Sunday 30 March 2014

upcoming gig in Novi Sad, Serbia

when?...............5.04.2014., Saturday
where?..............Društveni Centar, Novi Sad
who?.................TERROR DETONATOR trash punk, Gr
                         NIYAZOV dbeat crustcore, Srb
                         SARDANAPALM DEATH hc punk, Gr
entrance? or donation


Thursday 27 March 2014

upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia

when?.................8.04.2014., Tuesday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana
who?...................FATUM stenchcore crust, Rus
                           ĐORNATA raw hc punk, Slo
                           KRLJA grind, Cro
                           SEPPUKU grind crust, Cro
entrance?.............5 euros

upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?.......................7.04.2014., Monday
where?......................AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?.........................FATUM stenchcore crust, Rus
                                 UGLY FUCKS hc punk, Cro
                                 MORTAR crust punk, Cro
                                 +people's kitchen & coctails

Wednesday 26 March 2014

upcoming gig in Koper, Slovenia

when?............5.04.2014., Saturday
where?...........MKSMC, Koper
who?..............ZAPRTI ODDELEK grindcore crust, Slo
                      DEVASTATED crust, Slo
                      BOLESNO GRINJE grindcore, Cro
entrance?........4/5/6 euros

Saturday 22 March 2014

upcoming gig in Split, Croatia

when?..................29.03.2014., Saturday
where? Kocka, Split
who?....................D. MORTIFICATION grindcore, Pu
                            GLUTTONY death metal, St

Friday 21 March 2014

upcoming gig in Split, Croatia

when?..................28.03.2014., Friday
where? Kocka, Split
who?....................INTRIGUE hc punk, Zg
                            STEPPED OUT hc punk, St
                            B.O.W. metal core, Zg
entrance?.............20/30 kn

Thursday 20 March 2014

BLACK CODE / LUST FOR DEATH euro tour April 2014

two bands from France, BLACK CODE (crust-metal) and LUST FOR DEATH (stench core) are on tour from April 17th to 26th..

04/04/2014 : St Dié (F) L'Entracte2
17/04/2014 : Geneva (CH) Metallus
18/04/2014 : Bologna (I) Queen of Chaos Fest
19/04/2014 : Modena (I) Anarkholocaust Fest
20/04/2014 : Zagreb (CRO) Akc Medika
21/04/2014 : Beograd (SER) Inex Film Squatt
22/04/2014 : Sarajevo (BOS) AG Club
23/04/2014 : Zadar (CRO) Kapetanski park
24/04/2014 : Ljubljana (SLO) Need help!!!!
25/04/2014 : Illirska Bistrica (SLO) Mknz
26/04/2014 : Milan (I) Circolo Anarchico

more info:

Wednesday 19 March 2014

10th Anarchist Bookfair in Zagreb 4.-6.04.2014.

"Deseti Anarhistički sajam knjiga održat će se u Zagrebačkom plesnom centru tijekom prvog vikenda u travnju. Tijekom sajma imate priliku pogledati knjige, prošure i druge materijale, a ove godine razgovarati će se o socijalnoj pobuni u BiH i drugdje u svijetu, društvenim borbama u Njemačkoj, o samoupravljanju danas i mnogim drugim temama.

Anarhistički sajam knjiga održava se desetu godinu za redom, ovaj put od 4. do 6. 4. 2014. Ove godine sajam je promjenio lokaciju pa će se održati u Zagrebačkom plesnom centru (Ilica 10, u dvorištu), no unatoč promjeni lokacije, koncepcija sajma je ostala ista - knjige i druge materijale možete pogledati tijekom cijelog trajanja sajma, a popodnevni sati rezervirani su za diskusije/razgovore.
Ove godine, osim sudionika/ica iz regije, sudjelovati će i osobe i projekti iz Njemačke, SAD-a, Velike Britanije, Austrije i drugih zemalja."

Detalji programa sajma biti će uskoro objavljeni na:

upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?.................4.04.2014., Friday
where?................AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?...................ANALENA (Zagreb/Ljubljana)
                           NO COMMENT (Split)
                           DISPRO (Split)
                           BLACK SAILS (Zagreb)
                           THIS DAY WILL BURN (Osijek)

Tuesday 18 March 2014

upcoming gig in Novi Sad, Serbia

when?..............21.03.2014., Friday
where?.............društveni centar, Novi Sad
who?................ACRID SUNDAY crust punk, Slo
                        PAVILIONUL 32 hc punk, Ro
                        JUVENTUDE MALDITA street punk, Bra
                        CONCRETE WORMS garage punk, Ser

upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia

when?....................20.03.2014., Thursday
where?...................Tovarna ROG, Ljubljana
who?......................ACRID SUNDAY crust punk, Slo
                              DICKLESS TRACY grind death, Slo
                              SELFISH MURPHY irish punk rock, Ro


upcoming gig in Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia

              when?.......................29.03.2014., Saturday
              where?......................MKNŽ, Ilirska B.
              who?.........................KONTATTO crust d-beat punk, Italy
                                               MOB 47 hc d-beat punk, Sweden

Monday 17 March 2014

upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?.......................27.03.2014., Thursday
where?......................AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?.........................KRLJA grindcore, Zg
                                 SEPPUKU grind crust, Zg
                                 MUKA metal, Zg

Saturday 15 March 2014

benefit for ISPOD PLOČNIKA 19.03.2014. Novi Marof, Croatia by Crni Flomaster initiative

Benefit za slobodarski dvomjesečnik >ISPOD PLOČNIKA<
(stara kuća u Remetincu, kućni broj nema) >19.3.< 2o:oo sati

*vegan večera

Skupljaju se donacije za tisak novog broja Ispod pločnika!

Friday 14 March 2014

upcoming gig in Pula, Croatia

when?............................................22.03.2014., Saturday
where? Monteparadiso, Pula
who?..............................................INTRIGUE hc punk, Zg
                                                      BLACK SAILS modern hc, Zg

upcoming gig in Vrhnika, Slovenia

when?..........................22.03.2014., Saturday
where? Zakon, Vrhnika
who?............................IAMDISEASE hc crust, Slo
                                    KRIPL metal punk, Slo
                                    PUNGERT punk hc, Slo

upcoming gig in Rijeka, Croatia

when?.............................................21.03.2014., Friday
where?............................................Podrum, Rijeka
who?...............................................INTRIGUE hc punk, Zg
                                                       BLACK SAILS modern hc, Zg
                                                       NOMEN NESCIO @ punk, Ita

Thursday 13 March 2014

hi, my name is... and I'm a bookoholic

since I'm a professional unemployed I have plenty of free time.. so, few months back, in one of many days I didn't know what to do with myself I decide to start reading.. when I've read every single book I was able to find at home or borrow from friends, there was nothing to do except to join the library and the other is history..
books - the new love in my life was born.. I mean , I always like to read some book from time to time but never so serious like now, actually I realized that I'm book-addicted.. in last 6 months I've read 40+ books, okay some 50% were Scandinavian crime novels (Larsson, Nesbo, Roslund/Hellstrom & co) but also some really cool books like D. Mitchell's "Cloud Atlas", J. Zeh's "Corpus Delicti" and "Eagles and Angels" (she is damn good writer, on kind a strange way),  M. Zusak's "The Book Thief", C. Palahniuk's "Fight Club", A. Huxley's "Brave New World" and just beautiful series about dr. Hannibal Lecter by T. Harris (3rd book in series, named "Hannibal" is absolutely perfect).. also some anarchist authors like N. Chomsky, A. M. Bonanno and A. J. Cappaletti were passing thro' my hands.. as you can see there is not any rule in what I read, everything that seems interesting at 1st sight works for me.. tomorrow I go to the library, can't wait to see with what I will surprise myself..
okay, the point is if you have time to waste go read some books, later you will realize that this wasn't wasted time at all.. yes I'm philosopher now, heheh..
if someone have any suggestion for what to read, feel free to leave a comment..

"We live in a primitive time, don't we? - neither savage nor wise.
Half measures are curse of it.
  Any rational society would even kill me or give me my books."

                                dr. Hannibal Lecter (T. Harris - Red Dragon)

Wednesday 12 March 2014

PARTiYA & VICTIMS OF CLASSWAR need help for Euro-Scandinavian tour 2014

"We are 9 people from PARTiYA + VICTIMS OF CLASSWAR (2 bands) and several people of support.
We have backline for guitar and bass.
We would like to get some money as we need to pay for roads and petrol and we need some food, drinks and sleeping places.
Send your answers on the e-mails: - Mysh | PARTiYA - Klara | VICTIMS OF CLASSWAR

Please, repost this message to friends who can help us.
Greetings and thanks in advance!
Hope to see you soon!

It is not obligatory to stick exactly to this plan. If you could help us with gigs in some other cities on our way or you know someone who can help, please, contact us."

30.08 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Warsaw
31.08 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Szczecin, Poznan / Germany, Berlin 
01.09 [NEED HELP!] Germany, Hamburg
02.09 [NEED HELP!] Germany, Flensburg
03.09 [NEED HELP!] Denmark, Copenhagen
04.09 [NEED HELP!] Sweden, Gothenburg
05.09 Norway, Oslo «Barrikaden» Squat Birthday Party [Day 1]
06.09 Norway, Oslo «Barrikaden» Squat Birthday Party [Day 2]
07.09 [NEED HELP!] Finland, Turku
08.09 [NEED HELP!] Finland, Tampere
09.09 [NEED HELP!] Finland, Helsinki
10.09 [NEED HELP!] Finland ...
11.09 [NEED HELP!] Estonia, Tallin
12.09 [NEED HELP!] Latvia, Riga
13.09 [NEED HELP!] Lithuania, Vilnius

Sunday 9 March 2014

new release from Mentalna Smrt headquarter: HELLBACK / NUCLEAR ALTAR - split tape

I present to you 3rd release by Mentalna Smrt 'zine & izdavaštvo, again our friends from Požega, Croatia and again as a tape, we keep it old school ;).. both bands are represented with latest material recorded in studio Depth by the end of 2013..
on Hellback side we have 9 songs + intro, music varies from hardcore and punk to crust, some lower pace songs and some fast with influences of member's previous bands, as well as bands whose covers they play but all that at very original way..
on other side, Nuclear Altar with 9 songs of crushing d-beat crust in style of  Discharge, older Doom, Hiatus, etc. with a lot of dark/disillusioned atmosphere which is especially visible in lyrics.. beside their songs they did two covers and those are by Discharge and Anti-Cimex.. in my modest opinion the best material coming out lately from this shithole of the world called Croatia..
all in all great split tape (if you ask me, this deserve to be released on vinyl too..), released only in 100 copies so if you want to have your own get in touch.. price is 20kn or 3 euros, for all other info write at:

novo izdanje iz Mentalna Smrt 'zine & izdavaštvo stožera: HELLBACK / NUCLEAR ALTAR - split kazeta..
opet sa našim prijateljima iz Požege, opet na kazeti, znači nastavljamo staroškolski.. oba benda gore su sa najnovijim snimkama snimljenim u studiu Depth krajem 2013.
na Hellback strani se nalazi 9 pjesama + intro, muzika varira od hardkora i panka pa sve do krasta, na nekim stvarima sporijeg tempa, a nekim bržeg pod očitim utjecajima prijašnjih bendova u kojima su članovi svirali kao i bendova čije su stvari obradili ili preradili, ali opet na vrlo originalan način..
na drugoj strani imamo Nuclear Altar, sa 9 pjesama, sviraju d-beat krast u stilu ranijeg Doom-a, Discharge-a, Hiatus-a i sl. sa mnogo mračne atmosfere koja se posebno iščitava iz tekstova punih bijesa, mizerije i razočaranja.. osim vlastitih stvari imaju i dvije obrade i to od Discharge i Anti-Cimex.. po mojem skromnom mišljenju najbolji materijal u zadnje vrijeme na domačoj hc pank sceni..
sve u svemu, odlična kazeta (ako pitate mene ovo zaslužeje biti objavljeno i na vinilu) izdana u samo 100 komada pa požurite osigurati svoju kopiju.. cijena je 20kn ili 3 eura, a sva ostala pitanja javi se na mejlove:



Friday 7 March 2014

Skupljaju se donacije za tisak novog broja Ispod Pločnika!

"Ispod pločnika se financira isključivo donacijama i solidarnim akcijama da bi ostao autonoman i besplatan. Do danas su organizirani različiti benefit događaji, pojedinci/ke i grupe su davali donacije i na taj način je objavljeno 11 brojeva... Ovaj put je odlučeno da se tome pristupi drugačije. Umjesto da se organizira koncert ili neko slično događanje, odlučeno je da se pokuša prikupiti novac potreban za tisak pozivom na solidarno sudjelovanje u troškovima.

Trošak je zapravo jedino tisak, a kako bi dosadašnja naklada od 1.500 komada bila otisnuta, potrebno je skupiti 1.080,00 kn.

Do sada smo prikupili oko 300,00 kn kroz donacije čime je potreban iznos nešto bliže, ali još nedostaje znatan dio.

Ovo je poziv svima koji mogu pomoći, svaka donacija je dobrodošla, 5, 10, 100 ili 500 kuna :-) Sav eventualni višak donacija će biti iskorišten za tisak sljedećeg broja. O samom rezultatu ove akcije ćemo pisati ovdje, tako da svi imaju uvid u situaciju.

Rok za ovaj broj je 20. 3. 2014. pa bi bilo dobro da do tada i skupimo potreban novac.

Donacije je moguće donijeti u knjižaru Što čitaš?, Gundulićeva 11 u Zagrebu. Ako niste u Zagrebu, možete nas kontaktirati putem

Ispod pločnika se distribuira po različitim javnim mjestima, knjižarama, knjižnicama, klubovima, čekaonicama, školama, kafićima i zapravo svugdje gdje ga netko odnese."

upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia

when?..................10.03.2014., Monday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana
who?....................ALASKAN post metal sludge, Can
                            THE CANYON OBSERVER post noise, Slo
entrance?..............5 euros

Monday 3 March 2014

KRLJA / SEPPUKU euro tour March/April 2014

KRLJA and SEPPUKU, grindcore/crust bands from Croatia are gonna hit the road for euro tour in March/April..
they need help in following places:

30.3 Nunberg,Regensburg,Erlagen or Wien(or surrounding cities)
2.4 Stuttgart or Giessen(or surrounding cities)
3.4 Strasbourg or Tubingen(or surrounding cities)
4.4 Freiburg (or surrounding cities)
7.4 Switzerland(or surrounding cities)
8.4 Milano,Bergamo,Brescia(or surrounding cities)
9.4 Udine,Nova gorica(or surrounding cities)

if you can help get in touch at: