Friday, 28 April 2017
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
when?................................29.04.2017., Saturday
where?...............................Klaonica squat, Zagreb
who?.................................LUST FOR DEATH stench crust, Fra
REGRESSION OF STYLE melodic death metal, Cro
entrance?...........................20 kn
Thursday, 27 April 2017
MUTABO / CONCRETE WORMS euro tour May 2017
02.05. Leipzig
03.05. Berlin
04.05. Brno
05.05. Bratislava
06.05. Ljubljana
upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia

when?............28.04.2017., Friday
where?...........Gromka, Ljubljana
who?..............LUST FOR DEATH stench crust, Fra
HUMAN HOST BODY metal crust, Slo
Monday, 24 April 2017
CRUTCHES euro tour May 2017
10 MAY - GER Berlin, KomaF
11 MAY - CZE Prague, Azyl Pivni Bar
12 MAY - SVK Bratislava, Garaze pod pristavnym mostom
13 MAY - HUN Szombathely, Végállomás Klub
14 MAY - SER Novi Sad, Suburbia 021
15 MAY - CRO Zupanja
16 MAY - CRO Zagreb, AKC Attack
17 MAY - SLO Ljubljana, AKC Metelkova mesto
18 MAY - AUS Wien, Venster 99
19 MAY - CZE Prague, Modrá Vopice
20 MAY - GER Leipzig, Chemnitz
21 MAY - SWE Malmö, Plan B
Saturday, 22 April 2017
NUCLEAR ALTAR - Mankind in Decline demo 2017 free download
so the whole demo is online on Nuclear Altar bandcamp and there is also free download link on mediafire..
demo sounds great if you ask me, not any fancy production this time, recorded with just one mic and at once, without any philosophy and complications.. there are few brand new songs, some are already heard on "Blessed Ruins" and 3 covers by U.B.R., Hellkrusher and Dislike..
tape will also be out soon.. that's all for now, some proper review will probably follow when I get the tape.. until then enjoy debris and filth..
Friday, 21 April 2017
AntiFA fest 21st and 22nd April 2017, AKC Metelkova Mesto, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
"Under pretense of austerity measures and desire to limit the number of migrants in the country, politics of current Slovenian government are bringing separation and hate into society. Barbed-wire fence on the southern border, introduction of quotas for migrants, new laws about migration and pushing migrants out of the country altogether created an atmosphere, in which increasing number of actions by Neo-Nazi sympathizers are merely the street face of such politics.
Last year alone, Neo-Nazis carried out three bigger assaults on autonomous spaces (on Sokolski dom in Novo mesto for collecting food and clothes for migrants, on Rog Factory in Ljubljana, while it was defended from eviction, and on Autonomous cultural zone Metelkova mesto). Similar attacks happened in the past as well. Autonomous and other open spaces represent the symbol of free creativity, fighting for radical equality and stand against all forms of oppression.
The question all of us should therefore ask ourselves is: are we going to tolerate bigotry in graffitis and stickers? Will we tolerate verbal and even physical assaults? By attending our antifascist festival and our work on and around it, we want to show that different worlds and different politics with the messages of anti-fascism, freedom, solidarity and openness are possible. If you want to say a clear NO Neo-fascism, nationalism, racism and hatred, join us on 21. and 22. of April 2017 in Metelkova, Ljubljana and be a part of our ANTIFA FEST!"
WEDNESDAY - 19.4.2017
- 20:30 Exhibition - History of AntiFa fest (Jalla jalla)
FRIDAY - 21.4.2017
- 15:00 Food not Bombs (in front of Jalla Jalla)
- 15:00 Alternative fair: distributions // crafts-produce // graffiti workshops // dress-making workshops //screen printing // board games (Metelkova courtyard)
If you want to sign-up for the distro table, write to
- 15:30 Workshop for kids - Skupinski premik, naredimo mozaik! (Galerija Alkaraz)
- 18:00 Info-kafana: Presentation of antifascist struggles in Greece and discussion (A-Infoshop)
- 19:30 Zborke: Feminist choir
- 20:00 CONCERT – RAP NIGHT! (In front of Jalla Jalla; in case of rain in Gromka)
Naji: Iman Shahryari found himself in Ljubljana after annoying politicians in his native Iran with critical songs and was forced to run away.
Parvaz -
Shakhsiat -
Sajkoslav - Abstract, marijuana rap with bass, dub and hiphop background.
Trilr Sajfr -
Kilometrpapu 3 -
N'toko: Miha Blažič aka N'toko, raper from Slovenia, blogger and columnist
Zig zig -
Dvojna morala -
- 22:00 DJ SAJKOSLAV - underground hiphop (Jalla Jalla)
SATURDAY - 22.4.2017
- 12:00 Basket tournament – Throw fascism in the bin (Courtyard behind Celica Hostel)
No applications, just come and bring the equipment. We will welcome if you find a crew of three people ahead of the event.
- 15:00 Food not Bombs (In front of Jalla Jalla)
- 15:00 - Alternative fair: distributions // crafts-produce // graffiti workshops // dress-making workshops //screen printing // board games (Metelkova courtyard)
- 15:30 Workshop for kids - Skupinski premik, naredimo mozaik! (Galerija Alkaraz)
- 18:00 Infokafana: Discussion - Fight against building the hydroelectric power plant on river Mura (A-Infoshop)
- 20:00 CONCERT - PUNK NIGHT!: (In front of Jalla Jalla; in case of rain in Gromka)
Ämbonker (D): Anarcho punk from München
Vivere merda (I): HC/Anarcho punk from Udine
- 22:00 DJ Rudar (Vox populi) - antifa punk
Last year alone, Neo-Nazis carried out three bigger assaults on autonomous spaces (on Sokolski dom in Novo mesto for collecting food and clothes for migrants, on Rog Factory in Ljubljana, while it was defended from eviction, and on Autonomous cultural zone Metelkova mesto). Similar attacks happened in the past as well. Autonomous and other open spaces represent the symbol of free creativity, fighting for radical equality and stand against all forms of oppression.
The question all of us should therefore ask ourselves is: are we going to tolerate bigotry in graffitis and stickers? Will we tolerate verbal and even physical assaults? By attending our antifascist festival and our work on and around it, we want to show that different worlds and different politics with the messages of anti-fascism, freedom, solidarity and openness are possible. If you want to say a clear NO Neo-fascism, nationalism, racism and hatred, join us on 21. and 22. of April 2017 in Metelkova, Ljubljana and be a part of our ANTIFA FEST!"
WEDNESDAY - 19.4.2017
- 20:30 Exhibition - History of AntiFa fest (Jalla jalla)
FRIDAY - 21.4.2017
- 15:00 Food not Bombs (in front of Jalla Jalla)
- 15:00 Alternative fair: distributions // crafts-produce // graffiti workshops // dress-making workshops //screen printing // board games (Metelkova courtyard)
If you want to sign-up for the distro table, write to
- 15:30 Workshop for kids - Skupinski premik, naredimo mozaik! (Galerija Alkaraz)
- 18:00 Info-kafana: Presentation of antifascist struggles in Greece and discussion (A-Infoshop)
- 19:30 Zborke: Feminist choir
- 20:00 CONCERT – RAP NIGHT! (In front of Jalla Jalla; in case of rain in Gromka)
Naji: Iman Shahryari found himself in Ljubljana after annoying politicians in his native Iran with critical songs and was forced to run away.
Parvaz -
Shakhsiat -
Sajkoslav - Abstract, marijuana rap with bass, dub and hiphop background.
Trilr Sajfr -
Kilometrpapu 3 -
N'toko: Miha Blažič aka N'toko, raper from Slovenia, blogger and columnist
Zig zig -
Dvojna morala -
- 22:00 DJ SAJKOSLAV - underground hiphop (Jalla Jalla)
SATURDAY - 22.4.2017
- 12:00 Basket tournament – Throw fascism in the bin (Courtyard behind Celica Hostel)
No applications, just come and bring the equipment. We will welcome if you find a crew of three people ahead of the event.
- 15:00 Food not Bombs (In front of Jalla Jalla)
- 15:00 - Alternative fair: distributions // crafts-produce // graffiti workshops // dress-making workshops //screen printing // board games (Metelkova courtyard)
- 15:30 Workshop for kids - Skupinski premik, naredimo mozaik! (Galerija Alkaraz)
- 18:00 Infokafana: Discussion - Fight against building the hydroelectric power plant on river Mura (A-Infoshop)
- 20:00 CONCERT - PUNK NIGHT!: (In front of Jalla Jalla; in case of rain in Gromka)
Ämbonker (D): Anarcho punk from München
Vivere merda (I): HC/Anarcho punk from Udine
- 22:00 DJ Rudar (Vox populi) - antifa punk
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
NUCLEAR ALTAR - Mankind in Decline - new demo out soon!
here is promo video for upcoming Nuclear Altar demo with new song called Ghostblood Rituals which will soon be available as a free download and as a tape.. more info will follow here or at the following links:
- Nuclear Altar blog
- Olden Sonorities

- Nuclear Altar blog
- Olden Sonorities

Monday, 17 April 2017
HOMOMILITIA live in Byotom, Poland 22.12.1991. - video
Monday, 10 April 2017
upcoming gigs in Zagreb, Croatia
when?.........................13.04.2017., Wednesday
where?........................AKC Attack, Zagreb
who?...........................MALIŠA BAHAT screamo hc, Vž/Kc
NAILED IN hc punk, Zg
WILD FORMS hc punk, Zg
entrance?....................30 kn
when?...........................16.04.2017., Sunday
where?..........................AKC Attack, Zagreb
who?.............................PMS 84 punk, USA
RIXE oi punk, Fra
EKE BUBA garage punk, Cro
U.B.T. hc punk, Cro
entrance?.......................35 kn
when?.............................19.04.2017., Wednesday
where?............................AKC Attack, Zagreb
who?...............................THE ARSON PROJECT grindcore, Swe
FRADAG DEN 13:e hc punk crust, Swe
NAMET crust metal, Cro
Friday, 7 April 2017
Thursday, 6 April 2017
benefit gig for 11th BASK 04.03.2017., Stara škola, Novi Marof
this is Marof not L.A. and this is just quick review on this event which was held few weeks ago and not another usual gig report.. plus some rants about that some special bond between me and N. Marof..
why's that?.. well there's several reasons, like all the bands playing that night are young, I wasn't seen them live before and didn't listen to their records (except Left to Starve) so I wasn't pretty sure which band were on the stage in certain moment, actually don't know if all the bands even played, then I was really drunk after a long time and one with another, I don't consider myself enough competent to write something more about this gig and the bands themselves.. but as I promise to some friends that I will write few words about it on the blog, here it is.. and to be completely honest with you, when it's about the gigs in Marof it was never about the bands but it's about the people, atmosphere and that some strange feeling of mine every time I'm on some gig there.. I think, I'm running this blog almost 8 years (yeah, you read this right..) and didn't ever talk something special about Marof and that just isn't fair..
so let's go from the beginning, for everyone who don't know Novi Marof is small city situated in north-west of Croatia with population somewhere about 2000, but even that small it always had and maybe still has significant place on domestic hc punk scene.. and if nothing else there is a rich history of the gigs held in that town, for example I remember the 1st gig I attended in Marof was somewhere in 2000/2001 on that years edition of Rock in Marof (last year was 20th anniversary of 1st edition of this gig) in old ex-cinema in the center of the town when there were some bad metal bands playing mostly covers but I had a great time and the love between me and this town was born.. few years after that some change of generations happened there as it seems to me, some younger people appears and starts doing gigs in this same old cinema.. they were usually gathered around youth association Alternativa.. even I'm not fan of some official organizations, associations, etc. I must admit that that they accomplished great things for local scene and not only local but also a lot wider.. also some individuals appeared from time to time like my friend L who started a diy iniciative Crni Flomaster so in last 10-15 years there were really a bunch of great gigs from for example Tarapana fest which lasted 2 or 3 days, to smaller events like Diy Manifesto and numerous "ordinary" gigs.. on those gigs in old cinema there were always a lot of people, a hundreds of them from all areas of Croatia and even from abroad, also every active and at least a little significant band from that time played there.. when city authorities decide to demolish the old cinema and build a new fancy cultural center I was afraid that everything will die, but the crew from Alternativa after some period of inactivity moved in other space, an old school just few meters away from the cinema and started to organize events there.. okay, even if very big part of that whole spirit and feeling died with old cinema to me there is plenty of it left still 'till today.. I bet most of you have some place where you feel special whenever you go there on gigs, well for me this is Marof..
that's why I was happy when I 1st time heard about this gig few months ago.. finally all my obligations, work, etc came together and I was free this weekend.. unlike some better past times when on gigs in Marof traveled whole crews of at least 10 people from our place this time just me and Š go there.. at first I was sure I will drive, but Š didn't want to go if I wouldn't drink so we persuaded his wife to drive us there.. we arrived pretty late about 22 and I'm not sure if anyone played before but after few minutes Path of Cestoda climbs up on stage, this "climb up" you can take figuratively because this time bands were playing in front of the big stage, on the floor.. they are young emotional hc/neo crust band from Karlovac and they sounded to me more like they are on some rehearsal than playing gig.. even the vocalist said they do not rehearse to often.. and yes then I saw that L was not only organizer but also sound editor and the sound was pretty good during all night, somehow raw and dirty, maybe just a little too low vocals..
after them the band I was really looking forward to see U.B.T. from Zagreb/Čakovec.. well , they were great with short set but were looking, acting and performing like a real punk band should - drunk, dirty and loud.. okay I'm not subjective here 'cause musically this band was the only one close to some my music taste and I know some members but they did their show pretty good and it was really fun to watch them.. they even played song A.B.C. which ironically speaks about "theory anarchists" and their bookfairs, and this was benefit gig for one, well...hell...
after them it was time for another one band from Karlovac - Stained Hand.. 'till then they were definitely the most practiced band of the evening.. at first two or so songs I thought they will be very interesting, especially because of great female vocal, but with time they become boring to me, sorry but this kind of modern hc just isn't for me.. but they sure are good band..
here some bad beers started to work and the rest of the night is blurry to me and from the rest of the bands I remember only the part of Left to Starve gig.. if I remember well they played pretty long set and also become a little boring at the end, no offense, it's just about my fcked up music taste.. even if they are on the paper crust/grind band actually they are some strange mixture of grind and sludge or I don't know what, anyhow not really for my, lately very sensitive, ears, hehe..
at the end it was a good gig, solid fun, a lot of familiar faces which I didn't see for a long time (too long..), get 3 new 'zines and covers for The Truth 7'', and of course gig was for a good purpose..
later I found out from L that after all travel costs to bands were covered a very solid amount of money left for BASK and that is great, even I didn't expect that but this bloody Marof surprised me once again..
just a remainder BASK will be held from 7th to 9th April in Zagreb so if you'll have chance go there and support the whole thing..
why's that?.. well there's several reasons, like all the bands playing that night are young, I wasn't seen them live before and didn't listen to their records (except Left to Starve) so I wasn't pretty sure which band were on the stage in certain moment, actually don't know if all the bands even played, then I was really drunk after a long time and one with another, I don't consider myself enough competent to write something more about this gig and the bands themselves.. but as I promise to some friends that I will write few words about it on the blog, here it is.. and to be completely honest with you, when it's about the gigs in Marof it was never about the bands but it's about the people, atmosphere and that some strange feeling of mine every time I'm on some gig there.. I think, I'm running this blog almost 8 years (yeah, you read this right..) and didn't ever talk something special about Marof and that just isn't fair..
so let's go from the beginning, for everyone who don't know Novi Marof is small city situated in north-west of Croatia with population somewhere about 2000, but even that small it always had and maybe still has significant place on domestic hc punk scene.. and if nothing else there is a rich history of the gigs held in that town, for example I remember the 1st gig I attended in Marof was somewhere in 2000/2001 on that years edition of Rock in Marof (last year was 20th anniversary of 1st edition of this gig) in old ex-cinema in the center of the town when there were some bad metal bands playing mostly covers but I had a great time and the love between me and this town was born.. few years after that some change of generations happened there as it seems to me, some younger people appears and starts doing gigs in this same old cinema.. they were usually gathered around youth association Alternativa.. even I'm not fan of some official organizations, associations, etc. I must admit that that they accomplished great things for local scene and not only local but also a lot wider.. also some individuals appeared from time to time like my friend L who started a diy iniciative Crni Flomaster so in last 10-15 years there were really a bunch of great gigs from for example Tarapana fest which lasted 2 or 3 days, to smaller events like Diy Manifesto and numerous "ordinary" gigs.. on those gigs in old cinema there were always a lot of people, a hundreds of them from all areas of Croatia and even from abroad, also every active and at least a little significant band from that time played there.. when city authorities decide to demolish the old cinema and build a new fancy cultural center I was afraid that everything will die, but the crew from Alternativa after some period of inactivity moved in other space, an old school just few meters away from the cinema and started to organize events there.. okay, even if very big part of that whole spirit and feeling died with old cinema to me there is plenty of it left still 'till today.. I bet most of you have some place where you feel special whenever you go there on gigs, well for me this is Marof..
that's why I was happy when I 1st time heard about this gig few months ago.. finally all my obligations, work, etc came together and I was free this weekend.. unlike some better past times when on gigs in Marof traveled whole crews of at least 10 people from our place this time just me and Š go there.. at first I was sure I will drive, but Š didn't want to go if I wouldn't drink so we persuaded his wife to drive us there.. we arrived pretty late about 22 and I'm not sure if anyone played before but after few minutes Path of Cestoda climbs up on stage, this "climb up" you can take figuratively because this time bands were playing in front of the big stage, on the floor.. they are young emotional hc/neo crust band from Karlovac and they sounded to me more like they are on some rehearsal than playing gig.. even the vocalist said they do not rehearse to often.. and yes then I saw that L was not only organizer but also sound editor and the sound was pretty good during all night, somehow raw and dirty, maybe just a little too low vocals..
after them the band I was really looking forward to see U.B.T. from Zagreb/Čakovec.. well , they were great with short set but were looking, acting and performing like a real punk band should - drunk, dirty and loud.. okay I'm not subjective here 'cause musically this band was the only one close to some my music taste and I know some members but they did their show pretty good and it was really fun to watch them.. they even played song A.B.C. which ironically speaks about "theory anarchists" and their bookfairs, and this was benefit gig for one, well...hell...
after them it was time for another one band from Karlovac - Stained Hand.. 'till then they were definitely the most practiced band of the evening.. at first two or so songs I thought they will be very interesting, especially because of great female vocal, but with time they become boring to me, sorry but this kind of modern hc just isn't for me.. but they sure are good band..
here some bad beers started to work and the rest of the night is blurry to me and from the rest of the bands I remember only the part of Left to Starve gig.. if I remember well they played pretty long set and also become a little boring at the end, no offense, it's just about my fcked up music taste.. even if they are on the paper crust/grind band actually they are some strange mixture of grind and sludge or I don't know what, anyhow not really for my, lately very sensitive, ears, hehe..
at the end it was a good gig, solid fun, a lot of familiar faces which I didn't see for a long time (too long..), get 3 new 'zines and covers for The Truth 7'', and of course gig was for a good purpose..
later I found out from L that after all travel costs to bands were covered a very solid amount of money left for BASK and that is great, even I didn't expect that but this bloody Marof surprised me once again..
just a remainder BASK will be held from 7th to 9th April in Zagreb so if you'll have chance go there and support the whole thing..
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