Monday 23 September 2024

let's bring some noise... pt. 8

are you aware how the way of consuming music and discovering new bands changed in last 10-15 years!?.. do you give 2nd opportunity to some new release or a band which doesn't sits well on the first listening!?.. do you have patience to focus on one album more than few minutes!?.. if you think about that for a moment, this is some damn scary shit.. because, how many great albums and bands am I missing just because I didn't pay closer attention or how many of them I just simply forget to play or check again?.. now in this time of mass availability of everything and fast consumerism when average young member of gen Z isn't capable to concentrate on one thing longer than 30-40 seconds this isn't strange but it's frightening I notice that it often affects me the same way and I am with one leg in 4th decade of this miserable existence called life.. how many good bands fly under or out of my radar, and some have my attention just because they are on "reliable" or "known" label or they have stronger presence on social networks and other platforms?..
I miss those times when you ordered a record by mail just according to looks of the cover or poor and lousy description from the distro owner.. then you stuck with this record at home because you didn't have anything other new, and sooner or later you give it a 2nd and often even countless more chances before you started to like what you hear.. I have many examples and some of my favorite and life influential bands I discovered exactly on this way.. and today, most of us who still actually buys some record from time to time do it after countless listens online and almost all the trill and excitement about getting new record kind of disappears when a physical one finally gets to your hands..
in today's time it's absolutely impossible to track all the new stuff which are coming every day from every single corner of the world, especially in d-worshiping universe, which is without doubt good thing because it's nice to see so much bands and releases are popping out almost on daily basis, but the point is we should take time, slow down a little and pay more attention to what we listen and just enjoy more in all the noise..
so in accordance with that, in this new part of "let's bring some noise" we have few random fresh releases from all over the globe and all from this current year, which deserves your attention if you are into raw d-beat punk/crust.. of course there is a ton of other great records in same style recorded this year and that's why I'll try to be more regular with new editions of this almost forgotten part of the blog, just to do my part on this subject matter.. 
okay, six bands, all in slightly different approach, from classic and simple d-beat punk to more noisy and distorted versions of crasher crust.. hope you'll find something new and interesting, so enjoy the reading (not so likely, but at least try..) and play those nasty filthy tunes loud!..
EXTENSIVE SLAUGHTER - A Fated Demise [2024] (tape)
2nd release by this relatively young band from Vancouver, Canada which seems to have more than great diy punk crust scene lately and we already are familiar with bunch of well known and established bands, same as new ones popping out constantly from there..
what to expect from a band who named themselves after the song by legendary Excrement of War and with members from some death metal bands!? - well exactly what you get, a furious unstoppable d-beat force, influenced by 90's euro crust wave, not so raw and lousy you might expect from a fresh band, because it's clear they know what they are doing with their instruments, with angry vocal which is not so extreme like it's often the case with bands from Canada but more in scandi-kang style and it fits to their sound perfect.. in last song, cover from above mentioned EOW they are even playing with dual m/f vocals and as I'm complete sucker for this type of bands I would for sure like to hear more from them in this version.. all together 5 songs, about minute and half on average which won't give you space to relax and rest for not even a second, you can expect some furious and explosive ride from start to finish and after this short 9 min you'll want more and more..
this was released on tapes in limited amount of 100 pieces by very interesting Canadian label Sore Mind who are putting out some really beautiful cassettes of already well known bands same as new ones.. as it seems it's still available so hurry up for your copy.. I will definitely have them in sight in future same as Extensive Slaughter because both are very promising and I can't wait for more stuff from both..

CROW NOISE - Flowers Of Genocide [2024] (digital)
from, to me personally, one of the most interesting and still not enough discovered diy scene out there, the one from Malaysia we have new band with members of globally known Apparatus and some other probably lesser known outfits as Hellsister and absolutely insane crasher crust unit Cave Crust Genocide.. 
this is their debut five track EP self-released by the band in online form and offered for stream on their bandcamp.. from 1st track, same as from album artwork you could think that they are classic stench core, Deviated Instinct worshipers but this track is just like something longer and more anthemic even almost melodic intro into the rest of the EP which then develops into pure d-beat hammering full of aggression and speed more wrapped in this classic 90's crust-core felling rather than stench-core one.. production is also in this style, it means without fancy tricks, the whole thing sounds filthy, raw, unpolished and primitive - just how it is always more than welcomed here at crucified freedom pages..
apparently they already have new material recorded and ready for some new future release so keep your eyes and ears wide open..
PERFIDIA - s/t [2024] (digital)
one more total d-beat punk band from wealthy Colombian diy hc punk ocean of raw punk.. released in July this year on Disordera Records (visit their BC page for bunch of similar local raw punk acts).. as I don't have any additional info about them or this release I'm not sure if this is their debut offering or we speak about longer lasting band (the 1st one wold be more likely closer to the truth)..
anyhow, they offer 7, for the genre lengthy songs, in typical, brutal and very rough d-beat style, dual vocals, one classic d-beat deep and rough and the other is like more extreme, screamed in crusty style.. all together works nice, decent production but for my taste most of songs are little to long, sometimes 2 and half to 3 minutes is to long for a d-beat song and the whole thing can easily fall in trap of becoming too repetitive and boring.. this is the only minus of this release, otherwise it's good and delivers stripped down to the bone raw punk full of this relentless and contagious tupa-tupa Latino spirit.. some songs, like for example second one named "Noise" becomes so fast by the end that in some parts it almost reaches into raw black metal waters and that's also interesting point of view..
I believe this is digital only release so go check it on bandcamp or find it on youtube..
ODIAR - Mortos N​ã​o Acabar​ã​o [2024] (tape)
crazy noise punks from Brazil and their 2nd release which was published on great German diy label Noise Itch Cassettes in only 25 copies and is of course, already sold out.. 
this is classic example how it needs to be done - simple, noisy, raw, with short punk as fuck lyrics and without complications.. already from visuals you know what exactly you will get, yes sometimes you can be fooled if band uses infamous discharge fonts just for their logo but when they use it for the album title as well you can slowly throw away your doubts and if in addition to all that there is cover which includes some shady war imagery, cordon of police and big skull - you just can't go wrong - this must be raw and primitive noisy d-beat punk.. production is also raw and simple, loud bass which dominates in front of all the distorted guitar noises, classic d-beat drumming and great vocal which reminds on some of the best in business, the ones from Japan, even the whole thing isn't in this total crasher crust madness but it's fcking close.. anyhow, Odiar is one interesting band, which easily could drown in the ocean of similar but somehow I think this won't be the case with them because they have this something extra which stands them out.. also worth to mention, they already have new material, 10-trax album published few months ago on bandcamp so check this one also..

NO FUTURE - Mirror [2024] (LP, tape)
until now I wasn't familiar with No Future, raw punks from Perth, Australia but as I can see they are going strong already some time (since 2018) and have decent amount of releases in form of demos and EPs under their belts..
"Mirror" is one superbly conceived and executed album and as it seems 1st long play record of the band, released in cooperation between Iron Lung from US and Australian label Televised Suicide.. it brings us even 12 (well, eleven because 1st one is a kind of intro) furious tracks, some already published on those above mentioned releases but now mixed and mastered by already omnipresent Will Killingsworth from Dead Air Studios, so you can already guess that production is superb.. all songs are diverse enough to not become boring considering of their amount, so we have some short ones, real d-beat attacks like for example "Meaningless" or "Hidden Frequencies", while P.B.S. is two and half minutes long pogo stomping punk anthem, then on song "Absent" even some back/second vocals appears and then for the end they surprise with "Mirror" which is mix of everything above mentioned spiced with some thrasy hardcore and at moments have even this specific anarcho-punk vibe..
as you may notice by now they aren't classic d-beat raw punk band like the previous from this post, yet they are leaning more towards this American style of noisy punk, female fronted, with just enough reverb on vocals, massive bass and highly energetic pummeling drums ahead of distorted guitar shreds - we could mention bands like Lebenden Toten, Subversive Rites or even sXe crusty hardcore punks Torso as reference..
this is released in both vinyl and tape versions and it's still available from above mentioned labels and if you are from Europe I think few copies of regular black vinyl are still available on Burning Anger..
anyhow, interesting band and proper album, if they aren't from such isolated place as "down under" is, they would certainly be better known band, but again they have releases on Iron Lung, earlier this year they toured UK and one with another I'm sure we will hear more about them in not so distant future..
DOMINACION - Punks Ganan [2024] (digital)
raw punk band from Barcelona singing on Spanish - for my taste it sounds perfect.. and yes, Dominacion are indeed great band and "Punks Ganan" is quite impressive debut..
all together 7 songs of raw d-beat punk executed on "by the book" way, adding some over the top speed drumming to already proven formula just to spice up things a little and give them this extra flavor.. and yes, those damn drums, just as one comment on their bandcamp page says: "every square inch of the drum set used and abused".
while 1st song starts like some E.N.T or Doom classic crust core hit, soon things becomes nastier and rawer so everything turns into classic d-beat punk, on the moments sounding like they can't decide which part of d-beat legacy they want worship more, the one from Discharge or Disclose, but this turns out awesome because we get perfect blend of both and this beside above mentioned drumming and singing in native language is also one of the reasons this band will not disappear among his peers and remain unnoticed..
this was published already in February but due some problems with pressing it should be out just these days, by the end of September on interesting Barcelona's label Discos Enfermos (btw, they also released the comeback album of legendary Juventud Podrida few weeks ago which is also fire!), so check it and support there..


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