here it is..this one is special to me because their tape "Svako ima pravo na ž svoj život imam pravo samo ja!" was the first one that I've order and buy from some distro, Debeli Samuraj was band from Sombor Serbia).. they was playing hc punk with anarcho lyrics.. they was active in the 2nd half of '90.. in '97 they had released already mentioned album on the tape..this was their first, and I think only one edition..with that tape there was booklet with all lyrics, translations on English and so on.. so here is introduction from that booklet:
this text should be an introduction for the booklet, which goes with our first cassette.. the cassette should close the first link of the long chain that, of course, we will keep on building.. the first link encircled our work from November '96 until we for the first time came into the studio on January 8th 1997.. the band existed before that date, but in November began serious work (from that period Paja is singing and Čankus is playing bass).. it was needed a lot of ambition, willingness, time and money.. but the fact is, after all that we succeed.. we didn't allow to be stopped because of the lack of equipment, inability to have regular rehearsals (reason – we don't live in the same town) and other difficulties that we successfully overcame.. we are the proof that if somebody really want to do something he can do it.. of course the price for the success is – renunciation, willingness and hard work.. we hope that what we have done will be an example for some of you to do something on your own.. our experience does not have an ethical value.. it's just a synonymous for the mistake.. I hope that you will be smarter than we were, and that you will know to learn from the others mistakes.. in this case, i hope that you will learn from our mistakes..
About our material.. it include 15 songs, two are instrumentals and one is cover – Oi Poloii – Nazi Scum.. considering that we are not professional musicians and that was our first time in the studio, and only for 10 hours (due to our financial situation) we are extremly satisfied with what we have done.. you could notice that lyrics are written in Serbian, but we are not standing behind any meanings that speaking in native language produces national meaningless.. ther is translation for those who don't understand Serbian, so we do not owe you anything.. and when we are talking about lyrics, it is good to remark that they do not serve only as company for the music… lyrics are about our opinions and attitudes about the society and life in it.. we don't want to enforce those, we simply want you to hear what we have to say.. if you agree with us, you can accept that or you can built your own attitude about everything we have mentioned,, we said: „everyone have right to live…I am the only one who has right to live my life.“ But with our lifes and our freedom we do not attend to jeopardize the freedom of the others..
Hate, weakness, death, violence, displeasure envay, wars, nuclear experiments, uncontrolled cutting the trees…all mentioned things are done by the mankind and all is, unfortunately, our cruel reality.. person is what he is and we can't change him, but neither we can forget that every of us can improve himself and become better than he was.. there is a part of the world that you can change for sure – yourself.. man is born blind, but it lookslike he dies short-sighted.. we want to ofer you the other side of the things that you hear each day and we want to be an alternative to the existing system..
-you can download their album from Nečista Savjest blog HERE
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