Friday, 22 November 2024

this 7inch nightmare will never end..

after good old cassettes, 7" vinyl is my favorite medium for punk records.. I mean all around them, from simplicity and in the same time endless creativity possibilities around covers, it's price (at least from some time ago, now they are also becoming hardly affordable), it's size and practicality, everything is perfect.. okay, if we are gonna be honest only the duration of the records which fits on this small piece of plastic is little problematic but again often I like my punk short and fast..
here are just some fresh beauties in my humble collection which landed in ..crucified freedom.. headquarters in last few months (or a year).. damn, I will go bankrupt..




Saturday, 9 November 2024

WARCOLLAPSE / FEAR OF EXTINCTION - split 7" is out now!!!

another new record from Warcollapse, is this a dream!?. well, it isn't, the brand new split with Czech crust punk heroes Fear of Extinction is out now on Phobia records, released on 7" vinyl.. 2 songs from each side, pretty short but I believe really nice record with potential to become future crust classic..
there are two versions available, regular black (7.60 €) and limited mustard with blue splatter effect (8.40 €)..
there are some more new exciting news from Phobia records for the few upcoming months, some awesome records are already in the making, for me one of the most interesting is another split 7", this time with Visions of War and Phane, really looking forward for this one.. and what are the others, check out here:

Friday, 8 November 2024

upcoming gig in Rijeka, Croatia

when?..................................15.11.2024., Friday
where?.................................Podrum, Rijeka
who?....................................ATOMSKI RAT raw thrash noise punk, Ser
                                             NATURE BOYS r'n'r punk, USA

IMPORTANT: Atomski Rat is in search for a show somewhere in Croatia, B&H, Slovenia or Serbia on 16th of November.. if you can help or know someone, please get in touch with them..

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

PRIMAL BEHAVIOUR - s/t demo - is out now!!!

another new band in this dirty crust swamp.. Primal Behaviour is, just as it's name says, primitive crust band from Ljubljana, Slovenia.. I like this style and sound, there's no any fancy production here, demo is recorded in legendary club Gromka and delivers exactly what you could expect, dirty and aggressive crust punk with harsh vocals in this so called caveman crust style.. somehow, maybe natural Warcollapse first comes to mind here as obvious influence, although they still don't have that much of speed and this dose of aggression and intensity as above mentioned and from younger bands I could compare them with Rijeka's crust punk act Bible Thrower, at least on the first listen..
all together 4 tracks for short but brutal ride in old school crust themed park which will bring you back to some simpler times and give you a dose of essential and true primal crust experience..
it's a pity there are only 4 songs here, but still this is one nice little debut..
demo is available on their bandcamp page for stream and "name your price" download and from the design of cover I suppose there are some tapes available or in plan.. so check it out and support it..

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

AGNOSY live @ Idrima 2.14, Athens (Greece) 27.04.2024. - video

winter is coming.. here's some good old dark, stenchy crust punk for you all to warm you up.. from their Greek mini tour in April this year.. enjoy..


- video source:

Monday, 4 November 2024

upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?...............06.11.2024., Wednesday
where?..............AKC Attack, Zagreb
who?.................DOMINACION raw d-beat punk, Spa
                          SRANJE punk, Slo
                          PLASTIKA raw hc punk, Cro 
entrance?...........7 €

well, things like this is why I love hc punk so much.. few months ago, completely accidentally I stumbled on this band called Dominación from Barcelona while exploring some fresh raw d-beat releases and I remember that on the first listen they kind of stand out from bunch of others similar.. later I even include them in one of my post from "let's bring some noise" series, while writing short review of their great debut "Punks Ganan" I remember that I mention something like they won't get lost and left unnoticed in this huge ocean of similar d-beat worshipers which pops out on almost daily basis around the globe, because they had this something - is this that they don't sing on English, is this their crazy ride between worshiping of UK/Sweeden or Japanese school of d-beat which they choose rather than sticking just to one side and particular style, or it's just this crazy ass fast drumming - I don't know, but they got something.. and only 2 months after and few months more after releasing their debut they are already on euro tour and among others they will visit Zagreb.. as "local" support there will be playing 2 more awesome young bands - Sranje old school punks from Ljubljana and domestic raw hc punk heroes Plastika.. and the day later on the 7th of November, Dominación will also play in Slovenia, at club Gromka this time supported by newly formed d-beat/crust act from Ljubljana called Primal Behaviour.. if you are in surroundings don't miss it, because you have the chance to watch the next "big thing" in dis d-beat world, trust me!..