of the owners where revealedbe revealed. We published an article in the Augustin, a street newspaper sold by mainly homeless people, and invited selected journalists to explain them the situation. Even though the collaboration with mainstream media is a delicate issue, we thought it to be appropriate in that situation in order to create a certain public attention for protection against assaults. Also, the topic of displacement by “upgrading” was so far rarely discussed in Vienna.

The business practices of the Castella GmbH
If we collected everything we have by now found out about the methods of Motaev and Alaev in our and other houses, we could easily write an extensive manual for real estate speculation: Removing, without replacing, the hallway windows in winter, turning off the gas or water supply, regular visits late in the evening, sometimes by the owners themselves, sometimes by their henchmen with a fighting dog at the leash, intruding apartments and requesting to hand over the keys, oil and butanoic acid spilled in the staircases, sometimes simply garbage piles in hallway and staircase, over and over again the threat that the house will collapse soon, blocking of the canalisation, so that the waste water is flooding the courtyard, scribblings exactly at the apartment doors of the tenants who do not want to negotiate their removal with the owner, snooping of tenants by private detectives, lawsuits to force a cancellation of contracts with absurd reasons, where the mostly less legally trained and less financially strong tenants have to prove their innocence, threats to press charges of creating a criminal organisation and so on.
The owners of the Pizzeria only buy houses where a few remaining people with mainly permanent and low priced rent contracts live in. These houses are relatively cheap, because other owners already tried to crack these hard nuts. Motaev and Alaev, using at least eight different companies, have specialised in this so called “freeing of inventory”, they deal with the last steps of “de-renting” and sell the apartments individually, mostly as owner-occupied flats. If it works out, this business model promises high profits. As a result of our campaign, a whole series of articles was published discussing the house in the Mühlfeldgasse as well as the Castella GmBH and other companies of Motaev and Alaev.
They want us to leave…
On August 2nd 2012 the two owners, supported by a dozen of construction workers, two private detectives and a locksmith, eventually tried to evict on their own account the parts of the house used by the Pizzeria-collective and to close the entrance of the Pizzeria by putting up a stone wall. Supporters were mobilised, there was a long lasting back-and-forth, where several times the owners and their henchmen used brutal violence. However, after more than twelve hours, they capitulated. Subsequently, several sabotages of the power supply and attempts to exchange the door-locks followed, but after a while it got quiet.
After this eviction-attempt the owners had to face bad news in the press again, and after some time, all eviction lawsuits against remaining tenants in their houses were withdrawn from court. A partial success, but time will show, for how long. But then, the conflict with the Pizzeria-Collective went to court.
Apparently, they first tried to get rid of the most annoying troublemakers, before going on with the displacement of the regular tenants as unwatched as possible. Repeatedly, the trial was postponed. At the end of January 2013 though, we had the last hearing. The judge offered to give us one month time to negotiate a mutual agreement with the owners.
By now, we have received a written verdict in favour of the owners. We are making an appeal, but are aware that it’s very likely to be refused quite soon. After that the owners will be allowed to evict the house legally with support of the authorities. Concretely, this means that the Pizzeria is in danger of eviction beginning in the middle of June 2013.
…but we will stay!
We have decided to not try to reach a mutual agreement with the owners, because we do not want to make any deals with them anymore. Instead, we will stay in the house, until state authority will come to enforce private property rights and to violently evict us. We are very happy about every form of visits and support, and we will certainly try to make the eviction fail. For this, we will urgently need any form of support from outside.
Keep yourself and others up-to-date about our situation, contact us, organize solidarity actions, come by for a visit, and most of all:
Come to the eviction on day X!
We will not retreat!"
Mühlfeldgasse 12 / 1020 Wien
+43 680 24 23 453
for more info about the squat check here:
The Pizzeria Anarchia is a house project located at the Mühlfedgasse 12 in the second district in Vienna. It exist since November 2011 and is now in danger of eviction. At that time, the two owners of the house, Avner Motaev and Nery Alaev, owners of Castella GmbH, offered a temporary use free of charge, first until March, later until June 2012. Even though they claimed to be motivated by social responsibility, it became quickly obvious that their real motivation (which they admitted in front of the judge by now) was to scare away the remaining tenants. Due to their permanent rent contracts, it was nearly impossible to displace them by juridical means, and they also couldn’t be persuaded to move out by the sabotage and intimidations made by the owners.
In spite of these quite contradictory conditions, we decided to take the chance. Our goal was to protect the remaining tenants and to collectively resist against the brutal business practices of the owners. At the same time, it was clear that most of us didn’t have the intention to leave the house after the end of the legal time given in the contract. This way, we placed ourselves amidst one of the many fronts of gentrification, being completely aware of the owner’s intention to use us for their own profit interests. From the beginning it was our plan to turn the tables. In the middle of the Viennese second district, which is under strong gentrification pressure, we put an anchor to intervene in the ongoing process of displacement.
Many of us were homeless at this time and, therefore, this step was also a possibility to emancipate oneself from the constraint to pay rents, without being dependent on the meagre charity institutions of state and church, which are open only for people with the “right” passport anyway. The start of the project was not easy, many people didn’t know each other beforehand and it took some months until a functioning collective emerged.
As an open collective, we try to create a free, social and cultural space in which different forms of events and open discussions can take place.
What we do:
Since the end of February 2012 a “People’s Kitchen” with pizza from our woodfire stone-oven takes place every Sunday. Food and drinks are always given for a free donation, while it is important for us that also people without money are not being excluded Some time later, the “Filme unter der Hand” (underhand movies) was established, where political movies, documentaries and rare movies are being shown every Tuesday. There is a free shop with clothes and other useful things and there is an info-shop with a small library. To open them for the public also on other days of the week, the Pizzeria is also open on Friday afternoons since some months. Since September 2012, discussions and information meetings take place more or less regularly on the Pizza Sundays. Inhabitants and other users of the Pizzeria organised a big street party on May 1st 2012 and 2013 with the name “What you want…”. It is planned to be repeated in 2014. Since summer there are monthly demonstrations with the slogan “The damn rent is too high!” where topics such a the critique of racism or the prison society are equally given attention to.
With the expiration of the contract we started a campaign where the methods of the owners where revealedbe revealed. We published an article in the Augustin, a street newspaper sold by mainly homeless people, and invited selected journalists to explain them the situation. Even though the collaboration with mainstream media is a delicate issue, we thought it to be appropriate in that situation in order to create a certain public attention for protection against assaults. Also, the topic of displacement by “upgrading” was so far rarely discussed in Vienna.

The business practices of the Castella GmbH
If we collected everything we have by now found out about the methods of Motaev and Alaev in our and other houses, we could easily write an extensive manual for real estate speculation: Removing, without replacing, the hallway windows in winter, turning off the gas or water supply, regular visits late in the evening, sometimes by the owners themselves, sometimes by their henchmen with a fighting dog at the leash, intruding apartments and requesting to hand over the keys, oil and butanoic acid spilled in the staircases, sometimes simply garbage piles in hallway and staircase, over and over again the threat that the house will collapse soon, blocking of the canalisation, so that the waste water is flooding the courtyard, scribblings exactly at the apartment doors of the tenants who do not want to negotiate their removal with the owner, snooping of tenants by private detectives, lawsuits to force a cancellation of contracts with absurd reasons, where the mostly less legally trained and less financially strong tenants have to prove their innocence, threats to press charges of creating a criminal organisation and so on.
The owners of the Pizzeria only buy houses where a few remaining people with mainly permanent and low priced rent contracts live in. These houses are relatively cheap, because other owners already tried to crack these hard nuts. Motaev and Alaev, using at least eight different companies, have specialised in this so called “freeing of inventory”, they deal with the last steps of “de-renting” and sell the apartments individually, mostly as owner-occupied flats. If it works out, this business model promises high profits. As a result of our campaign, a whole series of articles was published discussing the house in the Mühlfeldgasse as well as the Castella GmBH and other companies of Motaev and Alaev.
They want us to leave…
On August 2nd 2012 the two owners, supported by a dozen of construction workers, two private detectives and a locksmith, eventually tried to evict on their own account the parts of the house used by the Pizzeria-collective and to close the entrance of the Pizzeria by putting up a stone wall. Supporters were mobilised, there was a long lasting back-and-forth, where several times the owners and their henchmen used brutal violence. However, after more than twelve hours, they capitulated. Subsequently, several sabotages of the power supply and attempts to exchange the door-locks followed, but after a while it got quiet.
After this eviction-attempt the owners had to face bad news in the press again, and after some time, all eviction lawsuits against remaining tenants in their houses were withdrawn from court. A partial success, but time will show, for how long. But then, the conflict with the Pizzeria-Collective went to court.

By now, we have received a written verdict in favour of the owners. We are making an appeal, but are aware that it’s very likely to be refused quite soon. After that the owners will be allowed to evict the house legally with support of the authorities. Concretely, this means that the Pizzeria is in danger of eviction beginning in the middle of June 2013.
…but we will stay!
We have decided to not try to reach a mutual agreement with the owners, because we do not want to make any deals with them anymore. Instead, we will stay in the house, until state authority will come to enforce private property rights and to violently evict us. We are very happy about every form of visits and support, and we will certainly try to make the eviction fail. For this, we will urgently need any form of support from outside.
Keep yourself and others up-to-date about our situation, contact us, organize solidarity actions, come by for a visit, and most of all:
Come to the eviction on day X!
We will not retreat!"
Mühlfeldgasse 12 / 1020 Wien
+43 680 24 23 453
for more info about the squat check here:
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
when?...................18.05.2013., Saturday
where?..................mala dvorana Jedinstvo, Zagreb
who?.....................RUINS melodic crust, Ger
B. DJETINJSTVO dbeat punk, Cro
+vegan barbeque before the gig
Monday, 13 May 2013
Zurich: after May 31st the Binz squat is in threat of eviction

The beginning of the construction is planned for October 2014 and the project for the construction from ‘Stiftung Abendrot’ is still in planning.
That’s why:
-We want to and we have to defend and preserve every alternative living space.
-Call for creative resistence against the tearing down of the squatted factory Binz.
-We don’t wish escalation provoked by Binz.
-Come by and rock the BINZ.
We start with Vokü (people’s kitchen) on May 17th 2013 at 19:00.
Sunday, 12 May 2013
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
Friday, 10 May 2013
LIVIA SURA / HAZARDER - split 7" out now
for info and orders check here:
Thursday, 9 May 2013
STORMCROW live @ Gilman, California (U.S.A.) December 12th 2009 - video
and now something completely different then in previous post, Stormcrow is stench crust/metal band from Oakland, California (U.S.A.) delivering some serious heavy, dark and filthy tunes.. ufff, this band was such a good friend for my ears during this long and cold winter and yes, I admit, probably you must be in some fucked up mood to listen this all day long, but I was (still am, actually) in some rough life period so it fits me more than well.. it's hard to imagine for me something better then this on turntable in warm room with cold beer in hand while outside is snowing, ah romantics, heheh, fck, I must find a girlfriend.. but hey, these days are like 20+ °C and still I can listen to it..
and yes, if anyone know how to make extra long songs and not become boring - that's them (and maybe Anaeroba, but that's another story).. I've read in one review of their Enslaved in Darkness LP "It never grows stale and keeps the listener interested despite the music being extremely filthy and dark. It never slows down to the point of boredom but never speeds up fast enough to lose it's heaviness" and yes, that's just perfect description of this, I could say, perfect band.. I could write all day of how this band thrills me but my english doesn't allow me so I will let you enjoy the stench..
I found those live recordings at this channel:
and yes, if anyone know how to make extra long songs and not become boring - that's them (and maybe Anaeroba, but that's another story).. I've read in one review of their Enslaved in Darkness LP "It never grows stale and keeps the listener interested despite the music being extremely filthy and dark. It never slows down to the point of boredom but never speeds up fast enough to lose it's heaviness" and yes, that's just perfect description of this, I could say, perfect band.. I could write all day of how this band thrills me but my english doesn't allow me so I will let you enjoy the stench..
I found those live recordings at this channel:

Wednesday, 8 May 2013
AGITATOR live in Bačka Topola on May 10th, 1997 - video
Agitator is hc/punk/crust band formed in Sombor, Serbia back in 1994.. one of the rare bands active in '90s from ex-yu area whose records didn't pass thro' my hands and tape deck nor occupied my mind much, I knew for the band but never listen to it (I don't know why) all until last few years from when I'm trying to make it up..
here is an video of their live performance at club Đungla in Bačka Topola.. quality of video recordings are very low and raw, but, anyway it's a nice document of those times.. if you want skip the intro with drunk and ugly punks, concert part begins at 2:25..

-I found this video on this chanel:
-here you can read interview with Denis, the singer:
here is an video of their live performance at club Đungla in Bačka Topola.. quality of video recordings are very low and raw, but, anyway it's a nice document of those times.. if you want skip the intro with drunk and ugly punks, concert part begins at 2:25..

-I found this video on this chanel:
-here you can read interview with Denis, the singer:
Monday, 6 May 2013
benefit veganski ručak 11.05.2013. Novi Marof
when?.........11.05.2013, Saturday
where?........Zagorska BB, N. Marof
dakle 11.05. opet kuhamo u Novom Marofu i opet imamo benefit, ovaj put skupljamo priloge za buduče aktivnosti Crni Flomaster inicijative (razmišlja se čak i o nekom koncertu, ali pssssst!, o tome nešto više kad i ako bude sigurno..).. znači stvar je jednostavna, dođete nas posjetiti oko 18h ispred Prostora (kuha se prije u staroj kuči u Remetincu), fino se najedete, popijete pivu ili 6, možda donirate neku kunu i na taj način podržite cijelu priču.. tak da...vidimo se!..
when?.........11.05.2013, Saturday
where?........Zagorska BB, N. Marof
dakle 11.05. opet kuhamo u Novom Marofu i opet imamo benefit, ovaj put skupljamo priloge za buduče aktivnosti Crni Flomaster inicijative (razmišlja se čak i o nekom koncertu, ali pssssst!, o tome nešto više kad i ako bude sigurno..).. znači stvar je jednostavna, dođete nas posjetiti oko 18h ispred Prostora (kuha se prije u staroj kuči u Remetincu), fino se najedete, popijete pivu ili 6, možda donirate neku kunu i na taj način podržite cijelu priču.. tak da...vidimo se!..
SCUM FEST May 24th-26th 2013 London, UK
when?............24. - 26.05.2013.
where?...........South London
who?..............DOOM crust, E/SWE
BLACK CODE crust metal, FRA
THE WANKYS noise punk,E
INFEKCJA crust punk, POL
CONTORT noise punk, IRE
THISCLOSE dis crust, SCO
GOD THROB punk rock, E
THE JACK RATS folk punk, E
MEINHOF hc punk, E
SLOW PLAGUE doom stoner punk, E
entrance?........Friday: 8 GBP
Saturday: 10 GBP
Sunday: 6 GBP
- more info on Scum Fest site
where?...........South London
who?..............DOOM crust, E/SWE

THE WANKYS noise punk,E
INFEKCJA crust punk, POL
CONTORT noise punk, IRE
THISCLOSE dis crust, SCO
GOD THROB punk rock, E
THE JACK RATS folk punk, E
MEINHOF hc punk, E
SLOW PLAGUE doom stoner punk, E
entrance?........Friday: 8 GBP
Saturday: 10 GBP
Sunday: 6 GBP
- more info on Scum Fest site
Sunday, 5 May 2013
LOC(A)MOTIVE is a collective and squat situated in Lausanne, Switzerland.. They are in danger of eviction since April 8th and squatters are organizing a defense of the house.. for more info about the current situation read interview with participants in the squat here:
upcoming gig in Požega, Croatia
when?...................11.05.2013., Saturday
where?..................Tom Klub, Požega
who?.....................LOŠ PRIMJER melodic hc punk, Pž
MORAINES post rock, Zg
ASHERAAH post rock, Ri
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

what?...................ANTIFA NIGHT vol. 4
when?..................11.05.2013., Saturday
where?.................AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?....................ŠUTNJA hc punk, Županja
DICK CHENEY hc punk, Sombor
ABERGAZ punk, Zagreb
W.M.M. melodic hc, Koprivnica
Monday, 29 April 2013
MENTALNA SMRT #3 fanzine
P.S. - fanzin i kazeta su zapravo bili gotovi prije 3 mjeseca, ali smo u Sloveniji na koncertu prodali svih 45 kompleta iz prve serije, a zbog nekih tehničkih problema oko nabave praznih kazeta nastavljamo dalje tek sada..
P.P.S. - u idučih par dana fanzin i kazeta će se moči nabaviti na koncertima po Srbiji od 2.05. - 5.05. u Kraljevu, Zrenjaninu, Novom Sadu i Beogradu (više detalja ovdje: i na veganskom ručku u Novom Marofu 11.05.2013.
Dakle, novi broj je ugledao svjetlo dana (i
tamu noći), ovaj put u rekordnom roku od samo 8 mjeseci nakon prošlog broja.. sadržajno
nastavljamo u istom tonu, dakle sve manje-više isto kao i do sad.. intervjui su
ovaj put sa američkim hardcore bendom Full of Hell i sa aktivisticom iz
Klaonice skvota u Zagrebu.. osim intervjua standardno prevladavaju izvještaji
sa koncerata (Instinct of Survival, Agathocles, Wasserdicht, Nonsense, Full of
Hell, Bruerija, Left in Ruins, D-Clone, Doom, Iskra i mnogi drugi..) i
festivala Obscene Extreme i Enemy of the Sun, znači i ovaj put smo osim domačih
rupa gdje se održavaju svirke posjetili i one u Italiji, Sloveniji, Austriji i
Češkoj.. za kraj je još ostalo par kolumni te recenzije muzičkih izdanja, ali
ovaj put i nekoliko fanzina.. sve to na točno 60 stranica A5 formata..
Kako je već ustaljena praksa da uz svaki broj
fanzina ide i neko kazetno izdanje pa smo ovaj put izdali Wasserdicht – Iluzija
Svobode (1990-2013) kazetu koja je svojevrsna diskografija jer se sastoji od
svih snimaka snimljenih tijekom 23 godine trajanja ovog slovenskog benda, kako
onih objavljenih na prijašnjim izdanjima i različitim kompilacijama tako i
nekih dosada neobjavljivanih.. sve zajedno 51 stvar i 90 minuta muzike.. uz
kazetu ide i list sa tekstovima, a tiraž je 100 komada..
Novost u odnosu na prošle brojeve je da sada
komplet fanzin + kazeta košta 15 kn iliti 2 eura, a cijena je takva samo zbog
pokrivanja troškova koje imamo oko kazeta, a koje smo ovaj put platili sami iz
svojih ionako napola praznih đepova.. naravno ako neko poželi samo fanzin može
ga dobiti besplatno..
Za sva ostala pitanja javi se na:
P.S. - fanzin i kazeta su zapravo bili gotovi prije 3 mjeseca, ali smo u Sloveniji na koncertu prodali svih 45 kompleta iz prve serije, a zbog nekih tehničkih problema oko nabave praznih kazeta nastavljamo dalje tek sada..
P.P.S. - u idučih par dana fanzin i kazeta će se moči nabaviti na koncertima po Srbiji od 2.05. - 5.05. u Kraljevu, Zrenjaninu, Novom Sadu i Beogradu (više detalja ovdje: i na veganskom ručku u Novom Marofu 11.05.2013.
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