yes, after their rehearsal demo Disbaja now have first studio recordings.. definitely the band worth to checking out and listening to.. you'll also be able to see them live soon in Zagreb with Doom and Fight Back in January, as well in Ljubljana with Visions of War in March..
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Monday, 21 December 2015
HELLBACK playin' covers live
two cover songs by Hellback played at their October gig in Našice.. one is from probably the most legendary hc crust punk band ever and the other is from one Serbian metal band for which I must admit didn't hear never before and song is more in Loš Primjer's style (another band from Požega) if you know what I mean, but it's badass and i like it.. check it for yourself..
update 5.06.2016:
recently I realized how much covers actually Hellback does when they play live so I try to find them all at youtube and I think that this are pretty much all of them.. after those two above which are something newer in their setlist by Nausea and Kraljevski Apartman there are also some which we are already used to hear by them, so let's go..
then another already usual, by also old Pž band Apatridi called Before Everything.. this one even appears at last Hellback's release, as well as Punk Punkerima actually..
Broken Icon is cover by Fight Back, another well known Pž band, also was on their last release as well on the 1st demo..
on few of their last gigs they regularly were playing Violation by State of Fear and this one slowly becomes one of the best accepted covers on their gigs..
and for the end maybe the biggest surprise by them, cover from one old Serbian punk band for, if you was at least a little in ex-yu hc punk scene from 90's, you most likely heard of: K.B.O.! and song Lopovi..
okay, I think that's all I can remember right now, maybe there are few more, and who the hell knows what they will still cover in the future..

not so long ago I found this interesting text.. it's about, as its title says a personal view on the Slovenian 'zine scene from the author of few 'zines like Pssst..., Potopis Kože, etc.
I consider it quite interesting for reading so if you're at least little into the 'zines give it a try here:
when?........25.12.2015., Friday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana
who?..........A. PROPAGANDA @ street punk, Slo
GRABLE punk, Slo
entrance?....5 euros

when?.........26.12.2015., Saturday
where? Monteparadiso, Pula
who?..........A. PROPAGANDA @ street punk, Slo
Friday, 11 December 2015
PANKEA #3 fanzine
newest, but already old number of this 'zine from Rijeka, I mean old because it's published at the beginning of the year, March or something like that but to me it's actually still fresh and also I'm sure it's still available from the authors or some distro.. this time I will not make it any longer than it's necessary, everything I say for first two issues applies to this one also, it means again you can read a ton of material like columns (of course, the best part of the 'zine), interview with Hoc (guy who was or still is in bands like Desinence Mortification, Bolesno Grinje, Anti Otpad...), story by few people which left Croatia and start living abroad (that's pretty actual theme here), then Ljubiša Samardžić / Bastinados tour report, 'zine and records reviews, etc.. so as you see it's some standard content of Pankea which has already, with those 3 numbers achieved some recognizable style and I really do hope that we'll be able to read new number soon..
language is Croatian, all together 40 pages in cut'n'paste style.. and remarkable thing, considering it's size is that 'zine is free, of course donations are welcome..
-contact: neumijko [at]
antipank84 [at]
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
upcoming gig in Novi Marof, Croatia
when?...........12.12.2015., Saturday
where?..........Stara škola, Novi Marof
who?............BOSONOGO DJETINJSTVO d beat punk stoner, Zd
NEON LIES darkwave electronic, Zg
entrance?.......20 kn
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
when?.........06.12.2015., Sunday
where?........AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?...........RIVERS RUN DRY neo crust, Hun
STRAFPLANET hc punk pv, Aus
ARSTA crust metal, Cro
NAMET crust metal, Cro
entrance?.....25 kn
Klaonica squat crew needs some things..
- stari akumulatori - bilo bi super da nisu kompletno mrtvi :)
- police - bilokakvog tipa koje su nam potrebne za freeshop te infoshop
- drva - za ogrijev
- alati - ručni električni svemirski kineski svakakvi
- madraci - koji su u ok stanju
- boja - za zidove, beton, drvo, metal ...
- stol za stolni nogomet:)
- auto dijelovi - od kojih bismo radili instalacije
Također nećemo zamjeriti ako proslijedite ovaj popis svojim poznanicima ili nekome tko bi mogao uletiti.
Reciklaonica kolektiv"
Thursday, 26 November 2015
upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia
when?............28.12.2015., Saturday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana
who?..............CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY mothorcharged crust, Ita
BARBARIAN black metal, Ita
entrance?........5 euros
upcoming gig in Split, Croatia

when?...............28.11.2015., Saturday
where? Kocka, Split
who?.................BOLESNO GRINJE grindcore, Pu
KRLJA grindcore, Sb/Zg
NAMET crust metal, Zg
COLD TURKEY grind pv, St
entrance?...........30 kn
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia
when?...........26.11.2015., Thursday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana
who?.............HELLBASTARD crust metal, UK
EXTREME SMOKE 57 grindcore, Slo?
entrance?......7 euros
Monday, 23 November 2015
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?.................25.11.2015., Wednesday
where?................Klaonica squat, Zagreb
who?...................HELLBASTARD crust metal, UK
DISBAJA raw d beat punk, Cro
entrance?............30 kn
Saturday, 21 November 2015
Izgubljeni potencijali – odjeci iz prošlosti fanzinske kulture (19. – 27. 11. 2015.) HDD Galerija, Zagreb
iako je ovo već otvoreno još uvijek nije kasno za posjetiti ako ste u Zagrebu.. o čemu je točno riječ, pročitaj u nastavku..
U četvrtak, 19. 11. u 19 sati u HDD galeriji otvara se izložba “Izgubljeni potencijali – odjeci iz prošlosti fanzinske kulture”. Kustos izložbe je Antonio Karača.
Izložba Izgubljeni potencijali – odjeci iz prošlosti fanzinske kulture bavi se još uvijek neopravdano marginaliziranim fenomenom alternativne,underground i punk kulture, kojim se, barem kod nas, sve donedavno rijetko tko sustavno bavio, posebno s potencijalno vrlo zanimljivog aspekta grafičkog dizajna. Do danas je on i dalje najčešće valoriziran u uskom okviru nezavisnih, punk, underground i klupskih, fragmentiranih scena, i dok spomena o fanzinima, čak i u lokalnim okvirima, ima, sve donedavno nije bilo uspostavljene kronologije, kamoli strukturiranije povijesne pripovijesti. Vrijedan arhiv u tom smislu inauguriran je početkom ove godine u okviru iznimno važnog projekta, na koji se djelomično referira i ova izložba. No tu je i recentno obnovljeni interes za medijske i likovne fenomene poput tzv. knjiga umjetnika i tradicije samizdata, koji pruža pak još jednu moguću vizuru, dok se fanzinska mreža može promatrati i kao svojevrsna preteča demokratizacije medija koju je od kraja 90-ih uveo Internet. Predstavljanje ovakvog sadržaja u okviru galerije posvećene dizajnu kao praksi moglo bi biti poruka i inspiracija posebno mladim grafičkim dizajnerima koji posljednjih godina polako ponovno otkrivaju načela samizdata i uradi-sam kulture u vlastitim praksama. Ova izložba zapravo i polazi od osobnog iskustva svog autora, dizajnera po struci i obrazovanju, koji je i sam sudjelovao u fanzinskoj sceni grada Požege, u kojem je odrastao. Stoga je i okvir na koji je izložba usredotočena upravo požeška fanzinska scena od kraja osamdesetih, kroz fanzinski boom 90-ih godina, do sredine 2000-ih kada ona definitivno zamire. Fanzini su ovom prilikom promatrani kao „nesvjesni“ ili „neosviješteni“ dizajn. Pritom termin „nesvjesno“ označava dizajn koji ne pripada nedvosmisleno ni domeni akademskog niti amaterskog, nego nastaje iz potrebe kreiranja, prezentiranja i distribucije vlastitih (osobnih, političkih, svjetonazorskih) poruka i sadržaja.
Iako tematika, odnosno sadržaj kojim se fanzinska izdanja najčešće bave nije fokus ove izložbe, ona je odredila estetiku istih. Anarho-punk, hard-core, metal, politika i osobne teme nisu samo definirale sadržaj fanzina nego su ih i vizualno diferencirale te im dale specifičnu formu koja je ovisila i o osobnosti pojedinog autora. Tako ćemo u Warheadu u svim brojevima naći snažnu političku dimenziju koja se odražava i u njegovom oblikovanju, s druge strane Fecal Forces karakterizira prije svega autorska i kreativna crta, dok se Eternal Suffering u skladu s tematiziranjem metal glazbe, očigledno oslanja na ikonografiju tog žanra. Kod nekih autora možemo primijetiti usavršavanje osobnog rukopisa u gotovo pa tipografski sistem, koje daje snažni karakter cjelokupnom identitetu izdanja iz broja u broj. Ilustracija je također bila sastavni dio sadržaja koji se iz nemarnog i dječjeg crteža transformira u ozbiljnu ilustraciju na traguart bruta, koja uz tekst tvori neodvojivu cjelinu. Veliku ulogu u oblikovanju poruke odigrala je i fotografija, bilo da je riječ o nasumično odabranim motivima koji služe kao pozadina za tekst, ili pak o njenom korištenju u službi prenošenja informacije, ali uvijek u neizbježnom estetskom kodu Xeroxa. Iako ne možemo govoriti o sustavnom promišljanju vizualnih komunikacija i tehničkom prijelomu svojstvenom popularnim magazinima, iz svih tih primjera ipak iščitavamo autorsko promišljanje odnosa forme i sadržaja. Ista estetika, načela i metode produkcije prelile su se i na druge medije komuniciranja – plakati, leci i ovici audio kaseta na punk i underground sceni govore gotovo identičnim vizualnim jezikom. Ova skromna izložba nastoji sve to objediniti u jednu cjelinu, prikazujući kronološki razvoj jedne scene, enigmatične autore koji su je stvarali, reprinte i originalna izdanja, kao i specifične analogne metode kojima su se tvorci fanzina služili.
Iako tematika, odnosno sadržaj kojim se fanzinska izdanja najčešće bave nije fokus ove izložbe, ona je odredila estetiku istih. Anarho-punk, hard-core, metal, politika i osobne teme nisu samo definirale sadržaj fanzina nego su ih i vizualno diferencirale te im dale specifičnu formu koja je ovisila i o osobnosti pojedinog autora. Tako ćemo u Warheadu u svim brojevima naći snažnu političku dimenziju koja se odražava i u njegovom oblikovanju, s druge strane Fecal Forces karakterizira prije svega autorska i kreativna crta, dok se Eternal Suffering u skladu s tematiziranjem metal glazbe, očigledno oslanja na ikonografiju tog žanra. Kod nekih autora možemo primijetiti usavršavanje osobnog rukopisa u gotovo pa tipografski sistem, koje daje snažni karakter cjelokupnom identitetu izdanja iz broja u broj. Ilustracija je također bila sastavni dio sadržaja koji se iz nemarnog i dječjeg crteža transformira u ozbiljnu ilustraciju na traguart bruta, koja uz tekst tvori neodvojivu cjelinu. Veliku ulogu u oblikovanju poruke odigrala je i fotografija, bilo da je riječ o nasumično odabranim motivima koji služe kao pozadina za tekst, ili pak o njenom korištenju u službi prenošenja informacije, ali uvijek u neizbježnom estetskom kodu Xeroxa. Iako ne možemo govoriti o sustavnom promišljanju vizualnih komunikacija i tehničkom prijelomu svojstvenom popularnim magazinima, iz svih tih primjera ipak iščitavamo autorsko promišljanje odnosa forme i sadržaja. Ista estetika, načela i metode produkcije prelile su se i na druge medije komuniciranja – plakati, leci i ovici audio kaseta na punk i underground sceni govore gotovo identičnim vizualnim jezikom. Ova skromna izložba nastoji sve to objediniti u jednu cjelinu, prikazujući kronološki razvoj jedne scene, enigmatične autore koji su je stvarali, reprinte i originalna izdanja, kao i specifične analogne metode kojima su se tvorci fanzina služili.
Friday, 20 November 2015
THE GIG in Zagreb (January 2016)
when?............8.01.2015., Friday
where?...........AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?..............DOOM crust punk, UK
FIGHT BACK hc crust, Cro
DISBAJA raw d beat punk, Cro
KRLJA grindcore, Cro
entrance?.......65/75 kn
yes, it's already kind of tradition that there is at least one gig every year in Zagreb which everyone call "the gig of the season" or "the gig of the year", etc. but this one will be really special.. yes, I know, now you all think it's because of Doom, right!?.. but it's not, I saw them like 4 or so times since they play again and I really like and respect them, they are maybe my favorite band of all time, but here we speak about Fight Back, band from Požega which is I would say pretty well known as here but abroad as well.. the band, as the legend say, which members of mighty Agathocles was asking to reunite and offering them tours in Belgium and Europe, the band which make cover of one old band's song which later becomes probably the most played cover on domestic hc punk scene and everybody thinks that's actually Fight Back's song, and one of the best bands that Požega ever had, and believe me it has it more than every single same sized town in the whole fckin' world.. oh how I would love it that they play with Kktz on vocals, no offense Dena, I just like those phase more, but it will be great anyway.. I can't wait to grab a mic and shout corporate wasteland, corporate wasteland, corporate wasteland - that's the land that they promised you!!.. how they are preparing for the gig you can see on this link..
and yes, I'm also happy to see Disbaja for the first time.. only thing I don't like is the price of the tickets, which is a way too expensive (75kn/10 euros).. just need figured out is it because of Doom or those folks from Fight Back were requested some extra cash to play again, hehehe..
okay, don't miss the chance to see Fight Back live because no one knows what will be with them after this one gig, and if you think "what's wrong with this guy, which Fight Back!?.." than at least come to see Doom..
where?...........AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?..............DOOM crust punk, UK
FIGHT BACK hc crust, Cro
DISBAJA raw d beat punk, Cro
KRLJA grindcore, Cro
entrance?.......65/75 kn
yes, it's already kind of tradition that there is at least one gig every year in Zagreb which everyone call "the gig of the season" or "the gig of the year", etc. but this one will be really special.. yes, I know, now you all think it's because of Doom, right!?.. but it's not, I saw them like 4 or so times since they play again and I really like and respect them, they are maybe my favorite band of all time, but here we speak about Fight Back, band from Požega which is I would say pretty well known as here but abroad as well.. the band, as the legend say, which members of mighty Agathocles was asking to reunite and offering them tours in Belgium and Europe, the band which make cover of one old band's song which later becomes probably the most played cover on domestic hc punk scene and everybody thinks that's actually Fight Back's song, and one of the best bands that Požega ever had, and believe me it has it more than every single same sized town in the whole fckin' world.. oh how I would love it that they play with Kktz on vocals, no offense Dena, I just like those phase more, but it will be great anyway.. I can't wait to grab a mic and shout corporate wasteland, corporate wasteland, corporate wasteland - that's the land that they promised you!!.. how they are preparing for the gig you can see on this link..
and yes, I'm also happy to see Disbaja for the first time.. only thing I don't like is the price of the tickets, which is a way too expensive (75kn/10 euros).. just need figured out is it because of Doom or those folks from Fight Back were requested some extra cash to play again, hehehe..
okay, don't miss the chance to see Fight Back live because no one knows what will be with them after this one gig, and if you think "what's wrong with this guy, which Fight Back!?.." than at least come to see Doom..
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?............14.11.2015., Saturday
where?...........AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?..............BOSONOGO DJETINJSTVO dbeat punk, Zd
SICK CRAP hc punk, Pu
RED TAPE hc punk, Pu
entrance?.......25 kn
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
tapes are still cool..
the other day I got a few tapes from Olden Sonorities distro for which I was sure they aren't available anywhere still today.. some really nice older pieces: Nonsense - Always Against, Inhumate / Gorgonized Dorks / Asyntax / Nonsense – 4 way split, Praia De Vomito / Nonsense - split, Bloodsucking Freaks / Disorganized - split, and two more recent: Dažd - Demo trake EP and GutterSkull - Crawling in Disgust..
not bad, I have a lot of great stuff to listen in next few days/months and, who knows, maybe I'll be willing to write some reviews here soon..
also have 2 extra tapes of GutterSkull, so if anyone is interested get in touch (20 kn, Croatia only)..
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
upcoming gig in Našice, Croatia
upcoming gigs in Ljubljana, Slovenia

when?..........29.10.2015., Thursday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana
who?............P.R.S.O.! hc punk, Ser
PESTARZT hc punk, Ser
entrance?.....5 euros
when?...........5.11.2015., Thursday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana
who?.............GERK hc crust, Arg
DROBOVINA crust, Slo
entrance?......5 euros
Monday, 26 October 2015
GUTTERSKULL - Crawling in Disgust - tape
GutterSkull is a brand new project from Požega, run by Kktz.. it's actually a one-man band playing mix of classic d-beat and black metal in just typical of him, primitive and raw style with great short lyrics full of pessimism, anguish and darkness.. this is published as a tape on Olden Sonorities and it's cost is 20 kn..
here's nice review from Crust Demos blog:
"GutterSkull come from Požega-Slavonia County, Croatia and its the one man project of kktz, member of Nuclear Altar (who's Blessed Ruins was a great shit of D-Beat) and author of the now defunt Wasted Potentials and Corpus Delicti blogs. Crawling in Disgust is the first recorded material for GutterSkull and delivers a blending of D-beat and metal: The drumming is D-beat and runs in the typical for a D-beat band paces, the guitar is raw and primitive and delivers the usual three chord riffs and these are omens of another Dis band walking in the room but here enter new elements: The guitar sound has a rough (black) metal edged feeling while the vocals are totally black metal morbid shrieks instead of the usual shouts or screams, they create a sinister feeling and reminiscent the Warmaggedon era of Disflesh, even the lyrics are dark and pessimistic ("March of the wounded Fate worse than death "). If there is a term to coin here and describe Crawling in Disgust, then is the Blackened D-beat. There are eleven tracks here incl. the Thermonuclear Devastation cover of Onlaught. All and all this is a honest and nice effort and manages to mix D-beat and extreme metal in a cool way. This came out as cassette by Olden Sonorities limited to 50 hand numbered copies and is also available in bandcamp."
here's nice review from Crust Demos blog:
"GutterSkull come from Požega-Slavonia County, Croatia and its the one man project of kktz, member of Nuclear Altar (who's Blessed Ruins was a great shit of D-Beat) and author of the now defunt Wasted Potentials and Corpus Delicti blogs. Crawling in Disgust is the first recorded material for GutterSkull and delivers a blending of D-beat and metal: The drumming is D-beat and runs in the typical for a D-beat band paces, the guitar is raw and primitive and delivers the usual three chord riffs and these are omens of another Dis band walking in the room but here enter new elements: The guitar sound has a rough (black) metal edged feeling while the vocals are totally black metal morbid shrieks instead of the usual shouts or screams, they create a sinister feeling and reminiscent the Warmaggedon era of Disflesh, even the lyrics are dark and pessimistic ("March of the wounded Fate worse than death "). If there is a term to coin here and describe Crawling in Disgust, then is the Blackened D-beat. There are eleven tracks here incl. the Thermonuclear Devastation cover of Onlaught. All and all this is a honest and nice effort and manages to mix D-beat and extreme metal in a cool way. This came out as cassette by Olden Sonorities limited to 50 hand numbered copies and is also available in bandcamp."
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
upcoming gig in Požega, Croatia

when?...............18.10.2015., Sunday
where?..............Tom klub, Požega
who?.................POPPY SEED GRINDER grindcore, Cz
DISLIKE grindcore, Cro
entrance?..........20 kn
upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia
when?..........16.10.2015., Friday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana
who?............ATOMSKI RAT raw hc noise, Srb
KALO hc punk, Srb
entrance?.....5 euros
Saturday, 10 October 2015
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?..............14.10.2015., Wednesday
where?.............AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?................OI POLLOI anarcho punk, Sco
AK-47 anarcho crust punk, Cro
KRIVA ISTINA melodic hc punk, Cro
entrance?.........40 kn
Thursday, 8 October 2015
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
upcoming gig in Čakovec, Croatia
when?.............13.10.2015., Tuesday
where?............Prostor, Čakovec
who?...............OI POLLOI anarcho punk, Sco
LEFT TO STARVE grind crust, Cro
ILL WIND punk'n'roll, Cro
entrance?........30 kn
Mentalna Smrt, Centar za mlade Čakovec - Prostor i Udruga mladih "3FF" Čakovec vam predstavljaju:
OI POLLOI (Edinburgh, Škotska) - Anarchoi
Pank lektira! Bend koji je generacije panxa doslovno odgajao dolazi nam u Čakovec da svi zajedno zapjevamo protiv nacista, homobofa, zagađenja i drugih svima nam poznatih tema. Dugogodišnji staž na sceni nije ih ni malo smekšao te očekujte intenzivnu pankčinu od prve do zadnje sekunde.
LEFT TO STARVE (Karlovac) - Hardcore/crust
Mladi i nabrijani Karlovački panxi koji se s razlogom i treći put vračaju na stage u Prostoru. Ovaj put s jednom odrađenom europskom turnejom na kontu i novim materijalom koji je naprosto fantastičan.
ILL WIND (Zagreb) - Punk/rock
Još jedni povratnici u Prostor kojima se jako veselimo. Zasad još nemaju snimljenih materijala, ali ekipa koja ih je imala prilike čekirati uživo ili na probama priča o fantastičnoj nabrijanoj i catchy pankčini.
Saturday, 3 October 2015
upcoming gig in Novi Marof, Croatia

when?............10.10.2015., Saturday
where?...........Stara škola, Novi Marof
who?..............MAŠINKO punk rock, Zg
ONE STEP AWAY punk rock, Vž
LURCH punk rock, Đu
M.T.O.D.A.E. stoner rock, Zg
entrance?.......20 kn
Thursday, 1 October 2015
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
when?.........4.10.2015., Sunday
where?.......Močvara, Zagreb
who?..........B. DJETINJSTVO dbeat punk stoner, Cro
LEFT TO STARVE grind crust, Cro
ILL WIND punk'n'roll, Cro
TYPESETTER indie rock, USA
entrance?...30 kn
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
punk de Mexico at it's best, jajajaja!!.. I remember this band was pretty popular here, almost every distro had their tapes.. those live footage were made at 10th anniversary gig in 2004.. it seems like they are active still today but don't sound at all that good as back then.. found those videos at this channel, on which you can also find some more recent stuff by them..
mucha gente sin ningun motivo
derrama sangre a lo pendejo y bien
sabe que su destino
es la pinche muerte!!
estupidas guerras, tu crees en ellas
mentiras y lujurias, viven con ella
estupidas guerras, no saben que hacer
sabes que es tu destino y mueres en ellas!!
mucha gente sin ningun motivo
derrama sangre a lo pendejo y bien
sabe que su destino
es la pinche muerte!!
estupidas guerras, tu crees en ellas
mentiras y lujurias, viven con ella
estupidas guerras, no saben que hacer
sabes que es tu destino y mueres en ellas!!
Friday, 25 September 2015
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia

when?...............29.09.2015., Tuesday
where?..............AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?.................KYREST neocrust, Ger
NAMET crust, Cro
entrance?...........25 kn
upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia
when?...............03.10.2015., Saturday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana
who?.................B. DJETINJSTVO dbeat punk stoner, Cro
LEFT TO STARVE grind crust, Cro
PAKT raw hc, Slo
entrance?...........5 euros
Thursday, 24 September 2015
NULLA OSTA "Kad Utihnu Psi...Dolazi Doba Vukova" LP is out now!!
hell yeah, the newest material by this d-beat hc punk monster on 12" LP is out, as co-release between Fucking Kill records, DHP & AK-47, FFud records, Neanderthal Stench, Blackout Brigade and Gestalt records.. it comes with really nice artwork and it's available from above mentioned records/distribution for 8 euros..
also there's limited version on Fucking Kill rec which includes CD-R with all songs that they recorded since 2009 'till today..and when it's about the noise you can check it at FKR bandcamp
more info:
also there's limited version on Fucking Kill rec which includes CD-R with all songs that they recorded since 2009 'till today..and when it's about the noise you can check it at FKR bandcamp
more info:
Friday, 18 September 2015
DISBAJA - Fog of Lies - live @ Attack, Zagreb 15.09.2015.
fresh raw dbeat punk band from Zagreb/Požega performing at last week's gig in club Attack, feat Gera (Hellback, Dislike, No Name, etc.) as guest on vocals.. simply great!..
Thursday, 10 September 2015
upcoming gig in Zadar, Croatia
when?...........12.09.2015., Saturday
where?..........AKC Nigdjezemska, Zadar
who?.............SPLIT VEINS hc punk d beat, UK
entrance?......20 kn
the gig will be held as a closure of Balkan Anarchist Bookfair about which you can get more info here:
Wednesday, 9 September 2015
DISKOBRA - A Diskobra visszatér 7" EP out now!!
more info:
LEFT TO STARVE / BOSONOGO DJETINJSTVO euro tour September/October 2015
"Slowly but surely we are filling up the missing gaps! We are still missing two dates to finish our booking so any ideas where to make some noise would be more than welcome!
Dates we need are: september 24th and 28th!!!
Dates we need are: september 24th and 28th!!!
16.09. - Vienna (A) @ EKH
17.09. - Bratislava (SK) @ TBA
18.09. - Praha (CZ) @ Klinika
19.09. - Berlin (D) @ Kastanienkeller
20.09. - Hamburg (D) @ TBA
21.09. - Kopenhagen (DK) @ TBA
22.09. - Malmø (S) @ TBA
23.09. - Bremen (D) @ Altes Sportamt
24.09. - any ideas??? HELP HELP!!!
25.09. - Leipzig (D) @ Zoro ???
26.09. - Leipzig (D) @ Zoro ???
27.09. - Berlin (D) @ Koma F
28.09. - any ideas??? MORE HELP!!!
29.09. - Schwabish Gmund (D) @ Esperanza
30.09. - Tubingen (D) @ TBA
01.10. - Kremsmünster (A) @ TBA
02.10. - Graz (A) @ Sub
03.10. - Ljubljana (SLO) @ Gromka
04.10. - Zagreb (HR) ???
Saturday, 5 September 2015
so, Mrtvá Budoucnost was extreme hc band from Czech R., active in 90's and early 00's.. some members were/are later in also well known See You in Hell.. they were pretty much active with couple of euro tours, bunch of gigs and numerous releases..
recently I found this live footage from their gig at Obscene Society back then in 2000, and I knew that this is a must have post for my blog, so here it is.. sound quality is excellent (heheh) so don't be afraid to put your speakers/headphones to maximum and enjoy this madness..
also there is interesting interview with Filip (guitar) at Knives&Forks so go check it here:
and for the end here are some lyrics sheets, from their split EP with Pangs of Remorse and split tape with Dislike, for die hard fans.. (click on the picture for larger size..)
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
upcoming gig in Ljubljana, Slovenia

when?..............05.09.2015, Saturday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana
who?................FATUM stench crust, Rus
AK-47 @ hc punk crust, Cro
entrance?..........5 euros
Sunday, 30 August 2015
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
what?............................................DISTORT ZAGREB FEST VOL. 1
where?..........................................AKC Medika, Zagreb
when?...........................................15.09.2015., Tuesday
who?.............................................WARCRY d-beat, USA
LEFT TO STARVE crust grind, Cro
DISBAJA d-beat punk, Cro
PAKT raw hc, Slo
entrance?.......................................35 kn
when?............................................16.09.2015., Wednesday
who?..............................................RED DONS punk rock, USA
NERVOSAS punk rock, USA
PALE ANGELS indie rock, USA/UK
ILL WIND punk'n'roll, Cro
entrence?........................................35 kn
Saturday, 29 August 2015
PARTiYA / DESTROYERS euro tour 2015

Belarus crust grinders Partiya will hit the road once again in September.. this time with hc punk band Destroyers, also from Belarus.. they still need help for two dates so if you could help get in touch with them..
"We are 9 people from PARTiYA + DESTROYERS (2 bands) + driver.
We would like to get some money as we need to pay for roads and diesel and we need some food, drinks and sleeping places.
Send your answers on the e-mail: - Mysh | PARTiYA
Please, repost this message to friends who can help us.
Сheers! Thanks in advance!
Hope to see you soon!
PARTiYA - crust'N'grind punk from Belarus
Friday, 28 August 2015
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
when?..........04.09.2015., Friday
where?.........Klaonica squat, Zagreb
who?............FATUM stench crust, Rus
HELLBACK hc punk crust, Cro
NAMET crust, Cro
entrance?.....25 kn
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
CRUTCHES - FörlOrAD 12" new album out now!!
"Our new record finally arrived! FörlOrAD is the title of our latest record, 10 tracks of mangel, this comes as a gatefold cover vinyl. 100 copies clear blue and 400 copies black of 500 total pressed. A five month process, due to several reasons, feels amazing to finally have it in my hands. We had a small release party at Hygget last weekend. Get the physical copy from either of the distress. Also available for download and listening at our bandcamp! Chaos, mangel and dbeat raw punk never die!"
Not Enough RECORDS, N.E.R. 038
Distro-y Records, DY035
Phobia Records, PR111
Rawmantic Disasters, RAW052
Distro-y Records, DY035
Phobia Records, PR111
Rawmantic Disasters, RAW052
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Balkan Anarchist bookfair 11.-12.09.2015. @ Nigdjezemska, Zadar (Croatia)
Balkan Anarchist bookfair is an annual anarchist event that changes location each year.
This year BASK will take place in Autonomous cultural Centre Nigdjezemska in Zadar!
Why Zadar ? About the space:
After two years of restoring and cleaning the building in abandoned military barracks, this spring the Autonomous cultural Centre Nigdjezemska opened it’s doors. Nigdjezemska arose out of the missing space in Zadar for people to organize activities like d.i.y gigs, discussion and workshops, movie screenings, freeshop, bicycle repairing, gardening and other activities on self-organized and horizontal level!
Anarchist bookfairs are organized in different cities over the world and open space for discussion and exchange about anarchist topics. The idea of Balkan anarchist bookfair is to connect different anarchist people and groups and to be a weekend, on which we can meet each other, discuss, question, exchange local experiences and struggles and develop perspectives for local and also international resistance.
The bookfair lives through participation and solidarity of different people and groups. Balkan Anarchist Bookfair was first organised in 2003 and since then it happened in Ljubljana, Zagreb, Sofia, Skopje, Thessaloniki, Mostar and Zrenjanin, which created solidarity network through the Balkan and beyond.
Please let us know in advance, if you want to do a presentation, discussion, book stall or if you have other suggestions for the weekend! We only have limited sleeping places.
So please let us know in advance if you need a sleeping place (How many are you? Are there any needs that we have to consider choosing your sleeping place?)
We are looking forward to hear from you and welcome your ideas!
Contact; e mail;
Ul. Stjepana Radića
23000, Zadar
This year BASK will take place in Autonomous cultural Centre Nigdjezemska in Zadar!
Why Zadar ? About the space:
After two years of restoring and cleaning the building in abandoned military barracks, this spring the Autonomous cultural Centre Nigdjezemska opened it’s doors. Nigdjezemska arose out of the missing space in Zadar for people to organize activities like d.i.y gigs, discussion and workshops, movie screenings, freeshop, bicycle repairing, gardening and other activities on self-organized and horizontal level!
Anarchist bookfairs are organized in different cities over the world and open space for discussion and exchange about anarchist topics. The idea of Balkan anarchist bookfair is to connect different anarchist people and groups and to be a weekend, on which we can meet each other, discuss, question, exchange local experiences and struggles and develop perspectives for local and also international resistance.
The bookfair lives through participation and solidarity of different people and groups. Balkan Anarchist Bookfair was first organised in 2003 and since then it happened in Ljubljana, Zagreb, Sofia, Skopje, Thessaloniki, Mostar and Zrenjanin, which created solidarity network through the Balkan and beyond.
Please let us know in advance, if you want to do a presentation, discussion, book stall or if you have other suggestions for the weekend! We only have limited sleeping places.
So please let us know in advance if you need a sleeping place (How many are you? Are there any needs that we have to consider choosing your sleeping place?)
We are looking forward to hear from you and welcome your ideas!
Contact; e mail;
Ul. Stjepana Radića
23000, Zadar
Monday, 20 July 2015
upcoming gig in Čakovec, Croatia
okay I know that's a way too early since this would be in October, but...
after the last (and also the first) gig in Croatia few months ago Oi Polloi are coming back and they will be playing in Čakovec.. as support there will be Left to Starve, crust punk from Karlovac and Ill Wind, punk'n'roll from Zagreb..
after the last (and also the first) gig in Croatia few months ago Oi Polloi are coming back and they will be playing in Čakovec.. as support there will be Left to Starve, crust punk from Karlovac and Ill Wind, punk'n'roll from Zagreb..
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
KONTATTO live @ Mucchio Selvaggio Fest, Bologna 2.05.2015. - video
nice one.. just can't realized why there aren't more back vocals by Koppa like it was before.. I like the chaos and sing-a-long during the last two songs, Cospirazioni and Perche from 8:50min..
Saturday, 11 July 2015
THE TRUTH / UGLY FUCKS tour July/August 2015
The Truth & Ugly Fucks will hit the road together again.. this time through Slovenia, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, France and Spain.. they still need help for few dates, so if you can help, get in touch -
- update 14.07.: August 8th is also confirmed, that day the show will be in Genova and they still need help on July 26th somewhere on the road between Italy and Switzerland..
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
ČEBULA #2 fanzine
yeah, I know, I'm lazy and slow since this came out in August last year, but better now then never..
after reading this 'zine I caught myself thinking about how it's funny that there's something in human nature making us to like reading/hearing/talking about someone's personal and private things, was it secretly reading of brother's/sister's/friend's diary when we were kids or reading some personal 'zines or was it just gossiping about your neighbor with someone during your sunday morning coffee after heavily drinking night.. I think, I'm the first one who will say that I don't give a damn about other peoples stuff, I have my own problems, etc, and that's kinda true, but whether we like to admit it or not there's something that attract us into reading/talking about such things and that's pretty "normal", I guess..
and that's exactly what this zine is about.. while reading this I was having a feeling like I read Masha's diary about things and stuff that happened since the last/1st number.. so I won't bragging much about the content this time, just to mention that you can read something about everyday life struggle (sometimes harsh and sometimes nice, just like life itself really is..), relationships, friends, traveling/gig reports, one interview and two extensive 'zine reviews..
everything comes on 52 pages and A5 format, in of course, cut and paste style complemented with again great artwork..
nothing more to say, except this is one really nice 'zine and if you're at least a little "normal", hehe, you'll like it.. looking forward to read new issues of this 'zine and until then go check if this is still available on the following e-mail..
after reading this 'zine I caught myself thinking about how it's funny that there's something in human nature making us to like reading/hearing/talking about someone's personal and private things, was it secretly reading of brother's/sister's/friend's diary when we were kids or reading some personal 'zines or was it just gossiping about your neighbor with someone during your sunday morning coffee after heavily drinking night.. I think, I'm the first one who will say that I don't give a damn about other peoples stuff, I have my own problems, etc, and that's kinda true, but whether we like to admit it or not there's something that attract us into reading/talking about such things and that's pretty "normal", I guess..
and that's exactly what this zine is about.. while reading this I was having a feeling like I read Masha's diary about things and stuff that happened since the last/1st number.. so I won't bragging much about the content this time, just to mention that you can read something about everyday life struggle (sometimes harsh and sometimes nice, just like life itself really is..), relationships, friends, traveling/gig reports, one interview and two extensive 'zine reviews..
everything comes on 52 pages and A5 format, in of course, cut and paste style complemented with again great artwork..
nothing more to say, except this is one really nice 'zine and if you're at least a little "normal", hehe, you'll like it.. looking forward to read new issues of this 'zine and until then go check if this is still available on the following e-mail..
Monday, 6 July 2015
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
when?........12.07.2015., Sunday
where?.......AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?..........NOWHITERAG hc punk, I
UGLY FUCKS hc punk, Cro
GAJBA oi hc punk, Cro
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