Sunday, 30 September 2018
Saturday, 29 September 2018
upcoming gig in Novi Marof, Croatia
Thursday, 27 September 2018
RUINAS euro tour October/November 2018
Ruinas stench core band from Buenos Aries, Argentina will be back in Europe in a few days.. last year I catch them up on gigs in Rijeka and Zagreb and they were really good.. this time they unfortunately bypass Croatia, the closest places will be Ljubljana and Graz, but anyhow if you'll have the chance to support them and if you're fan of filthy and heavy stench core crust don't miss them!..
upcoming gig in Rijeka, Croatia
when?...........28.09.2019, Friday
where?..........Podrum, Rijeka
who?.............SHITTY LIFE hc punk, Ita
SCORN hc punk, Cro
entrance?.......25 kn
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
VAN SISTEMA DIY FEST 05. & 06.10.2018., BEK squat (Zagreb)
interesting new festival which will last two days, beside already usual music part every evening with gigs there will also be fanzine workshops and few debates and discussions about squatting, working with and helping to refugees, sexism on local punk scene, etc..
concert part:
- MEDICINE NOOSE doom sludge punk, Berlin
- SPEWN metal sludge punk, Skopje
- LEFT TO STARVE sludge hardcore punk, Karlovac
- BORRACARA hc punk, La Plata
- PAKT d-beat noise punk, Koper/Ljubljana
- ESCAFISMO punk grind, Rosario
- HAG hc punk, Malmo
- NAILED IN hc punk, Zagreb
for more info about the whole program check the facebook event..
concert part:
- MEDICINE NOOSE doom sludge punk, Berlin
- SPEWN metal sludge punk, Skopje
- LEFT TO STARVE sludge hardcore punk, Karlovac
- BORRACARA hc punk, La Plata
- PAKT d-beat noise punk, Koper/Ljubljana
- ESCAFISMO punk grind, Rosario
- HAG hc punk, Malmo
- NAILED IN hc punk, Zagreb
for more info about the whole program check the facebook event..
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
gigs gigs gigs..
when?...............25.09.2018., Tuesday
where?..............Nigdjezemska, Zadar
who?.................NUEVA GENERACION punk rock, Spa
entrance?..........20 kn

when?......................28.09.2018., Friday
where?.....................Unterhund, Ormož
who?........................PATSY STONE punk rock, Ger
UNDERPODNGRABN garage rock, Slo
entrance?..................5 euros
when?..............28.09.2018., Friday
where?.............Biškupec (Vž)
who?................BEZDAN black thrash metal, Čk
CIDIUM black death metal, St
ZVGATOR black thrash metal, Čk
entrance?.........20 kn

when?...........................29.09.2018., Saturday
where?..........................Amedika, Zagreb
who?.............................SHITTY LIFE punk rock, Ita
DADAR punk rock, Ita
RULES hc punk, Cro
NO NO INSTIGATOR post punk, Cro
entrance?.......................30 kn
when?...................05.10.2018., Friday
where?..................Prostor, Čakovec
who?.....................MIDNIGHT CLIMAX hc punk, Zg
KURVE punk rock, Zg
entrance?...............30 kn
Monday, 24 September 2018
UNCUT REALITY #1 fanzine
"I’m back with a brand new fanzine under the name Uncut Reality! Debut issue is out, written in English, 66 pages and features the likes of:
Active Stenosis, Autistic Society System Filth Records, Campaign for Musical Destruction, CSMD, Dahmer, Denak, Fecal Vomit, Fuck Yoga Records, Harsh Supplement, Jagernaut, Atrofia Cerebral / Audicion Irritable, Modorra, Morte Lenta, Nihilist Commando, Noise Not War, Noma, Paralyzed Society, Poço Discos, SxOxTxE, Tumor, Vernacvlaar Destrvction, Why Who What; reports from Grindmare 8 & Optimalinija Kaos Panonia and 40+ reviews (grindcore, noisecore, harsh noise, crust / d-beat / hardcore...)
3 € + postage. Thanks for supporting the ‘zine! "
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
upcoming gig in Rijeka, Croatia
update 24.09. - gig is canceled due some problems band was having with visas.. fck borders!..
upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia
when?.................28.09.2018., Friday
where?................Gromka, Ljubljana
who?...................RIISTETYT hardcore punk, Fin
WARFARE hc punk, Ita
CULTO DEL CARGO grind crust, Ita
Visions of Human Bones Smugglers
hehe, some pretty bizarre, but serious situation happened to Visions of War last summer when they were crossing Croatian/Slovenian border.. what is it about and how you'll be able to help check bellow..
"As much we appreciate your support to keep us moving , last summer we where held (legally) 12 hours crossing the border between Slovenia and croatia ( don´t worry no anal stuff) but one of us won a human skull in a Czech drinking competition , so they kept us after finding out we where having a skull ( which btw was a present for his girlfriends birthday , yup we´re romantic ppl) so to pay the 1600 euro fine ( what?? Yes!!) Oskar (Not Enough Records) and Stiv (Stivart) are gonna make some handscreenprinted posters , from 2 designs Stiv did , so numbered personalised with a painted background , hope yer interested or can help us out this way , So meet us on tour and get it there ....later on what is left we´ll sort out postage costs ....don´t let one of us rot , thx anyway for reading this , but we try to be free in a cage that this world is turning into , don´t let one of us rot away in jail .... plus you got a nice present for yer mum for 666mass , please share , Danke Schön , Dank u wel , Merci , Hvala , Obrigada/o, muchos gracias , vodka ..da ! I think you know what we mean."

"As much we appreciate your support to keep us moving , last summer we where held (legally) 12 hours crossing the border between Slovenia and croatia ( don´t worry no anal stuff) but one of us won a human skull in a Czech drinking competition , so they kept us after finding out we where having a skull ( which btw was a present for his girlfriends birthday , yup we´re romantic ppl) so to pay the 1600 euro fine ( what?? Yes!!) Oskar (Not Enough Records) and Stiv (Stivart) are gonna make some handscreenprinted posters , from 2 designs Stiv did , so numbered personalised with a painted background , hope yer interested or can help us out this way , So meet us on tour and get it there ....later on what is left we´ll sort out postage costs ....don´t let one of us rot , thx anyway for reading this , but we try to be free in a cage that this world is turning into , don´t let one of us rot away in jail .... plus you got a nice present for yer mum for 666mass , please share , Danke Schön , Dank u wel , Merci , Hvala , Obrigada/o, muchos gracias , vodka ..da ! I think you know what we mean."

PAKT / SURRA euro tour October/November 2018 (need help!!!)
after they had to cancel the last tour this year in April because of sickness of a member, Slovenian noise d-beat punks Pakt are preparing a new one, this time with Brazilian thrash punk band Surra.. they still need help for some dates, so if you can help write at: pakt.punx[at]gmail[dot]com

"Howdy hey, peeps! We are planning a tour with brasilian thrash/hc band Surra in the end of october, beginning of november. Of course we are stuck with some dates... we wrote a looot of mails and we already feel like we're annoying people so..maybe this post will help. Can you tag some people that could help us, so we can annoy them as well? We are open to other cities as well, as long as they are on our way."

"Howdy hey, peeps! We are planning a tour with brasilian thrash/hc band Surra in the end of october, beginning of november. Of course we are stuck with some dates... we wrote a looot of mails and we already feel like we're annoying people so..maybe this post will help. Can you tag some people that could help us, so we can annoy them as well? We are open to other cities as well, as long as they are on our way."
27.10 Innsbruck - confirmed
28.10 Bistrica Ob Sotli SLO - confirmed
29.10 Novi Marof CRO - confirmed
30.10 Budapest HUN NEED HELP
31.10 Vienna AUT - confirmed
1.11 Praga CZE - confirmed
2.11 Munich NEED HELP
3.11 Berlin - confirmed
4.11 Hamburg NEED HELP
update 19.09.:
- and guess what!?.. Novi Marof on 29th November is confirmed.. hell yeah!!
Monday, 17 September 2018
Sunday, 16 September 2018
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
when?...............21.09.2018., Friday
where?..............BEK, Zagreb
who?.................NEUTRON RATS raw punk, USA
WILD FORMS hc punk, Zg
Friday, 14 September 2018
Thursday, 13 September 2018
MATRAK ATTAKK / ASCIDIE euro tour November 2018 (need help!!!)
Matrak Attakk and Ascidie are preparing euro tour in November and still needs your help for some dates.. and some beautiful news, 11th November they will probably be in bloody Novi Marof!.. hell fckng yes!..
if you can help with the rest of dates write at:
if you can help with the rest of dates write at:
wed 7/11 frankfurt / ulm / nurnberg / Mannheim need help
jeu 08/11 LINZ confirmed
ven 09/11 Lubjana GROMKA confirmed
sam 10/11 vienna VENSTER 99 confirmed
dim 11/11 TBC
lun 12/11 PULA confirmed
mar 13/11 Villa vcentina tbc
mer 14/11 Modena confirmed
jeu 15/11 Roma bencinvenga confirmed
ven 16/11 Macerata la casa II..
sam 17/11 Monza boccaccio
dim 18/11 torino / genova NEED HELP
lun 19/11 grenoble NEED HELP
mar 20/11 Lausanne NEED HELP
mer 21/11 biel/day off NEED HELP
jeu 22/11 day off / biel need help
ven 23/11 zurich confirmed
sam 24/11 freiburg confirmed
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
upcoming gig in Novi Marof, Croatia

nakon silnog hardkora, panka i krasta na zadnja dva giga u Marofu došlo je vrijeme za malo smiriti situaciju pa evo prilike za pogledati dva post pank benda iz Wroclawa..
plakat je vrh, najbolji do sad!..
when?.....................15.09.2018., Saturday
where?....................Stara Škola, Novi Marof
who?.......................UKRYTE ZALETY SYSTEMU post punk, Pol
PRZEPYCH post punk, Pol
entrance?.................25 kn
upcoming gig in Čakovec, Croatia

when?.....................14.09.2018., Friday
where?....................Prostor, Čakovec
who?.......................LVMEN doom post hc metal, Cz
TOMAS PALUCHA experimental post rock, Cz
EMPHASIS metal post rock, Cro
entrance?................40 kn
Sunday, 9 September 2018
DISTRESS / ACCIDENT 05.09.2018., Stara Škola, Novi Marof
awesome week, when it's about gigs in Novi Marof is behind us.. first we was having two hardcore punk crust bands from faraway Finland and just 3 days later from the same far away St. Petersburg comes mighty d-beat crust machine Distress which are on almost a month long tour celebrating 15 years of existence.. I was really looking forward for this gig since I 1st heard for it from L, some month ago when he arranged it, I mean it's not that every day such great bands are coming in Novi Marof, not even in Zagreb nor anywhere in Croatia actually to be completely honest..
finally this bloody Wednesday comes and it was time for the gig.. again this stupid and awkward situation when I go to the gig alone, but it didn't bothered me to much this time 'cause I was sure it will be worth it.. I arrived few mins before 21:00 when the start was announcend and shortly after the Zagreb crew from Accident came and fly in directly on short sound check.. they were interesting punk band to me since they first time appeared some 3-4 years ago but then after 2 released albums, few pauses in their work and some line up changes I somehow forgot about them until few months ago when they play few live shows and festivals in a row so the time for Marof has come as well and supporting Distress was a great opportunity for that..
somewhere around 21:30 gig started with some more metallic intro as I was expected from Accident but already with 1st song things got in place and we get good dose of fast punk, not this boring generic style of punk but more in let's say Disorder's way.. they played both of my favourite songs Victims and Break the Law and those two was the best part of their show which was relaxed and with a lot of little mistakes, in one song drummer lost its stick like 3 times, also when they play intro again at the end as outro they succeed in that just from the 3rd try, hehe but it wasn't exhausting to watch but kinda nice and funny.. even they say something like not to blame them cause they are little drunk, still they are in Zagorje (region here in Croatia known for heavily drinking), hehe, so we didn't hold it against them..
right after they finished the guys from Distress started to set up their gear, put a big banner with sign saying something like "in d-beat we crust in booze we trust", make quick sound check and everything was ready for some serious crust desolation..
and after a short pause they started with their set.. from the start very powerful and mighty, with sound quality incomparably better than it was on Accident, I mean I like the simple raw sound of hc punk bands live more than anything but when you hear something that massive and powerful you must notice and hear the difference.. two great guitars, where the one with more of those short wicked solos was something quieter or it just seems to me from the place where I was standing, other guitarist occasionally play its guitar with wine bottle (heheh), great d-beat drums which the drummer plays with incredibly ease or at least it seems so, greasy bass and harsh crust vocal from hell.. very loud and powerful crust machine which shook the Stara Škola well.. as they are from Russia there was some fun in the crowd with Russian language, which have some minor similarities with Croatian during all their set and atmosphere even half dead because of small number of people started to get better with every song.. while announcing song Eat the Shit they look back on political situation in Russia, they didn't avoid to mention recently held football world cup and similar expensive events and parades in their country, massive amounts of money their government stands out for military, etc while many people don't have anything to eat.. so with that they show us that political side of them which would be hardly noticeable cause they sing mostly in Russian..
for the end one or two more songs as encore.. I really don't remember when some band lately in Marof was asked to play bis and this also maybe proves on some way what kind of a band played here tonight..
I would be lying if I said that I was the biggest fan of Distress, knowing all their albums, etc before this gig but I noticed them already long ago and was listening them often and now I will sure pay even more attention to their work and I hope to hear some new stuff from them and of course to see them live again somewhere..
definitely not the wildest fun gig but musically Distress was the best band that ever visited Novi Marof and to me the best gig already for a while..
for the end, there's video of one song by Accident below recorded with go pro camera or something like that.. I think that the whole their show was recorded but for now just this one song is published on youtube.. I didn't noticed if someone was recording Distress, if was please let me know.. I just realised how the space in Stara Škola looks even better in video than in real, hehe..
until the next similar dis never ending nightmare in Novi Marof...stay well!..
finally this bloody Wednesday comes and it was time for the gig.. again this stupid and awkward situation when I go to the gig alone, but it didn't bothered me to much this time 'cause I was sure it will be worth it.. I arrived few mins before 21:00 when the start was announcend and shortly after the Zagreb crew from Accident came and fly in directly on short sound check.. they were interesting punk band to me since they first time appeared some 3-4 years ago but then after 2 released albums, few pauses in their work and some line up changes I somehow forgot about them until few months ago when they play few live shows and festivals in a row so the time for Marof has come as well and supporting Distress was a great opportunity for that..
somewhere around 21:30 gig started with some more metallic intro as I was expected from Accident but already with 1st song things got in place and we get good dose of fast punk, not this boring generic style of punk but more in let's say Disorder's way.. they played both of my favourite songs Victims and Break the Law and those two was the best part of their show which was relaxed and with a lot of little mistakes, in one song drummer lost its stick like 3 times, also when they play intro again at the end as outro they succeed in that just from the 3rd try, hehe but it wasn't exhausting to watch but kinda nice and funny.. even they say something like not to blame them cause they are little drunk, still they are in Zagorje (region here in Croatia known for heavily drinking), hehe, so we didn't hold it against them..
right after they finished the guys from Distress started to set up their gear, put a big banner with sign saying something like "in d-beat we crust in booze we trust", make quick sound check and everything was ready for some serious crust desolation..
and after a short pause they started with their set.. from the start very powerful and mighty, with sound quality incomparably better than it was on Accident, I mean I like the simple raw sound of hc punk bands live more than anything but when you hear something that massive and powerful you must notice and hear the difference.. two great guitars, where the one with more of those short wicked solos was something quieter or it just seems to me from the place where I was standing, other guitarist occasionally play its guitar with wine bottle (heheh), great d-beat drums which the drummer plays with incredibly ease or at least it seems so, greasy bass and harsh crust vocal from hell.. very loud and powerful crust machine which shook the Stara Škola well.. as they are from Russia there was some fun in the crowd with Russian language, which have some minor similarities with Croatian during all their set and atmosphere even half dead because of small number of people started to get better with every song.. while announcing song Eat the Shit they look back on political situation in Russia, they didn't avoid to mention recently held football world cup and similar expensive events and parades in their country, massive amounts of money their government stands out for military, etc while many people don't have anything to eat.. so with that they show us that political side of them which would be hardly noticeable cause they sing mostly in Russian..
for the end one or two more songs as encore.. I really don't remember when some band lately in Marof was asked to play bis and this also maybe proves on some way what kind of a band played here tonight..
I would be lying if I said that I was the biggest fan of Distress, knowing all their albums, etc before this gig but I noticed them already long ago and was listening them often and now I will sure pay even more attention to their work and I hope to hear some new stuff from them and of course to see them live again somewhere..
definitely not the wildest fun gig but musically Distress was the best band that ever visited Novi Marof and to me the best gig already for a while..
![]() |
you know it's about a good band when they play d-beat crust and have white vinyl cover.. and on inlay it says play it at 666 RPM.. you immediately know - that's it!.. |
until the next similar dis never ending nightmare in Novi Marof...stay well!..
Saturday, 8 September 2018
Tragedy in Ljubljana and Zagreb
as everyone already knows Tragedy will be on Euro tour this month.. among others (Austria, Germany, Czech R., Poland...) they will visit Ljubljana and Zagreb.. also they have new album called Fury, check it here..
when?.......................16.09,2018., Sunday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana
who?.........................TRAGEDY crust punk, USA
SHIV blackened crust, Slo

when?...............................17.09.2018., Monday
where?..............................Močvara, Zagreb
who?.................................TRAGEDY crust punk, USA
PONOR modern hc, Cro
PAKT noise d-beat punk, Slo
PETNAESTI ČEH hc punk, Cro
entrance?..........................45 kn
when?.......................16.09,2018., Sunday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana
who?.........................TRAGEDY crust punk, USA
SHIV blackened crust, Slo

when?...............................17.09.2018., Monday
where?..............................Močvara, Zagreb
who?.................................TRAGEDY crust punk, USA
PONOR modern hc, Cro
PAKT noise d-beat punk, Slo
PETNAESTI ČEH hc punk, Cro
entrance?..........................45 kn
Thursday, 6 September 2018
TOTÄLICKERS live @ Caos A Gracia, Barcelona 18.08.2012. - video
so that's how it looks when the band says something like: "come a little bit closer, we won't bite you..." on their gigs.. awesome!..
the other day I stumbled on those live videos accidentally while browsing youtube (this channel) and reminded myself how I like Totälickers.. and by the way I found out that their brand new EP is published on their bandcamp page just few days ago which consists of 4 until now unpublished songs which were actually recorded back in the 2003 at the same session as the songs for "Cemëntiri" album released as LP/CD.. go check it!..
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
tomorrow in Novi Marof!..
Monday, 3 September 2018
Finnish school in old school
yesterday was a good little gig in Novi Marof.. two interesting Finnish hc punk crust bands supported with local heroes UxBxTx.. as I was late on the concert and saw only something more than half of Häpeä show and the whole of Joukkohauta, this time I won't write gig report just want to say that both bands were great (Joukkohauta just a bit better by my taste with more noisy d-beat sound), loud and with very active performance.. you can still catch them somewhere 'cause their tour still lasts few days, today they are in Zadar and later they are heading toward Czech R., Poland and Estonia..
also, they have with them interesting Tampere Hardcore distro with maybe a little spicy prices but with bunch of Finish classics and a lot of other good stuff.. among others, I surprisingly found one already a little bit forgotten gem Nulla Osta/Campus Sterminii - split 7" released in 2007 by Disastro Sonoro so I had to buy it.. and Hapea/Joukkohauta - split tape released just for this tour was too beautiful not to take it..
okay that's it, if you want, check the photos from the gig by clicking here and see you on Wednesday on mighty Distress, same crime scene, same time...

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