Saturday 4 February 2023

GENOGEIST live @ Concatenate Fest, Pe Ell, Washington (US) 06.08.2022. - video

Genogeist is crust band from Portland, Oregon (US) featuring member of Despair, Dodlage, GAASP, Terminal Conquest, and Vastation and they deliver furious hardcore crust punk with awesome dual vocals, of which one is deep guttural and harsh and the other is more punkish/crusty and cleaner, both together are making an interesting combo..
here's video of their gig from the last year's Concatenate Fest.. enjoy the filth!..


- video is from this channel: where you can find some other cool videos from the same festival, like for example: Dodlage, Nightfeeder, Open Veins, Hope?, Generation Decline and others..

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