Sunday, 30 July 2023

PROFANE EXISTENCE 34th anniversary gig on Skullfest 2023


what?.............................P.E. 34th anniversary gig
where?...........................Pittsburgh, USA
who?..............................MISERY crust, USA
                                       NIGHTFEEDER crust, USA
                                       FLOWER crust, USA
                                       HOPE? crust, USA
                                       DEADSKY crust, USA


Thursday, 27 July 2023

PLASTIKA - s/t - is out now!!!

hell yeah, finally!.. I don't remember when I was waiting with such impatience for some domestic punk band recordings like for this one.. Plastika is fresh band from Zagreb but they are no strangers to the readers of crucified freedom because they were already mentioned here few times, featuring already familiar crew from some other bands like Luger and Accident and if you know (and you definitely should) those you already know what you'll get here - fast and uncompromising hc punk leaning toward d-beat with angry female vocals.. and all that is always a winning formula if you ask me.. lyrics are on Croatian which is one more plus because it just sounds better and more angry and are also surprisingly good, dealing with various topics but mostly about pollution, inner demons of an individual, politics, etc all wraped as expected in plas...oh no, not in plastic (heheh, see what I did here!?) but in dark and nihilistic tone..
there are even 10 songs, about minute and half long each which makes this as really decent debut.. some songs stands out as contagious instant hits like "Treča Smjena", "Vitezovi Kurca Mog" or the angriest one "Sjena" but "Sat Sudnjeg Dana" is just perfect hc punk song and this riff from it and this aaaaa scream gives me goosebumps every damn time.. the whole thing is recorded in Studio Depth and published on bandcamp just few days ago and is available for free download or "name your price".. even I like their live sound more, captured on some videos from their shows which you can find on the net, this maybe sounds on the first listening somehow more clean as I expected, but it's great anyways..
and yes, I really do hope and looking forward that this will be released in some physical format soon..
until then enjoy in this hc punk masterpiece online and turn the damn volume up!..

Tuesday, 25 July 2023

PAPERCORE #9 fanzine is out!

"The Summer 2023 issue of Papercore is out (thanks Ursula for your catty help)!
Printed in Toulouse. Cover front & back design by Arthur Plateau.
Already available (or in the days to come) in our distribution points. A4, 20 pages long. Write us if you want to distribute it or order a single copy. They are “prix libre” (pay what you want), but cost about 3€ to print and ship worldwide. We privilege punkpost.
This issue has an interview of Pozoga (Ireland), Ire tour Report, Manual de Combate (Chile) interview, columns, reviews, comics…
The deadline for Papercore #10 is set for October 1th as to get it out in December.

Take care,
The papercore crew"


Saturday, 22 July 2023

today in Požega: benefit gig for SAWA fest

SAWA fest is one of the best hc punk festivals on this Balkan area and even wider.. this weekend was supposed to be its already 15th edition held and all was smelling on one more hc punk feast, but festival place was hit by relentless storm (which appears here for already a week now from time to time, out of nowhere) two times in a row in Wednesday and just after they managed to fix everything and prepare the place for the gig in Friday, storm and heavy rain again destroys everything.. so due all this situation festival is canceled and now the crew from Sawa fest is in serious trouble so some bands which were supposed to play there decide to self-organize a benefit gig in nearby Požega, so if you are close support the whole story with attendance and donation because the whole Sawa festival is, since the very beginnings, voluntary and donation based and built on strong diy principles..
if you can't make it to the gig you can support them with donation through their web page..

what?....................benefit gig for SAWA fest
when?...................22.07.2023., Saturday
where?..................Tom Klub, Požega
who?.....................DISBAJA crust grind, Cro
                              MAZUT d-beat crust, Cro
                              LIQUID SUPERCHARGE r'n'r punk, Cro


SKULLFEST 17.-20.08.2023. Pittsburg, U.S.A.



Thursday, 13 July 2023

AVSKUM - En Annan Värld är Möjlig - new album is out soon!!!

"Sweden’s Legendary D-Beat Band AVSKUM return with their first new album since 2008, “ En Annan Värld Ar Möjlig" ( Another World Is Possible). Their fifth album has 17 new tracks of rage filled D-beat hardcore supporting Indigenous rights, Self-determination and attacking Fascism, Militarism, Misogyny and political corruption. Avskum’s sound has it’s roots in their 1982 origins at the earliest stages of Swedish hardcore punk, with harshly screamed vocals and quick blasting songs, underlined over the ensuing decades by a rock driven heaviness with searing guitar solos, thundering bass lines and rampaging drum attack. Recorded by Kenko at Communichaos Studios, the album features guest vocals from Tompa from At The Gates / Disfear, TB from Asocial / Uncurbed and Mattis from Makabert Fynd. With two stunning cover illustrations by Jordan Barlow to hammer home their vision of empowerment and resistance.. AVSKUM will tour the U.S. Midwest and the West Coast in September 2023 with Resistant Culture.

Vinyl version of Avskum"s "En Annan Värld är Möjlig' on Prank Records, in a 24 point board jacket printed at Stoughton, with insert, poster and a pinback button. Available on Transparent Yellow or black vinyl, both are limited to a total pressing of 300 each.

Includes digital pre-order of EN ANNAN VÄRLD ÄR MÖJLIG. You get 4 tracks now (streaming via the free Bandcamp app and also available as a high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more), plus the complete album the moment it’s released."

Wednesday, 12 July 2023

Zagreb Anarchist Book Fair 2023

"Friends and comrades,

We hereby invite you to participate in the Zagreb Anarchist Book Fair (ZASK), which will be held from the September 30th to October 1st, 2023 in Zagreb. Like other fairs of this type, it will serve as a platform for getting to know each other, networking, distributing materials and sharing experiences in the joint struggle. In addition to visiting the fair, we invite you to participate in its program in your own way, which you can read more about below. In addition, all the technical information that you may be interested in will be listed below. All information from this call, as well as additional information, can be found on the website of the fair (The website is still a work in progress)."


Sunday, 9 July 2023

MATRAK ATTAKK North Tour July/August 2023 + split tape with NIHILISTIC GRAVE CRUSTER will be out soon!!!

here are the final dates and places for upcoming Matrak Attakk tour through northern parts of Europe.. also split tape with German total noise crust band Nihilistic Grave Cruster will be out soon on AxRxLx and Scum records, so be aware!..


Friday, 7 July 2023

SRANJE / HAREN / TENSÖ live @ AKC Attack, Zagreb 04.07.2023. - video

punkkkkkkk!.. doomtown crew which are often focused on post punk and similar stuff which I don't like much surprised us with bunch of interesting gigs lately (Hellshock, Irreal, Savageheads, Primer Regimen and not to forget domestic forces as Sukob, Plastika, U.B.T and Luger), hope they will continue in this tone..  if we can judge by this video and photos only it seems it was an hell of a night this tuesday in AKC Attack.. two wild bands from Spain, Murcia and Tenerife to be more precise and young punk forces from Slovenia, well just from the gig announcement it smelled on a great party and as it seems it was just like that.. and Joža has even outdone himself this time with photos which are pure magic..

- video is from: SubsiteTV
- for photos go here:

Thursday, 6 July 2023

DRUM ZIN #3 fanzine

Drum Zine is fanzine by rijekadiyhcpunk collective crew from Rijeka and it seems each number was made on some anniversary of their squatted place called Podrum and is more focused on their domestic scene, bands and things related to it.. this 3rd number is released few months ago regarding Podrum’s already 15th birthday..
on all together 48 pages written on Croatian you can read few columns and short opinions about common topics as zines, scene, gigs, food not bombs, etc., interview with Bible Thrower, an extensive story about Gracijani (now former) squat in Rijeka which was interesting for me to read and it’s good display and example of situation when you are going into something serious as squatting some place, kind of relaxed and not aware what everything you will be facing with, this can be useful for someone who maybe plans similar actions, also there is even more extensive story about 2 tours which are extra interesting because of 2 things.. first geographically, the 22 days long one with Nature Boys in 2015 through Balkans but with an emphasis on Greece and all those legendary places there and infamous Exarcheia and the 2nd one with The Truth and Bosonogo Djetinjstvo, very similar, again The Balkans and Greece but this time all the way to Istanbul in Turkey.. and the 2nd thing why those are interesting is that they are written from the perspective of driver so they aren’t focused so much on gigs but more on the places they were playing, the road, driving, borders and all other nice and not so nice things and difficulties which often you don't see, at least in that form, in standard tour diaries.. (I remember similar reports from the author of this text for his zine Selftitled which were also always interesting..)
layout is made by computer, on already standard A5 format, everything looks clear and easy for reading, the only small complaint is there are headlines missing and you need to start reading first few sentences of an article just to find out what it’s about..
I don’t know much about its price (I assume it is on donations) and it’s availability but you can try contact L on the e-mail bellow who send it to me for the review or basically anyone from rijekadiyhcpunk collective..

also I got #2 in the package which is “little” older, released somewhere just after 10th anniversary of Podrum, it means some 5 years ago, but still interesting and fun to read.. style, format and content are almost the same except then whole thing was written with typewriter on which obviously letter r fell off in some moment and it’s added by hand in some texts and that is a bit irritating during the reading..
from content there are Last Baraž and Grampa band infos, some kind of retrospective on bunch of gigs happened in Podrum (one focused mostly on 2010 and the other on some more recent gigs that was held just before releasing this number) and few columns..

in short, both number are interesting to read and as they are focused mostly on Rijeka and Podrum they are good way to find out something about their history, past activities and in overall to get to know the crew gathered there better..

-contact: footpank[at]tutanota[dot]com

Wednesday, 5 July 2023

upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?.....................15.07.2023., Saturday
where?....................Močvara, Zagreb
who?.......................PRIMER REGIMEN hc punk, Col
                                KPAX! oi punk, Ser
                                CRNA ŽUČ post punk, Ser
                                PLASTIKA raw hc punk, Cro
entrance?.................8 €

Monday, 3 July 2023

upcoming gig in Skopje, Macedonia


when?....................................08.07.2023., Saturday
who?......................................DISEASE raw d-beat crust, Mac
                                               HAK ATTAK hc punk crust, Slo
entrance?...............................200 ден

upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia

what?..................gig part of Balkan Anarchist Bookfair
when?.................07.07.2023., Friday
where?................Gromka, Ljubljana
who?...................BITOV TERROR oi punk, Bul
                            DISCULT post metal crust, Swe
                            ĐORNATA crust, Slo

Sunday, 2 July 2023

KLAONICA squat needs help!!!

[english below]

Dragi ljudi,
trebamo vašu pomoć da kupimo 2 solarna panela i novu bateriju za Reci:klaonicu. Trenutno smo u popravku krova koji curi i uz to nemamo dovoljno da obnovimo izvore struje. Više o svemu je u tekstu crowdfunding kampanje koju hosta super kolektiv Firefund ( Puno bi nam značilo ako možete donirati bilo koji iznos ili šerati:

>> Firefund (link za donacije):

Novac skupljamo do 1.9.2023. Ako se uplati više od 1500e, viškove ćemo proslijediti najmlađem zagrebačkom skvotu - našim dragim susjedima “Postaji” koja se ljetos obranila od pokušaja evikcije.
Puno hvala, pusa pank, 



Dear past and future guests, friends,
Zagreb squat Reci:klaonica seeks help to purchase 2 solar panels and a battery to enhance the quality of life of residents, guests, and the wider community. If you can help by donating or spreading the word on social media it would mean a lot to us, thank you!
>> Firefund (link for donations):

We are launching this campaign because without your help, we cannot cover the costs of 2 solar panels and 1 new battery, especially since we are reconstructing our roof at the moment. Without new solar panels and a battery life would be pretty challenging here both in summer and winter. Having more electricity would mean not always having to drink lukewarm water, happier guests and having louder gigs, oi!
Reci:klaonica (Zagreb, Balkans) is a 12-year-old squat. The complex in which the squat is located was the city’s main slaughterhouse and “livestock” market since 1934. After it stopped its operations in 2001, young people moved into one of the buildings in 2011, breathing new life into the space. Since then, many individuals have passed through as residents, colorful and beloved guests, bands, also this is a place where workshops are held, discussions take place, we have a library and freeshop, screen political films, give space for exhibitions and organize flea markets, and we grow garden. We do all of this ourselves and live quite self-sustainably – electricity comes from (currently old) solar panels, we collect rainwater, and we gather food that doesn't sell at the market. We are constantly repairing and exchanging skills. Our life here is a middle finger to capitalists to whom we don't give anything, as well as to the real estate market and other neolib nonsense that don't allow us to breathe, let alone to live well.
We hope we inspire others to take matters into their own hands because private ownership truly is legalized theft, and there's nothing wrong with transforming neglected buildings into solidarity-based, vibrant, and interesting communities! We want to continue doing all this in an even stronger and more beautiful way, and your help would mean a lot to us. We will always be glad if you come with your microphones, seeds, dogs, brushes, children, or just a desire for rest and hanging out.
If more than €1500 is donated, we will forward the surplus to the youngest squat in Zagreb – our dear neighbors "Postaja," which successfully defended itself against an eviction attempt this summer. Postaja is here to stay!
Thank you very much!


Saturday, 1 July 2023

24/24 - Munk​á​spr​é​s (2022) - tape

Genre..........................raw punk
Web.............................bandcamp, youtube
Label............................Sors Fintora Records

well, this band, this tape and stuff like these are the only thing which keeps me running this blog after all those years.. because if I don’t there’s enormous possibility I will never heard about this band and that would be just a shame and my loss.. also, it would be even more ironic because they are from neighboring Hungary, country with whose diy hc punk scene unfortunately I am not familiar with enough.. since the 1st time Tomi introduce me his band via e-mail and their first ever recordings I knew this could be good.. and just few months later they finished proper recordings for the demo which was published on bandcamp in September 2022 and month later released as a tape on Sors Fintora records.. I got the tape for reviewing right after it’s releasing but as it’s already widely known I’m the biggest lazy bastard in the world so I am writing it just now (or it is because I enjoyed it so much all this time and waiting for everything settle down a little, hmmm!?)..
anyhow, here we have real d.i.y. gem, tape by Hungarian band with, at first unusual name, 24/24 and their debut recordings named “Munk​á​spr​é​s”.. but after I explore a little, translate some of their lyrics, realizing that they named this release after some kind of worker’s press I believe that 24/24 refers to working non-stop and exploitation of working class and to me the whole stuff looks, sounds and smells just like that, in real, simple and raw but hard working and surviving, angry tone..
tape itself comes with simple yellow (I’ve seen some pictures with red version too) cover including small lyrics sheet and a sticker and is released in 55 hand numbered copies.. there are all together 8 songs in approximately 8 minutes, same material is on both sides of a tape, it means fast and short but still leaves you with great impression because of its aggression and rough rawness.. all songs are great and will pump you with energy and simultaneously play with your nerves but if I have to single out one that would be Nekem Te Ne! which is totaly crazy and I already saw on few live videos it becomes instant hit for sing-along on live gigs, just as I thought it will the first time I hear it.. music is a wild burst of angry and uncompromising raw hc punk, rough vocals style brings slightly crusty feel, even here and there some back vocals appears but the whole thing is without any unnecessary complications, simple, fast, highly energetic and direct.. I don’t know with whom I would compare them because they sound different and by different I mean great…and different.. lyrics are on Hungarian which sure brings another dose of originality and are about politics, social stuff, anti government and anti racist, about everyday working class struggle, etc..
I’m not really sure if tapes are still available, I’ve seen on the internet that there’s also the ones with the same material but as a split tape with Nudum released later so try to contact the band.. but be aware, there are some serious side effects of countless listening of this on repeat, it’s very likely that there will be occasional screaming on Hungarian coming somewhere from back of your brain and you’ll be asking yourself: how the fck I hate Orban so much lately!?.. you have been warned..

-contact: tomiconia[at]gmail[dot]com