Thursday, 29 December 2011
upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia
when?....................6.1.2012., Friday
where? Gromka, AKC Metelkova, Ljubljana
who?......................DICKLESS TRACY grindcore, Slovenia
TRUE grindcore, Croatia
entrance?................5 euros
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
"total annihilation of christmas spirit"
when?........23.12.2011., friday
where?.......AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?..........OUR ROOTS power violence, France
INQUISITION fastcore, France
LIFE IN PERIL modern hc, Croatia
XV ČEH hc punk, Croatia
STENCHER grind crust, Croatia
Sunday, 18 December 2011
upcoming gig in Požega, Croatia
wow, such a good gigs like this one doesn't happened so often.. it doesn't need to mention that I was thrilled when I heard for this 2 days ago.. it's already well known that I am a big fan of Požega's bands and now 5 of them play at the same gig.. it will be good compound of old and new forces (here I think on bands itself, it's basically the same crew of people circulating in those bands..) so besides 3 old Pž bands we will be able to see 2 new ones.. I really, really do hope that I will get free Friday at work and that we will arrange some transport to go there..
"Dakle nakon 20+ godina zatvara nam se Evergreen, birtija u kojoj smo proveli mnoge zgodne trenutke, pa se radi mali gig u samoj birtiji (ne na terasi s binom i to, neg čisto sitno), line up je kratak set panka, pa krast, pa krast, pa onda krast, i za kraj jedan krast band. sve iz pž naravno.
22.12.2011. • ČETVRTAK • 21:00 h • 10 KN
Pozivamo vas na oproštajnu fešticu gdje će vas zabavljati žestoki hard core punk crust požeški bendovi iz “PŽ forces” klana:
nuclear altar
no name
Vidimo se!
update 4.01.2012.:
just to mention, this was hell of a gig, I was having some feeling like it was 1995 or so.. great bands, great people, everything the best.. now there are some videos so all of you who wasn't there can feel the little bit of great atmosphere.. be sure to check it HERE..
also there are audio recordings of some bands from that gig: Propast, Nuclear Altar and No Name
the gig will be held on the occasion of closing cafe bar Evergreen after 20 years of existence and many gigs which happened there..
when?............................................................22.12.2011., Thursday
where? bar Evergreen, Požega
"Dakle nakon 20+ godina zatvara nam se Evergreen, birtija u kojoj smo proveli mnoge zgodne trenutke, pa se radi mali gig u samoj birtiji (ne na terasi s binom i to, neg čisto sitno), line up je kratak set panka, pa krast, pa krast, pa onda krast, i za kraj jedan krast band. sve iz pž naravno.
22.12.2011. • ČETVRTAK • 21:00 h • 10 KN
Pozivamo vas na oproštajnu fešticu gdje će vas zabavljati žestoki hard core punk crust požeški bendovi iz “PŽ forces” klana:
nuclear altar
no name
Vidimo se!
update 4.01.2012.:
just to mention, this was hell of a gig, I was having some feeling like it was 1995 or so.. great bands, great people, everything the best.. now there are some videos so all of you who wasn't there can feel the little bit of great atmosphere.. be sure to check it HERE..
also there are audio recordings of some bands from that gig: Propast, Nuclear Altar and No Name
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
AGATHOCLES live - video
2 old Agathocles live shows.. videos I found on this amazing channel..
mince on!!.. nothing more to say..
-live @ Soos Plock, Volkel, Netherlands (1989):
-live @ Dynamo club, Eindhoven, Netherlands (1991 or 1992!?):
mince on!!.. nothing more to say..
-live @ Soos Plock, Volkel, Netherlands (1989):
-live @ Dynamo club, Eindhoven, Netherlands (1991 or 1992!?):
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
when?.................17.12.2011., Saturday
where? Mochvara, Zagreb, Croatia
who?...................LOŠ PRIMJER melodic hc punk, Požega
TRUE tamburica grind, Samobor
afterparty?...........SUBVERT DJ'S crust/grind/hardcore/punk
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
DEBELI SAMURAJ live at Proleće festival 1996, Stanišić, Serbia - video
woow, this is great.. I found those videos few days ago at this you tube channel .. really nice document of that time and of the band D. Samuraj about which you can read here at one of my previous posts..
nothing more to say.. enjoy!..
nothing more to say.. enjoy!..
Sunday, 20 November 2011
as you can't find anything interesting here lately, 'cause I'm big lazy bastard, here are some random links for few blogs..
1st there are bunch of new and old zines on mighty punks is hippies zine archive, some of them you can download as pdf or jpeg format, and other you can read online..
then we have a new blog Wasted Potentials, it's a site with news, information about bands, concerts, etc. from Požega, Croatia..
one of the best music blogs out there Enemy of the Music Business is again active after some longer hiatus and it's updated more or less constantly..
also well known blog crust or die is on new address..
squat net has new design of the site and it's updated more frequently..
1st there are bunch of new and old zines on mighty punks is hippies zine archive, some of them you can download as pdf or jpeg format, and other you can read online..
then we have a new blog Wasted Potentials, it's a site with news, information about bands, concerts, etc. from Požega, Croatia..
one of the best music blogs out there Enemy of the Music Business is again active after some longer hiatus and it's updated more or less constantly..
also well known blog crust or die is on new address..
squat net has new design of the site and it's updated more frequently..
Thursday, 17 November 2011
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
you want some slow, down tempo, depressive, emotional, sludge music.. just as perfect for those boring cold days!?..
if I will go on this gig it would be because of interesting Slovenians - Leechfeast, but probably the other two bands will found their audience, too..
where?.......................AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?..........................GRIME sludge, Italy
LEECHFEAST stoner crust, Slovenia
CAN'T FAKE NATURE post rock, Croatia
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
PISSCHRIST live in Belgrade, Serbia 5.08.2008. - video
I've found this video on you tube a few days ago.. there is, I think the whole show of Pisschrist, well known Australians, which doesn't exist anymore, unfortunately, but this video is a nice document of their existence.. recordings are from gig they were playing together with Sotatila, Pavilionul 32 and Nakot in Belgrade back in 2008.. it means 23min of d-beat destruction.. enjoy!..
I've found video on this channel and it's here by the permission of kind girl who uploaded it, so go say thanx to her..
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
La Casa Fantom in Croatia
but, hey.. we have great alternative on 22.10., instead of Patareni in Ljubljana in Zagreb are coming a very interesting duo from Norwegian woods LA CASA FANTOM, cool crust band with bass and drums only.. it's hard to define their music (I would say melodic crust, but with bunch of influences and parts from other genres but also with deep roots in hardcore punk..) but one is sure, they delivers to us a bunch of, as they says: "the intensity, the aggression and the emotions"..they exist since 2000. and this is not their 1st time to visiting Croatia (if I'm not wrong..)..
at their gig in Zagreb at club Jedinstvo they will be supported by young band from Zagreb THE DAMAGE IS DONE..
also this won't be their only gig in Croatia.. day before on 21.10. they will be visiting Rijeka and playing in club Place together with Slovenians LEECHFEAST..
so see you in Zagreb, and maybe, who the hell knows that, in Rijeka, too..
be sure to check them if you would have an opportunity, they are considered to be a great live band..
P.S. - check the video somewhere about 4:45min, yes, I really like this!..
Friday, 7 October 2011
upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia
where? Gromka, Ljubljana, Slovenia
who?................PATARENI grindcore legends CANCELED
PSIHOZA grindcore
KRLJA grindcore
entrance?..........7 euro

update 19.10.2011.:
so, as Patareni canceled their show in Ljubljana because of who know what reason (honestly I don't give a damn, just some things are funny to me..), only Psihoza and Krlja left and will be playing there at 22.10... and the ticket is now almost half cheaper, it means 4 euros (you know why ;)..)
Sunday, 25 September 2011
upcoming gig in Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia
Friday, 16 September 2011
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
what a great gig.. all 4 bands are legendary, hope to see many people there and have some brutal fun!.. see you there!!..
where?........AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?...........LJUBIŠA SAMARDŽIĆ hcpunkcrust, Zagreb
LOŠ PRIMJER melodic hcpunk, Požega
NULLA OSTA hcpunkcrust, Pula
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
FANZINI SA MARSA documentary movie
Fanzini Sa Marsa (Fanzines From Mars) is interesting doc movie about 90's fanzine scene in Serbia.. Englisg subtitles included..
"Serbia in the 1990s had an underground scene with different characters mingling, roaming around, walking and talking. They were comic book authors, serious hard core punk fans, relatively young writers, freedom fighters, as well as intellectuals, loud NGO or Christian activists, hobos and underground posers, and probably a couple of fakers and ego-maniacs, to be honest.
Everyone wrote something, cut 'n' pasted 'n' copied, reviewed concerts of their own friends, draw comics, made collages and then xeroxed all that and forwarded by mail to as many people possible.
In short, it was social networking.
But in those days, before Internet, the name was: fanzine-making."
"Serbia in the 1990s had an underground scene with different characters mingling, roaming around, walking and talking. They were comic book authors, serious hard core punk fans, relatively young writers, freedom fighters, as well as intellectuals, loud NGO or Christian activists, hobos and underground posers, and probably a couple of fakers and ego-maniacs, to be honest.
Everyone wrote something, cut 'n' pasted 'n' copied, reviewed concerts of their own friends, draw comics, made collages and then xeroxed all that and forwarded by mail to as many people possible.
In short, it was social networking.
But in those days, before Internet, the name was: fanzine-making."
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
where?............Jedinstvo, Zagreb (Croatia)
who?...............LA SOCIÉTÉ ELLE A MAUVAISE HALEINE anarcho punk, France
ABREGAZ punk, Croatia
Mentalna Smrt zine interview
go read interview with authors of Mentalna Smrt 'zine (me and my friend).. now we are famous, yeah ;)..
thanks goes to Helly Cherry crew for asking us this.. you can read it THERE..
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
ž2.9. Camp Rechle u Prachatic (CZ) - Gride 15 years anniversary show
3.9. SUb, Graz (Austria)
4.9. Fest, Padova (Italy)
5.9. Day Off
6.9. Asilo Squat, Torino (Italy)
7.9. St. Etienne (France)
8.9. Le Parvis de Bagnolet (France)
9.9. Hippiefest 5 (France)
10.9. Statek Hella, Ujezd u Horovic (CZ)
Thursday, 25 August 2011
VISIONS OF WAR interview on AGITATE blog
yes, you were able too see/hear those Belgian drunks on this our area lately a lot, at 1st Balkanikacore fest, then on Monteparadiso fest a year ago and this year on their gigs in Ljubljana, Rijeka and Zagreb..
now you can read interview with them on Agitate blog HERE.. interview was done in 2009 and originally published in Agitate 'zine #11.. enjoy!..
upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia
where? Gromka, Ljubljana, Slo
who?.............AK-47 (legendary a punk, Croatia)
NEW MORTAL GODS (d crust, Serbia)
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
PASMATERS / NULLA OSTA european tour 2011
those two legendary bands will conquer Europe next month on their common tour.. both bands come from Pula, Croatia.. Pasmaters are active since 1984, after some line up changes and some hiatus they are alive still today, playing 80's styled hardcore..
Nulla Osta are active for 10 years now and they constantly destroys our hearing with two distorted basses and without guitar and make some fast and raw hc punk influenced with crust..dates and places are belov, so dont miss them when they come near to you.. also on some dates they still need help so if you can organize gig for them, contact them..
08.09 - Ljubljana (SLO)
10.09 - Villingen (D)
11.09 - Offenburg (D)
13.09 - Lausanne (SUI)
15.09 - Nancy (F)
16.09 - Gent (B)
17.09 - Amsterdam (NL)
20.09 - Berlin (D)
21.09 - Hamburg (D)
23.09 - Wienna (A)
24.09 - Zagreb (HR)
Nulla Osta are active for 10 years now and they constantly destroys our hearing with two distorted basses and without guitar and make some fast and raw hc punk influenced with crust..dates and places are belov, so dont miss them when they come near to you.. also on some dates they still need help so if you can organize gig for them, contact them..
08.09 - Ljubljana (SLO)
10.09 - Villingen (D)
11.09 - Offenburg (D)
13.09 - Lausanne (SUI)
15.09 - Nancy (F)
16.09 - Gent (B)
17.09 - Amsterdam (NL)
20.09 - Berlin (D)
21.09 - Hamburg (D)
23.09 - Wienna (A)
24.09 - Zagreb (HR)
upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia
18th anniversary of Metelkova squat
where? Gromka, Ljubljana, Slovenia
when?................Thursday 08.09.2011.
who?.................NULLA OSTA (hc punk crust, Croatia)PASMATERS (hardcore, Croatia)
DOGSHOLYLIFE (melodic crust, USA)
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
where?..................Jedinstvo, Zagreb, Croatia
who?....................URSUS (d-beat crust punk w members of Cop on Fire, Ekkaia, etc, Spain)
SEPPUKU (crust grind, Croatia)
DISTANCA (crust punk, Croatia)
entrance?.............probably 25kn
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
1st Mentalna Smrt 'zine review
so we get 1st review of our zine Mentalna Smrt.. you can read it on Helly Cherry webzine here: it's on Serbian language so for all of you ex-yu bastards..
Monday, 15 August 2011
BUKA I OTPOR FEST 02.-03.09.2011., Zagreb, Croatia
"Pa hajde da pokušamo ovo učiniti kultnom završnicom ljetne festivalske sezone. Kad su i mozak i jetra već izgriženi do beskraja, okrenuti još pokoju rundu uz prljavu pankčinu! Neka vam ovaj šumarak (tako blizu, a tako daleko od smrdljivog gradskog asfalta) bude i kuća i pos'o na dva-tri-tjedan-sto dana uz prvoklasne domaćine.
petak 2.9.2011.:
DISHUMANITY (Kragujevac)
THGZ (Zagreb)
+ još jedan bend
subota 3.9.2011.:
AK47 (Zagreb)
DISLIKE (Požega)
KRLJA (Samobor)
+ još jedan bend
- besplatan kamp, naravno
- vječni afteri nisu upitna stvar uz odlične rendom DJ-eve (ovisi tko šta stavi na hard)
- iće i piće 'ko na akciji
- pardon, ali wc-a osim grmova (što dalje od kampa!) neće biti
- prostor za gig je natkriven krošnjama drveća tako da nema straha od jake kiše
- psi su uvijek dobrodošli u kampu, ali ne u prostoru za koncerte
- ne bacajte smeće okolo ili bar pokupite kasnije za sobom
jedan dan: 30kn | dva dana: 40kn
J*biga, ekipa.. ima dosta troškova koji se moraju pokriti tako da nemojte zamjeriti
Nađete Jankomirski most kojeg obavezno pređete. Spustite se fino na nasip i onda pičite u smjeru istoka uz rječ'cu prema šumarku kojeg ćete ugledati, ali, svejedno, bit će postavljene smjernice nakon mosta tako da nema brige"
Dislike isto otkazali ovo, tako da će u subotu svirati Propast novi krast bend požeških snaga, također za subotu su potvrdili IAmDisease Slovenci koje ste već imali prilike gledati u Zagrebu..
petak 2.9.2011.:
DISHUMANITY (Kragujevac)
THGZ (Zagreb)
+ još jedan bend
subota 3.9.2011.:
AK47 (Zagreb)
DISLIKE (Požega)
KRLJA (Samobor)
+ još jedan bend
- besplatan kamp, naravno
- vječni afteri nisu upitna stvar uz odlične rendom DJ-eve (ovisi tko šta stavi na hard)
- iće i piće 'ko na akciji
- pardon, ali wc-a osim grmova (što dalje od kampa!) neće biti
- prostor za gig je natkriven krošnjama drveća tako da nema straha od jake kiše
- psi su uvijek dobrodošli u kampu, ali ne u prostoru za koncerte
- ne bacajte smeće okolo ili bar pokupite kasnije za sobom
jedan dan: 30kn | dva dana: 40kn
J*biga, ekipa.. ima dosta troškova koji se moraju pokriti tako da nemojte zamjeriti
Nađete Jankomirski most kojeg obavezno pređete. Spustite se fino na nasip i onda pičite u smjeru istoka uz rječ'cu prema šumarku kojeg ćete ugledati, ali, svejedno, bit će postavljene smjernice nakon mosta tako da nema brige"
update 31.08.2011.:
koliko čujem Dishumanity su otkazali cijelu turneju i neče svirati na ovom festivalu pa se za petak čekaju još dva benda..Dislike isto otkazali ovo, tako da će u subotu svirati Propast novi krast bend požeških snaga, također za subotu su potvrdili IAmDisease Slovenci koje ste već imali prilike gledati u Zagrebu..
Monday, 8 August 2011
12th MARTINSKA FEST, Šibenik, Croatia
where? Martinska, Šibenik, Croatia
when?........................12. - 13. 08. 2011.
who?........................DOOM uk, crust
TOTAL CHAOS usa, punk
ESSENCE cro, metal hardcore
PASI cro, punk
AL2RUIN bel, crust metal
LES SKALOPES fra, ska punk
BOLESNO GRINJE cro, grindcore
MASS HYPNOSIS cro, metal
entrance? day - 70kn
two days - 100kn
more info soon at: http//
when?........................12. - 13. 08. 2011.
who?........................DOOM uk, crust
TOTAL CHAOS usa, punk
ESSENCE cro, metal hardcore
PASI cro, punk
AL2RUIN bel, crust metal
LES SKALOPES fra, ska punk
BOLESNO GRINJE cro, grindcore
MASS HYPNOSIS cro, metal
entrance? day - 70kn
two days - 100kn
more info soon at: http//
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
upcoming gig in Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia
WHIT MARLEY SQUAT (Birmingham Social Centre) info
What we aim to do?
The Whit Marley Building has been left empty for a number of years. Much has been striped out an the building is slowly detoriating. Buildings like this are part of Birmingham’s heritage, we want to take care of it while it is unused and put it to use as a comunity centre.
We are currently doing up the building and creating meeting spaces which we want to let groups use for free. Some of us are university students, some of us are teachers and we aim to provide free A level and GCSE tution in most subjects once the building has been done up. We are aimming to run a “Free Shop” in which people will be able to drop off unused items for others to take for free.
The tea shop is now open at the social centre everyday 10am-5pm. Comfy sofas, lots of reading materials are provided along with as much tea as you drink.
It is a anti-capitalist cafe, so pay/donate whatever you can afford or think is fair.
Come by and spend sometime chilling soon.
Why are we doing this?
We want to make a point about waste, Birmingham has the most abandoned buildings in the country and sadly the highest rates of homelessness. We live in a society that is intesensly wasteful we are doing this because we want something that is visibly the opposite.
We all have strong politicial convictions; we live in times and a country where the whims of media barons are given more attention by governments than ordinary people. Viable and profitable pensions are being raided to give money to the rich, education is again being made a preserve of the few… we want change and if you think like us come join us.
Come by and spend sometime chilling soon.
For those of you who want updates about our comings, goings and what you can do to support us and the project there are a number of ways to keep in touch.
1. Our Facebook page, like us to see updates
2. Sign up to our text update service by texting “social centre” and your name to 07988056867 .
3. Sign up to our mailing list e-mail your name and “mailing list”.
1. Our Facebook page, like us to see updates
2. Sign up to our text update service by texting “social centre” and your name to 07988056867 .
3. Sign up to our mailing list e-mail your name and “mailing list”.
MKNZ presents itself:
"Dear band, manager, Santa Claus,
if you`re sure you can offer us something you want others to hear, let us know. If you want that, of course. We will be very happy if we could accept your offer and arrange for a concert between the Alps and the Mediteranean. Send us a CD, a tape, LP - anything, to hear your recordings and a piece of paper with the basic information about you. Anything.
The child came to this world at the end of the sixties(1966). It developed into a big, strong boy that`s being fed by a great team of young boys and girls. They especially take care that he`s not thirsty... The dream of every inhabitant of this planet is to meet him. To get to know him. You should try too! You won`t be sorry.
The anthem
MKNZ is a club, similar to the centres for young on the east and squats on the west. We don`t live for profit, we live for DIY. We are very happy when a good band comes, plays a great show, is pleased with the food, drink, sleeping, the visitors have fun - in a word, everybody is happy. The club can accept up to 200 visitors. We arrange everything with the band before the concert date, so there wouldn`t be any misunderstanding."
"Dear band, manager, Santa Claus,
if you`re sure you can offer us something you want others to hear, let us know. If you want that, of course. We will be very happy if we could accept your offer and arrange for a concert between the Alps and the Mediteranean. Send us a CD, a tape, LP - anything, to hear your recordings and a piece of paper with the basic information about you. Anything.
The child came to this world at the end of the sixties(1966). It developed into a big, strong boy that`s being fed by a great team of young boys and girls. They especially take care that he`s not thirsty... The dream of every inhabitant of this planet is to meet him. To get to know him. You should try too! You won`t be sorry.
The anthem
MKNZ is a club, similar to the centres for young on the east and squats on the west. We don`t live for profit, we live for DIY. We are very happy when a good band comes, plays a great show, is pleased with the food, drink, sleeping, the visitors have fun - in a word, everybody is happy. The club can accept up to 200 visitors. We arrange everything with the band before the concert date, so there wouldn`t be any misunderstanding."
Monday, 1 August 2011
"Keeping on…
Met on the streets and squats during the riot days of December, we find our starting points in historical, social, class, even temperamental causes and of course in the murder of Alexis from the cap Korkoneas. A peak incident, a spark in the powder keg where social peace and consent reside, an acceleration factor of an unprecedented social explosion. An explosion which smashed in multiple levels the suffocating regularity of our life. The feast of December blew up the barren individuality, the insulated private. A collective, wild “WE” rushed in the streets to attack Democracy and its guardians, together with the imagination context it accompanies. Neither demanding nor requesting but self organizing its reality inside the occupied buildings. Placed a sharp criticism upon the soliloquy of commodity destroying and profanating its temples, redelivering the social wealth and paralyzing consummation in the city’s centre. Denied the ambitions of the conceited leftist mediators, leaving them murmuring sociological bullshit in the TV frames. Cancelled the spasmodic cries of the journalists making crystal clear that who he/she wants to understand what’s going on, has no other choice than getting out of home. Temporarily it demolished the spectacular and gender roles, since thousands of people managed to function as one body, through incidents where the importance was on the incident itself and not on the individual who provoked it.
From the other side, the state , the bosses and all this rabble whose interests are in line with stagnancy, did not remain spectators, from the moment they began to reorganize themselves. Reclaimed the return to normality, activating all they had in hand. From M.A.T. and para-govermentals to sociologists and sensitive artists. From the regimental advocates about extremists, gangs, under miners, Greek-enemies, until the peaceful citizen’s arrogation for their right to celebrate Christmas. From the hypocritical self criticism of the elders in front their children until the arrest of 265 rioters and the detention of 65. Indeed, whatever they had in hand, in order to turn December into a “sullen parenthesis” in the end of which the extremists are punished and the drifted belectured.
Keeping on,
the insurrection of December is still inspiring the social reality in a decisive way. The situation conserves its polarizing and intensive character producing incidents from both the sides. Only in the framework of the contents that December offered can some facts be clearly understood. These include the attack with acid on the face of the syndicalist K.Kouneva, the mass killing attempt at the immigrants’ place, the reorganization of the military and juridical arsenal of the state, and the reactivation of the mere conservative social reflexives that is on process the last days.
At the same time, extended social bodies constantly produce ideas, activities and strategies with December, the obvious starting point. From metro stations, to bureaucratic, syndicalistic centres, from labour areas to hospitals’ offices, from parks and neighbourhoods to temples of the spectacle, the self organization undertakings are spreading, getting socialized and enriched, to become the means, the tools and the methods for reformulation of the every day routine, for attacking capitalistic relations and the democracy regime. They appear to be some of the essential constituents of a total radicalization process, which seem to have duration and depth.
Keeping on,
to the point we are products and productive components of the new social condition, we decided to squat the abandoned building in Patission 61 and Skaramagka, in order to realize on this place many of our desires and dreams, in order to turn it to a rushing point for the life we want. To turn it to an open, social place where collectively, fellowly, and in a self organization culture we’ll become a part of a wider conspiracy for the destruction of this world. Against every kind of hierarchy and authority. Against every political and commercial mediation. Against every spectacular role and gender separation. On this attempt, we’re looking for collaborators…"
Skaramanga squat in Athens evicted and shortly after reoccupied again!
29. 07. in the morning Skaramanga squat was evicted by the police forces, but soon as the police have left the anarchist have reoccupied squat again..
for more info and for news check occupied london or act for freedom now!
19th MONTEPARADISO FESTIVAL 05. - 06. 08. 2011., Pula, Croatia
05.08.- petak / friday:
21:00 - RABBIA E DISPERAZIONE: hcpunk; Hrvatska
21:45 - DISHUMANITY: hcpunk; Srbija
22:30 - MOTHERPIG: hardcorepunk'n'roll; BiH
23:15 - DISLIKE: grindcore; Hrvatska
00:00 - TRASHCAT: punkrock; Engleska
01:00 - WARFARE: legendary hardcore; Italy
06.08.-subota / saturday:
21:00 - BRICKHEADS: punkrock; Srbija
21:45 - E.N.D.: trash/djentcore; Hrvatska
22:30 - IN-SANE: hardcorepunk; Slovenija
23:15 - THE BAYONETS: streetpunk; Srbija
00:00 - IMPACT: legendary hcpunk; Italija
01:00 - SKITSYSTEM: legendary hcpunk; Švedska
both festival days doors are opening in 20:00 and gig starts exactly at 21:00
one day ticket: 70kn/10eur
two day ticket: 120kn/16eur
for other useful information (like camping, security, distributions, etc) visit festival's my space site:
21:00 - RABBIA E DISPERAZIONE: hcpunk; Hrvatska
21:45 - DISHUMANITY: hcpunk; Srbija
22:30 - MOTHERPIG: hardcorepunk'n'roll; BiH
23:15 - DISLIKE: grindcore; Hrvatska
00:00 - TRASHCAT: punkrock; Engleska
01:00 - WARFARE: legendary hardcore; Italy
06.08.-subota / saturday:
21:00 - BRICKHEADS: punkrock; Srbija
21:45 - E.N.D.: trash/djentcore; Hrvatska
22:30 - IN-SANE: hardcorepunk; Slovenija
23:15 - THE BAYONETS: streetpunk; Srbija
00:00 - IMPACT: legendary hcpunk; Italija
01:00 - SKITSYSTEM: legendary hcpunk; Švedska
both festival days doors are opening in 20:00 and gig starts exactly at 21:00
one day ticket: 70kn/10eur
two day ticket: 120kn/16eur
for other useful information (like camping, security, distributions, etc) visit festival's my space site:
Sunday, 17 July 2011
MENTALNA SMRT #1 fanzine
evo nakon nekoliko mjeseci priprema, pisanja i svega ostalog napokon je izašao prvi broj fanzina Mentalna Smrt.. unutra je gomila materijala na ukupno 100 A5 stranica.. između ostalog možete pročitati intervjue sa Burnt Bridges records, organizatorom Obscene Extreme festivala Curbyem, Gride, Nonsense, Last Legion Alive, Desaster, Diskelma i Disforia, nekoliko recenzija i gomilu koncert reportova.. neki koncerti na kojima smo bili: Obscene Extreme 2009. i 2010., Agathocles u Italiji, Doom u Sloveniji, D. Instinct, Instinct of Survival i See You In Hell u Italiji, Pennywise u Lubljani i u Zagrebu, Sick Of It All, Ratos De Porao, Hellshock, Last Legion Alive, Nonsense, Diskelma, Napalm Death, Patareni, Devastation i još mnogo njih...
inače fanzin je pisan na hrvatskom osim intervjua koji su na engleskom..
cijena je 5 kuna + poštarina ili razmjena, a uz prvih 30 primjeraka ide i Agathocles kazeta..
zin možete kupiti na nekom koncertu ili za dogovor o naruđbi pišite na mejlove:
and after a few months of preparation, writing and everything else 1st number of fanzine Mentalna Smrt is out.. you can find here a bunch of material on 100 A5 pages.. there are interviews with Burnt Bridges records, organizer of Obscene Extreme festival Curby, Gride, Nonsense, Last Legion Alive, Desaster, Diskelma and Disforia, some record reviews and bunch of gig reports.. some concerts where we were:
Obscene Extreme 2009 and 2010, Agathocles in Italy, Doom in Slovenia, Deviated Instinct, Instinct of Survival and See You In Hell in Italy, Pennywise in Ljubljana and in Zagreb, Sick Of It All, Ratos de Porao, Hellshock, Last Legion Alive, Nonsense, Diskelma, Napalm Death, Patareni, Devastation and many more...
zine is written on Croatian, except the interviews which are on English..price is 5 kn (0.7 euros) + postage or trade.. also, with 1st 30 pieces goes Agathocles tape..
you can buy it on some gig or for details about order write on one of e-mails:
evo nakon nekoliko mjeseci priprema, pisanja i svega ostalog napokon je izašao prvi broj fanzina Mentalna Smrt.. unutra je gomila materijala na ukupno 100 A5 stranica.. između ostalog možete pročitati intervjue sa Burnt Bridges records, organizatorom Obscene Extreme festivala Curbyem, Gride, Nonsense, Last Legion Alive, Desaster, Diskelma i Disforia, nekoliko recenzija i gomilu koncert reportova.. neki koncerti na kojima smo bili: Obscene Extreme 2009. i 2010., Agathocles u Italiji, Doom u Sloveniji, D. Instinct, Instinct of Survival i See You In Hell u Italiji, Pennywise u Lubljani i u Zagrebu, Sick Of It All, Ratos De Porao, Hellshock, Last Legion Alive, Nonsense, Diskelma, Napalm Death, Patareni, Devastation i još mnogo njih...
inače fanzin je pisan na hrvatskom osim intervjua koji su na engleskom..
cijena je 5 kuna + poštarina ili razmjena, a uz prvih 30 primjeraka ide i Agathocles kazeta..
zin možete kupiti na nekom koncertu ili za dogovor o naruđbi pišite na mejlove:
and after a few months of preparation, writing and everything else 1st number of fanzine Mentalna Smrt is out.. you can find here a bunch of material on 100 A5 pages.. there are interviews with Burnt Bridges records, organizer of Obscene Extreme festival Curby, Gride, Nonsense, Last Legion Alive, Desaster, Diskelma and Disforia, some record reviews and bunch of gig reports.. some concerts where we were:
Obscene Extreme 2009 and 2010, Agathocles in Italy, Doom in Slovenia, Deviated Instinct, Instinct of Survival and See You In Hell in Italy, Pennywise in Ljubljana and in Zagreb, Sick Of It All, Ratos de Porao, Hellshock, Last Legion Alive, Nonsense, Diskelma, Napalm Death, Patareni, Devastation and many more...
zine is written on Croatian, except the interviews which are on English..price is 5 kn (0.7 euros) + postage or trade.. also, with 1st 30 pieces goes Agathocles tape..
you can buy it on some gig or for details about order write on one of e-mails:
Friday, 15 July 2011
Thursday, 14 July 2011
BEYOND PINK euro tour
Beyond Pink, fast and furious hardcore crust band from Sweden are on Euro tour.. among others they will visit Croatia and will be playing two gigs, in Zagreb the 17th of July and a day later the 18th in Vinkovci.. for other places and dates check the poster below..
Sunday, 3 July 2011
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
and the terror continues in Zagreb...
who?.................................VISIONS OF WAR crust punk, Belgium
AUGEN FLIEGEN crust punk, Croatia
PINK REASON indie rock, USA
SEPPUKU crust grind, Croatia
where?..............................AKC Medika, Zagreb
how much?.......................25 kn
upcoming gig in Rijeka, Croatia
hell yeah!! Belgian crust punk orcs Visions Of War are coming in Croatia!!.. after last years gig at Monteparadiso festival they are coming again as a part of their euro tour.. this time they will be visiting Rijeka and Zagreb so if you want your ears bleed till the last drop be sure to visit one of those gigs..
also they brings new LP Shit Parade with them..
okay, 1st we have Rijeka, so...
who?.............VISIONS OF WAR crust punk, Belgium
PAPER PLANE CRASH post punk hc, Slovenia
where? Place, Rijeka
how much?...20kn
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia
where? Gromka, Ljubljana, Slovenia
who?.................HELLSTORM (d-beat crust w metal influences, Greece)
HARD CHARGER (r'n'r crust d-beat trash, Canada)
entrance?...........5 euros
Sunday, 12 June 2011
INFOSHOP ISKRA, Zadar, Croatia
"Infoshop Iskra is an initiative for a library of anarchist and anti-authoritarian literature, as well as a meeting place for various discussions, screenings and workshops. We currently reside in the local book club called "Knjigozemska" which is located on the address R.K Jeretova 5 in Zadar, Croatia. This initiative is also an attempt of archiving books, pamphlets and zines which deal with anarchism, antifascism, feminism, LGBT, queer and various other subjects dedicated to radical social change.
We exist as an informally organized affinity group which nurtures anti-authoritarian principles against all forms of social hierarchy. If you are interested in joining us, talking to us, or helping us create more activities, you can visit us Tuesday afternoons (and at 9 PM there are movie screenings!).. The book club "Knjigozemska" at the moment does not have steady working hours, but if you are passing by and find the door opened, you are always welcome to come in!"
Contact us at:
We exist as an informally organized affinity group which nurtures anti-authoritarian principles against all forms of social hierarchy. If you are interested in joining us, talking to us, or helping us create more activities, you can visit us Tuesday afternoons (and at 9 PM there are movie screenings!).. The book club "Knjigozemska" at the moment does not have steady working hours, but if you are passing by and find the door opened, you are always welcome to come in!"
Contact us at:
Thursday, 9 June 2011
concert part of the Nepokoreni Grad festival, Karlovac, Croatia
Nepokoreni Grad festival is project going on since 2006.. the main goal of this project is encouraging on active deliberation of public about non used urban-space potentials in city of Karlovac and also about starting an development of local independent cultural scene along with usage of new media and technologies..
the festival will be held in Karlovac and it will last for 8 days, from 22 - 30 of June.. more info about the festival itself you can find here (unfortunately only on Croatian)
and now about the concert part..
where?.........Karlovac, Croatia
who?...........HIJOS DEL PUEBLO (anarcho-hardcore grind, Pula)
BAKA YARO (d-beat crust, Ljubljana)
BOLESNO GRINJE (grind core, Pula)
TREA VIIT (hardcore punk, Karlovac)
XV ČEH (hardcore punk, Zagreb)
the festival will be held in Karlovac and it will last for 8 days, from 22 - 30 of June.. more info about the festival itself you can find here (unfortunately only on Croatian)
and now about the concert part..
where?.........Karlovac, Croatia
who?...........HIJOS DEL PUEBLO (anarcho-hardcore grind, Pula)
BAKA YARO (d-beat crust, Ljubljana)
BOLESNO GRINJE (grind core, Pula)
TREA VIIT (hardcore punk, Karlovac)
XV ČEH (hardcore punk, Zagreb)
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
BESTHOVEN / KONTATTO / NOIA euro tour 2011
the hardworking crew from Agipunk aren't just having great label and awesome distribution but with their booking for some of the finest crust bands and their euro tours they are doing an excellent job.. after so many great bands in the past (Hellbastard, Massgrave, After the Bombs, Gurkha and many others), then Hellshock last year, Parasytix and Nux Vomica this year they will treat us with one more delicacy - Besthoven from Brasil, legendary band active from 1990!
and this isn't all.. company to this d-beat machine will be also legendary Kontatto (d-beat crust) from Italy and their countrymen Noia (blackened crust)..
of course they will be not visiting Croatia (we are not so lucky) but the closest point where they will be playing is Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia on 10.08. so I hope that we will see you there.. it will also be the 1st day of the tour..
check out the dates and places by clicking on the picture for the larger size..
and this isn't all.. company to this d-beat machine will be also legendary Kontatto (d-beat crust) from Italy and their countrymen Noia (blackened crust)..
of course they will be not visiting Croatia (we are not so lucky) but the closest point where they will be playing is Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia on 10.08. so I hope that we will see you there.. it will also be the 1st day of the tour..
check out the dates and places by clicking on the picture for the larger size..
Thursday, 2 June 2011
here's one more band and its record by the request of band members.. this time punks Auweia! from Cologne, Germany.. one of the rare, at least as I had opportunity to hear lately that still plays punk.. when I say punk I think on good old sound of punk, not today's commercial bullshits.. Ullah send me some info about the band and some other projects which they are involved in, so here they are..
"We're a band from Düsseldorf/Köln/Berlin and we're playing together since 2004. Influence is the German punksound from the 80ties. Bands like Tin Can Army, Canal Terror, Slime, Toxoplasma and Razzia...
We made a demo tape before with our friends from the band T.O.D. You can get it here.
We prefer the diy scene and are involved in it. Our Songs are a mix of political punk and funny/personal songs because we think that political punk is very important but you have to keep your sense of humor. So we can sing a song against homophobia and also about ghostpirates ;)
Our drummer also plays in the band Versus
I sing in another band that is a project of friends with members of Pestpocken, Kackophonia, Azrael, Rejected Youth and Ss-kapiert called Projekt Chaos.
We recorded just one song for the Feature chaostage in which Danny and me appear. It is called Innenstadtüberfall. The other band that is called Projekt Chaos you can find on you tube is a fucking neo nazi band that stole the name from us. But you will hear it because we play some kind of Chaos Punk and they Play rock shit. You can listen to our song on YouTube here
We're planning to go on European tour in September or next year. Maybe record a new album next year. I don't know. But who knows what the Future brings ;)
Thank you for your Support.
so this is 1'st LP of Auweia! with quite decent 15 songs.. I can't say on who they remind me or something 'cause I don't listen such kind of music very often but I can say that in their music can be noticed influences from old punk bands from '80s, as this is already mentioned in info above..
songs are from fast to some slower, more hymnic, in some songs you can even hear a sound of trumpets.. simple and without unnecessary complicating, I would say.. in short good old Deutsche-punk.. if you like this style of music I'm sure you won't be disappointed with Auweia!
singer sings in German, but on cover scans which are included in folder you can read some explanations of songs on English..record is nearly sold out so band offers it for a free download..
also visit Allfen Attacke blog which is done by a band member where you can find their other recordings..
"We're a band from Düsseldorf/Köln/Berlin and we're playing together since 2004. Influence is the German punksound from the 80ties. Bands like Tin Can Army, Canal Terror, Slime, Toxoplasma and Razzia...
We made a demo tape before with our friends from the band T.O.D. You can get it here.
We prefer the diy scene and are involved in it. Our Songs are a mix of political punk and funny/personal songs because we think that political punk is very important but you have to keep your sense of humor. So we can sing a song against homophobia and also about ghostpirates ;)
Our drummer also plays in the band Versus
I sing in another band that is a project of friends with members of Pestpocken, Kackophonia, Azrael, Rejected Youth and Ss-kapiert called Projekt Chaos.
We recorded just one song for the Feature chaostage in which Danny and me appear. It is called Innenstadtüberfall. The other band that is called Projekt Chaos you can find on you tube is a fucking neo nazi band that stole the name from us. But you will hear it because we play some kind of Chaos Punk and they Play rock shit. You can listen to our song on YouTube here
We're planning to go on European tour in September or next year. Maybe record a new album next year. I don't know. But who knows what the Future brings ;)
Thank you for your Support.
AUWEIA! - There's No Freedom, There's nur Scheiße (2011)
so this is 1'st LP of Auweia! with quite decent 15 songs.. I can't say on who they remind me or something 'cause I don't listen such kind of music very often but I can say that in their music can be noticed influences from old punk bands from '80s, as this is already mentioned in info above..
songs are from fast to some slower, more hymnic, in some songs you can even hear a sound of trumpets.. simple and without unnecessary complicating, I would say.. in short good old Deutsche-punk.. if you like this style of music I'm sure you won't be disappointed with Auweia!
singer sings in German, but on cover scans which are included in folder you can read some explanations of songs on English..record is nearly sold out so band offers it for a free download..
also visit Allfen Attacke blog which is done by a band member where you can find their other recordings..
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
crucified freedom
"Chose to live for what I believe
Against expectations and norms
That’s where the punishment strikes
Society and it’s pre-written forms
Crucified freedom
Stand out of line, get nailed to the cross
Try to stand up for your fights
Never kneel this is our right
All their social confrontations
They’ve chosen to never see the day of light
For our freedom
Never, fucking ever
Crucified freedom
Stand out of line, get nailed to the cross
For what we believe is right
We got told what is wrong
This is our freedom fight
And we believe in life
Crucified freedom
Stand out of line, get nailed to the cross
Never saw the light in court
Never saw the light in law
Never saw the light in power
I can only see light in freedom
Crucified freedom
Stand out of line, get nailed to the cross
For what we believe is right
We got told what is wrong
This is our freedom fight
And we believe in life"
Project Hopeless
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Squat zine call out!
"Got any positive, funny or random stories from your squatting experiences?
We‘re putting together an exhibition and zine with positive squatting stories to contradict and show the other side to squatting, to the one regurgitated again and again by the mainstream media.
Wherever you squatted, be it Brixton or Kurdistan, or whether you squat now or you did in the 70s, any positive stories are welcomed – the more varied in time & place the better. Some of the stories we have so far include from after the second world war when families took refuge by squatting abandoned army barracks, as so many homes had be bombed in the blitz, as well as some stories of how newly arrived Asian families to Britain gave up the council housing they had received to squat together in empty estates to avoid the racial abuse they were suffering.
Your stories don‘t have to be this extreme though, anything that is positive, funny or in some way a success of managing to stick it up to the landlords or a successful use of squatting for a protest or campaign, is very much welcomed. The stories don‘t have to be your own experiences but can be ones of friends, or ones you‘ve heard, just so long as they are true.
Any good pictures you might have that can accompany the stories would be brilliant too. Also, if you have pictures of transformations you‘ve made turning a destroyed building into a beautiful home, they would also be really appreciated. Of course you can be completely anonymous from anything you contribute.
Email stories & stuff to:
Many thanks!"
PDF version of this call out you can download HERE
We‘re putting together an exhibition and zine with positive squatting stories to contradict and show the other side to squatting, to the one regurgitated again and again by the mainstream media.
Wherever you squatted, be it Brixton or Kurdistan, or whether you squat now or you did in the 70s, any positive stories are welcomed – the more varied in time & place the better. Some of the stories we have so far include from after the second world war when families took refuge by squatting abandoned army barracks, as so many homes had be bombed in the blitz, as well as some stories of how newly arrived Asian families to Britain gave up the council housing they had received to squat together in empty estates to avoid the racial abuse they were suffering.
Your stories don‘t have to be this extreme though, anything that is positive, funny or in some way a success of managing to stick it up to the landlords or a successful use of squatting for a protest or campaign, is very much welcomed. The stories don‘t have to be your own experiences but can be ones of friends, or ones you‘ve heard, just so long as they are true.
Any good pictures you might have that can accompany the stories would be brilliant too. Also, if you have pictures of transformations you‘ve made turning a destroyed building into a beautiful home, they would also be really appreciated. Of course you can be completely anonymous from anything you contribute.
Email stories & stuff to:
Many thanks!"
PDF version of this call out you can download HERE
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
RADIKALNA PROMJENA / BAD JUSTICE / DEMANT - 3 way split tape (1997?!)
another piece of treasure from 90's Croatian hardcore punk scene.. this time released by the Truemmer-Pogo-Tapes from Germany which is active still today, btw..
bands included in this "trio tape!" are Demant from Križevci, Bad Justice from Požega and Radikalna Promjena from Zagreb..
while Bad Justice and Demant are represented here with their live recordings, from R. Promjena we have five of their probably the best songs (at least to me!..), don't know where they are recorded and if they are published anywhere else besides this tape.. all begins with song Industrijski Raj, definitely my favorite from them and ends with Radikalna Promjena, I think theirs most legendary song.. for those who don't know their music was anarcho punk mixed with many other genres from reggae to crust combined with male and female vocals.. very politically engaged lyrics and great music.. sound is harsh and raw, of course, not any fancy production here, just like it was usually for bands from here in that time..
from Bad Justice side we have 11 songs recorded live at who know where, hehe.. lots of funny drunk talk between the songs.. like you listen drunk Oi Polloi, hehehe, just kiddin'..
about the sound, uff... try to guess!.. I don't know if anything can be filthier and rawest than this.. brutal hardcore punk with two female and one male vocals.. all their legendary songs are here, usual Bad Justice material, if this was recorded in some studio and not live that would be decent discography of the band..
for the end anarcho punk crusties Demant.. also with live recordings (first time I heard for this material and some songs from it).. sound quality is similar as Bad Justice's, maybe just a little better, but who cares! if you are upset about sound quality you don't even need to read this.. from them here are 14 tracks + P. Bastard cover of Doom..
all material lasts something more than 60 min, in folder are included scans of the cover with tracklists, and lyrics.. what do you need more!? start downloading and give your ears some serious damage!..
bands included in this "trio tape!" are Demant from Križevci, Bad Justice from Požega and Radikalna Promjena from Zagreb..
while Bad Justice and Demant are represented here with their live recordings, from R. Promjena we have five of their probably the best songs (at least to me!..), don't know where they are recorded and if they are published anywhere else besides this tape.. all begins with song Industrijski Raj, definitely my favorite from them and ends with Radikalna Promjena, I think theirs most legendary song.. for those who don't know their music was anarcho punk mixed with many other genres from reggae to crust combined with male and female vocals.. very politically engaged lyrics and great music.. sound is harsh and raw, of course, not any fancy production here, just like it was usually for bands from here in that time..
from Bad Justice side we have 11 songs recorded live at who know where, hehe.. lots of funny drunk talk between the songs.. like you listen drunk Oi Polloi, hehehe, just kiddin'..
about the sound, uff... try to guess!.. I don't know if anything can be filthier and rawest than this.. brutal hardcore punk with two female and one male vocals.. all their legendary songs are here, usual Bad Justice material, if this was recorded in some studio and not live that would be decent discography of the band..
for the end anarcho punk crusties Demant.. also with live recordings (first time I heard for this material and some songs from it).. sound quality is similar as Bad Justice's, maybe just a little better, but who cares! if you are upset about sound quality you don't even need to read this.. from them here are 14 tracks + P. Bastard cover of Doom..
all material lasts something more than 60 min, in folder are included scans of the cover with tracklists, and lyrics.. what do you need more!? start downloading and give your ears some serious damage!..
download link is from Rat Shit Sandwich blog and it's here with permission.. so if you like this piece of noise go say thanks to Mr. Rat Shit ;)
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
a statement by the Villa Amalias squat in Athens regarding the events of the past days..
For the past three days the wider area around Villa Amalias has seen events that any intelligent being living in the year 2011 would have thought to come out of a science fiction scenario. But this is not the case. This has been the reality for the past three years more or less: some have not experienced it, some do not want to see it, some are stupor and refuse to see it, some become complacent — and yet some seem to seek it.
Under the pretext of the condemnable —by all of us— murder of the 44 year old Manolis Kantaris on the junction of Tritis Septemvriou and Ipirou street, some people decided the time had come for them to cleanse the area from those strange and grubby creatures (according to them), the migrants, launching an indiscriminate pogrom.
From the very first moment TV stations stepped into a dance around the dead body, ballooning all the wrongdoings of this case, and our well-known “neighbours” made an appearance once again to help the scared residents step out of their doorsteps. Could it be that “golden dawn” is the new name of an entire area of Athens, not yet set because of some bureaucratic issues with its naming? All of a sudden, the death of a man by persons unknown with robbery as its motivation turned into the murder of an entire “nation” by “illegal migrants who act uncontrollably”. The ideal story for the fascist TV scenario writers who long a greek purity they have lost for at least half a millennium (if it ever existed at the first place that is) in order to organise feasts, with their trophy being any migrant that would happen to cross their way.
In a blink, the rules of the game are overturned and from the point where all enraged greeks would condemn criminality and uncontrollable violence in their neighbourhoods, we now reached the point where anything is allowed as long as it is committed by greeks. Mobbing is allowed and so are mass beatings, stabbings, exemplary and throughout likeliness murders — like the one of the 21 year old Bangladeshi migrant [in the neighbourhood of Kato Patisia, trans.] Everything is allowed in the name of fear, survival, imposition and revenge. Cannibalism is allowed, too.
Social cannibalism. The result of dissolved society which refuses, whether willingly or not, to acknowledge the source of all this. To understand that the poverty and squalor never came, nor will it ever come from those from below in this world. Those from bellow are the recipients of a situation that is eternally fed by those above, those holding capital and power, because this is how they safeguard their continuity. The manipulation and subjugation of the world, with social, economic and class criteria, holds for them the balance of the base of the capitalist pyramid.
By beating, stabbing or imposing yourself on whoever you consider to be inferior to you, without any specific logic, based on the colour of their skin or the country of their origin, no financial troubles of yours will be resolved. This, unless we all dream of working day and night at traffic lights, brothels, as street traders, builders, or cleaners for a crust of bread. Neither your social troubles will be resolved, since you will always have an inferiority complex —since you have it now too— inferiority and depreciation of your life by someone you consider to be your anterior.
The solution will always come through the social awareness and collective nuclei of resistance against those who truly suck away our lives. Those who convict in absentia those from below in terms of class, condemning them to a total, reciprocal extermination under the veil of order, security and prosperity. The same order and security that sent the young demonstrator Y.K. to the intensive care unit (and another 70 demonstrators to the hospital), following the consecutive murderous blows he received by the uniformed pigs, the executing force of their junto-democracy.
For the record:

For the past 3 days and continuing on from the turmoil that followed the murder of M.K., the squats of the Plateia Victorias area saw some attempts of organised attacks by golden dawn members, so-called “indignant residents” [the term often used in mass media as a euphemism for fascists/racists — trans.] —and don’t you ever dare call them racists!— and cops. Chronologically, the first such attempt happened on May 10th at the squat of Patision and Skaramanga, with the fascists trying to attack the squat aided by cops who threw tear gas to the squatters to force them retreat inside the building.
Immediately afterwards was the turn of Villa Amalias. In all these three days the aforementioned (fascists and cops) tried to attack the squat but they were unsuccessful, as the crouching together and solidarity of those who see part of their self in Villa prevented this aim. In their attempt they found a helping hand, as in all their actions up to date, in the police. Sometimes hand by hand and lined up together, sometimes with the cops in the front and their fascist poodles following behind, sometimes the other time round. In any case this illegal relationship of affection and passion between the greek police and fascists has started to become legalised a long while ago, and it has been blatantly covered up not only by the state (that is, the employer of both) but by the media as well (a faithful contractor and associate of the state in dealing with tasks of social stupor and distortion of events). Or, with the narration of history either cut in half, or distorted. The truth in just three lines is that they came, they got their response —and not only that— and they bolted, because their procurers threw us tear gas. End of the story.
All these “gentlemen” should make clear in their minds that for us, people and ideas are not disposable products or part of some trend that we would change or bin at the first instance. Our responses, from whatever post they are given, will always be collective, dynamic and unabridged — they will not be supported or manipulated by anyone who wants to gain from bodies, whether metaphorically or literally. For us life has no “price tag” to negotiate in the markets of nationalities and their falsified national pride.
We have written this in the past but we do not tire ourselves in repeating it: we consciously find ourselves facing and against any exploiter, procurer and heroin dealer, regardless of nationality. Yet we also know that what is lacking is neither more police (there is an excess of that), the demand for order and security, nor of course the racist propaganda and fascist violence. What is lacking is the courage of the contact and association with what is different, the mutual self respect and dignity, the attempts for cross-cultural coexistence and the (substantial, not para-statal) self-organising, which can heal many of the wounds of our multicultural/proletarian neighbourhoods.
May 13th, 2011
Villa Amalias Squat
80, Aharnon Str. & Heiden
source: Occupied London
Under the pretext of the condemnable —by all of us— murder of the 44 year old Manolis Kantaris on the junction of Tritis Septemvriou and Ipirou street, some people decided the time had come for them to cleanse the area from those strange and grubby creatures (according to them), the migrants, launching an indiscriminate pogrom.
From the very first moment TV stations stepped into a dance around the dead body, ballooning all the wrongdoings of this case, and our well-known “neighbours” made an appearance once again to help the scared residents step out of their doorsteps. Could it be that “golden dawn” is the new name of an entire area of Athens, not yet set because of some bureaucratic issues with its naming? All of a sudden, the death of a man by persons unknown with robbery as its motivation turned into the murder of an entire “nation” by “illegal migrants who act uncontrollably”. The ideal story for the fascist TV scenario writers who long a greek purity they have lost for at least half a millennium (if it ever existed at the first place that is) in order to organise feasts, with their trophy being any migrant that would happen to cross their way.
In a blink, the rules of the game are overturned and from the point where all enraged greeks would condemn criminality and uncontrollable violence in their neighbourhoods, we now reached the point where anything is allowed as long as it is committed by greeks. Mobbing is allowed and so are mass beatings, stabbings, exemplary and throughout likeliness murders — like the one of the 21 year old Bangladeshi migrant [in the neighbourhood of Kato Patisia, trans.] Everything is allowed in the name of fear, survival, imposition and revenge. Cannibalism is allowed, too.
Social cannibalism. The result of dissolved society which refuses, whether willingly or not, to acknowledge the source of all this. To understand that the poverty and squalor never came, nor will it ever come from those from below in this world. Those from bellow are the recipients of a situation that is eternally fed by those above, those holding capital and power, because this is how they safeguard their continuity. The manipulation and subjugation of the world, with social, economic and class criteria, holds for them the balance of the base of the capitalist pyramid.
By beating, stabbing or imposing yourself on whoever you consider to be inferior to you, without any specific logic, based on the colour of their skin or the country of their origin, no financial troubles of yours will be resolved. This, unless we all dream of working day and night at traffic lights, brothels, as street traders, builders, or cleaners for a crust of bread. Neither your social troubles will be resolved, since you will always have an inferiority complex —since you have it now too— inferiority and depreciation of your life by someone you consider to be your anterior.
The solution will always come through the social awareness and collective nuclei of resistance against those who truly suck away our lives. Those who convict in absentia those from below in terms of class, condemning them to a total, reciprocal extermination under the veil of order, security and prosperity. The same order and security that sent the young demonstrator Y.K. to the intensive care unit (and another 70 demonstrators to the hospital), following the consecutive murderous blows he received by the uniformed pigs, the executing force of their junto-democracy.
For the record:
For the past 3 days and continuing on from the turmoil that followed the murder of M.K., the squats of the Plateia Victorias area saw some attempts of organised attacks by golden dawn members, so-called “indignant residents” [the term often used in mass media as a euphemism for fascists/racists — trans.] —and don’t you ever dare call them racists!— and cops. Chronologically, the first such attempt happened on May 10th at the squat of Patision and Skaramanga, with the fascists trying to attack the squat aided by cops who threw tear gas to the squatters to force them retreat inside the building.
Immediately afterwards was the turn of Villa Amalias. In all these three days the aforementioned (fascists and cops) tried to attack the squat but they were unsuccessful, as the crouching together and solidarity of those who see part of their self in Villa prevented this aim. In their attempt they found a helping hand, as in all their actions up to date, in the police. Sometimes hand by hand and lined up together, sometimes with the cops in the front and their fascist poodles following behind, sometimes the other time round. In any case this illegal relationship of affection and passion between the greek police and fascists has started to become legalised a long while ago, and it has been blatantly covered up not only by the state (that is, the employer of both) but by the media as well (a faithful contractor and associate of the state in dealing with tasks of social stupor and distortion of events). Or, with the narration of history either cut in half, or distorted. The truth in just three lines is that they came, they got their response —and not only that— and they bolted, because their procurers threw us tear gas. End of the story.
All these “gentlemen” should make clear in their minds that for us, people and ideas are not disposable products or part of some trend that we would change or bin at the first instance. Our responses, from whatever post they are given, will always be collective, dynamic and unabridged — they will not be supported or manipulated by anyone who wants to gain from bodies, whether metaphorically or literally. For us life has no “price tag” to negotiate in the markets of nationalities and their falsified national pride.
We have written this in the past but we do not tire ourselves in repeating it: we consciously find ourselves facing and against any exploiter, procurer and heroin dealer, regardless of nationality. Yet we also know that what is lacking is neither more police (there is an excess of that), the demand for order and security, nor of course the racist propaganda and fascist violence. What is lacking is the courage of the contact and association with what is different, the mutual self respect and dignity, the attempts for cross-cultural coexistence and the (substantial, not para-statal) self-organising, which can heal many of the wounds of our multicultural/proletarian neighbourhoods.
May 13th, 2011
Villa Amalias Squat
80, Aharnon Str. & Heiden
source: Occupied London
MORE NOIZE #5 fanzine
okay, we are back to 'zines.. here we have More Noize from UK, it's 5th issue published in October, 2010.. probably a lot of you knows about this 'zine so I won't spend many words on introduction..
in this num you can read letters, some author's thoughts on hardcore punk scene, big interview with Ydinaseeton Pohjola from Finland, then there is one "more like a casual conversation then the interview" with Raw'Arse, many reviews (records and fanzine, as well.. actually when you read all those fanzine reviews you realize how many paper 'zines is still out there!..), Scum fest and Punk Illegal festival reports, Glam and Discharge gig reports and bunch of photos scattered throughout the 'zine.. also you can read some writings about Swedish hardcore bands: Totalitar, Meanwhile, Skitkids, Avskum and Heratys, which are here like reaction on demands of the readers of this 'zine for more of Swedish hardcore, considering that the author of More Noize is from Sweden but he lives in London..
and for the end, like icing on the cake, a shitload of materials about well known Italian band Wretched (various infos, photos, stories, gig reports and interviews).. if you like this band like I do, I'm sure you will find something interesting for you..
as you can see, a bunch of material for reading.. all that is written with small font on 68 pages..
all in all, really nice 'zine, I like direct and "in your face" style of author's expression and the fact that he is pointing out that hardcore punk is more than just the music..
this number is sold out, same as all previous issues but you can read it online or download it.. link is, of course, from punks is hippies blog.. enjoy the noize!..
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