Thursday, 29 May 2014

BEYOND PINK euro tour 2014 (help needed with some dates)

Thurs 17/7 Hamburg, Germany
Fri 18/7 Köln or Amsterdam TBC
Sat 19/7 Southern Germany, HELP NEEDED
Sun 20/7 Zagreb, Croatia
Mon 21/7 Croatia? HELP NEEDED
Tues 22/7 Koper, Slovenia
Wed 23/7 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Thurs 24/7 Bratislava, Slovakia
Fri 25/7 Fluff fest, Czech Republic
Sat 26/7 Brno, Czech Republic
Sun 27/7 Vienna/Budapest? HELP NEEDED
Mon 28/7 Vienna/Budapest? HELP NEEDED
Tues 29/7 Zilina, Slovakia
Wed 30/7 Krakow, Poland TBC
Tues 31/7 Warzaw, Poland TBC
Fri 1/8 Berlin, Germany
Sat 2/8 Leipzig, Germany

if you can help get in touch at:

Thursday, 22 May 2014

some hc punk/crust festivals in 2014..

SCUM FEST 23.-25.05.2014. London (UK)

ROHADJ MEG OTTHON II FESTIVAL 23.-24.05.2014., Hungary

TO BE PUNK FESTIVAL 6.-7.06.2014., Novi Sad (Serbia)

PALLASIT FESTIVAL XII 13.-14.06.2014., Zruc nad Sazavou (Czech R.)

GENT NEEDS A DIY SPACE benefit festival 13.-14.06.2014., Gent (Belgium)

K-TOWN HARDCORE FEST 20.-22.06.2014., Copenhagen (Denmark)

KRAMP FEST 20.-21.06.2014. Bajer, Godović (Slovenia)

GRIND THE NAZI SCUM FEST 19.-21.06.2014., Torgau (Germany)

PUNK ILLEGAL 27.-28.06.2014., Sweden

BUKA I OTPOR FESTIVAL 4.-5.07.2014., Zagreb (Croatia)

KRAWAL FESTIVAL 4.-5.07.2014., Železniki, Slovenia

POGO NEVER ENDS FEST 4.-5.07.2014., Ljubljana (Slovenia)

NEW DIRECTION FEST 10.-12.07.2014., Herrenberg, Germany

KRASTIVAL 11.-12.07.2014., Komen (Slovenia)

PLAY FAST OR DON'T FEST 11.-12.07.2014., Hradec Kralove (Czech R.)

DIY HARDCORE PUNK FEST 11.-12.07.2014., Gdynia (Poland)

ANTINATIONAL FEST 11.-12.07.2014., Vosges (France)

UDAR GROMA FESTIVAL 11.-13.07.2014., Karlovac (Croatia)

LJETNI HARDKOR MINI FEST 15.-16.07.2014., Zagreb (Croatia)

OBSCENE EXTREME FESTIVAL 16.-20.2014., Trutnov (Czech R.)

SAWA FEST 18.-19.07.2014., Županja (Croatia)

FLUFF FEST 25.-27.07.2014., Rokycany (Czech R.)

UNITED HELP FESTIVAL 25.-27.07.2014., St. Petersburg (Russia)

MONTEPARADISO FESTIVAL 1.-2.08.2014., Pula (Croatia)

MARTINSKA FEŠTA 8.-9.08.2014., Šibenik (Croatia)

CHIMPY FEST 15.-17.08.2014., London (UK)

MORE NOISE FOR LIFE FESTIVAL 16.08.2014., Podbor (Czech R.)

PARANOYA FESTIVAL 29.-31.08.2014., Dresden (Germany)

VUF FESTIVAL 30.08.2014., Vukovar (Croatia)

NOTHING CHANGED FEST 4.-6.09.2014., Nijemegen (Netherlands)

ABC BENEFIT FESTIVAL VII 5.-6.09.2014., Nancy (France)

DIRTY WEEKEND FESTIVAL 5.-7.09.2014., Powys (Wales)

BARRIKADEN FEST 5.-6.09.2014., Oslo (Norway)

MEANS TO AN END FESTIVAL 10.-12.09.2014., Bratford/Leeds (UK)

DIESEL'N'DUST FEST 11.-13.2014., Freiburg (Germany)

ENEMY OF THE SUN FEST 12.-14.-09.2014., Prague (Czech R.)

NO SANCTUARY FESTIVAL 19.-20.09.2014., Geel (Belgium)


BLOODSHED FEST 17.-18.09.2014. Eindhoven (Netherlands)

SUBVERT FEST 24.-25.10.2014., Bristol (UK)

Tuesday, 20 May 2014


what?............discussion about fanzines and independent publishing
when?...........23.05.2014., Friday
where?..........bana J. Jelačića 22 (ex-military barracks) or in case of bad weather Dr. Ivana Novaka 38 (library Tabula Rasa), Čakovec
by who?.............autonomous center ACT

"Pozivamo vas na okrugli stol na temu “Fanzini kao kulturološki fenomen – Od fanzina do društvenih mreža”.

Hrvatska fanzinaška scena najveći val doživjela je polovicom devedesetih godina. Fanzini kao primjer nezavisnog izdavaštva sudjeluju u povezivanju scene te služe kao sredstvo komunikacije ljudi unutar iste, a potpuno su nezavisni od sustava poreza i djeluju na anti-copyright principima. Koliko su fanzini utjecali na društvo? Danas, fanzini izlaze, no u izrazito malom broju i kao tiskani alati zauzimaju posebno mjesto na nezavisnoj sceni gdje povezuju pojedince u njihovom aktivizmu i komunikaciji. Raspravit ćemo o idejama koje su pokrivali te njihovim polaganim odumiranjem pod navalom internetskog doba i društvenih mreža.

Kao govornici na okruglom stolu prisustvovat će Robert Posavec, Teodor Petričević, Emil Marciuš i Loren Purgar, a okupit ćemo i mnoge sudionike/ce koji/e su tokom 1990-tih na neki način sudjelovali u stvaranju fanzinske scene u gradu Čakovcu i okolnoj regiji. Gost i moderator okruglog stola je Marko Strpić, urednik u nezavisnoj izdavačkoj kući i knjižari “Što Čitaš?”

Okrugli stol održat će se u petak 23. svibnja 2014. u 18 sati na prostoru bivše vojarne Čakovec (mjesto Inicijative 1729/2), na adresi Bana J. Jelačića 22. U slučaju lošeg vremena održat će se u Knjižnici i čitaonici Tabula Rasa na adresi Dr. Ivana Novaka 38 (zgrada Starog Hrasta, prvi kat)."

Saturday, 17 May 2014


new/old 'zine from Požega, Croatia published in August 2013.. I say new/old because this is a new number and it's been 8 years since the 1st one..
24 pgs of A5 format written on Croatian.. it consist of infos about bands Hellback, Propast and Bleeding on Wednesday, short but nice comic named "Starving..", movie suggestion, few columns borrowed from one old Serbian 'zine Tri Drugara (which, as the author say, had some big influence on him and his point of view on punk in general), story about band Baikor and that's pretty much it.. wait, no there's yet extensive review of Mentalna Smrt 'zine (mine and my friend's 'zine) in which he write many bad things about our 'zine.. he said that he doesn't want any reaction on this text, so he won't get it from me but I must mention just one thing; okay he didn't like it, I respect his opinion, maybe he had right in some things (hardly) but as reading his review I can't not to notice that he's doing exactly the same for what he accused us, and if you compare some author's writing in introduction with this review, it seems that it's full of contradictions.. but okay, I didn't take that personally and there's not need for any tensions.. it seems that it's obligatory to have some "spitting and hating" texts in today's 'zines so I'm used to that..
about design - it's pretty clear, computer made, few pictures, nice black front page and punk collage on back page..
price is 5kn and it's available on e-mail bellow.. in meantime new number is released also but I didn't read it yet, I hear that it's better then this one..


Friday, 16 May 2014

SCHIZO #9 fanzine

Powered by Issuu
Publish for Free

here we have 9th number of this 'zine from Sweden released more then a year ago, to be more precise on January 2013.. new number is in preparation and it should be out soon but until then let's see what we have here..
you can read some short authors texts about punk, drinking, scene, etc, list of his 30 the best punk bands, some overview on punk documentary movies, reviews, reminding on previous issues of the 'zine, reviews, infos about Valdsamt Motstand, Radio Bikini and System of Hate, then there is celtic part of the 'zine (where author write about celtic musical/political/culture related stuff) and inevitable interviews, this time with Moral Dilema, Slaktrens, Meinhof, M.O.R.A., The Bristles, Aterfall and PxPxPx records..
all together 48 pages written on English.. if you ask me, enough of material and not bad to read.. you can read it online or download it for printing for free, and if you want to buy a copy it costs 1 euro and it's available from the author..
guy who stand behind this 'zine is also doing Tragedi fanzine on Swedish and he is active on making of international benefit compilation, so check those too..


Thursday, 15 May 2014

People's Kitchen 16.05.2014., AKC Medika, Zagreb

"Svi vi koji svratite u petak u 8 u Pierottijevu 11 pozvani ste na vegan večeru!
Svaki petak od 20 sati pozivamo vas da dođete na večeru u People's Kitchen, da se dobro najedete prije izlaska, a za odličnu atmosferu pozovite što više prijatelja.
Održavanje večera petkom možete podržati donacijom on the face of the place ili prijavljivanjem svog tima za kuhanje!
Minimalna donacija je 10 kn. Novac nam je potreban za osnovno funkcioniranje kuhinje, a ako uspijemo prikupiti više, novac ćemo usmjeriti u neke druge inicijative.
(Ako nemate za donaciju ne brinite, nećemo vas odbiti.)"

what?................people's kitchen
when?...............16.05.2014., Friday
where?..............AKC Medika, Zagreb
schedule?..........from 20:00h
by who?............Infoshop/Library Pippilotta
+collecting donations for basic functioning of the kitchen

Wednesday, 14 May 2014


oh shit.. after yesterday's post and an awesome video, I found those little (or big actually) pieces of treasure.. I don't know if I can handle it anymore but pleeeeease keep it coming.. and yes, now I'm sure that I was born at least 5-10 years too late..
message to all today's trendy hc punk and crust bands (which I listen to, btw, but when I see and hear something like those shootings, then, well...) watch and listen this and try to learn something..
I am little ashamed but don't know anything, like who recorded this or something, nor I ever heard before about this videozine so if anybody have some more info fell free to leave a comment.. in short, it consists of live footage of bands shows that were playing mostly at some legendary places in Slovenia but there are also few from Germany, Czech R. and Croatia.. there are also short interviews with those bands inserted between the songs.. but just look how awesome bands are represented here, I can't believe!!..
take some 4 and half hours, grab some drinks, make yourself comfortable, play those videos and enjoy!.. I didn't sleep last night because I was watching this but it was worth it..
extra big thanks goes to uploader jasna babic..

p.s. - kum štakor there's something especially for you at the end of 1st video on 1:33:05

Dayglo Abortions - 29.4.2000 MKNŽ, Ilirska Bistrica
Warmachine - 29.4.2000 MKNŽ, Ilirska Bistrica
Pizda Materna - 6.5. 2000 MKNŽ, Ilirska Bistrica
Harum Scarum - 6.5. 2000 MKNŽ, Ilirska Bistrica
Leatherface - 2.5. 2000 MC Velenje
Aktivna Propaganda - Margin Attack, 15.4. Rumanja vas
Ex-Creta - Margin Attack, 15.4. 2000 Rumanja vas
Corcoras - Margin Attack, 15.4. 2000 Rumanja vas
Dickless Tracy - Margin Attack, 15.4. 2000 Rumanja vas
Diaspora - Petek 13., 13.4.2000, Železniki

46 Short - 30.6.2000, MKNŽ, Ilirska Bistrica
Citizen Fish - 20.8.2000, Pekarna, Maribor
The Oath - 26.9.2000, 007, Praga
Stratford Mercenaries - 25.5.2000, MKNŽ, Ilirska Bistrica
Deadmocracy - 23.9.2000, Zorro, Leipzig
Scarred For Life - 6.-7.10.2000, Kopi, Berlin
Alarm - 6.-7.10.2000, Kopi, Berlin
Karton d Vino - 6.-7.10.2000, Kopi, Berlin
Ding Dang - 6.-7.10.2000, Kopi, Berlin
Elektroduendes - 6.-7.10.2000, Kopi, Berlin

Dare Dare Devil - MKK Črnomelj, 09.12.2000
Razlog Za - Klub Siva čaplja, Metlika, 27.01.2001
La Kurtizana - Rdeče Zore, Menza pri koritu, Metelkova, Ljubljana, 15.06.2001
AK-47 - Klub Siva čaplja, Metlika, 02.12.2000
Nula, Fakofbolan - MKNŽ, Ilirska Bistrica, 05.01.2001
Aktivna Propaganda, Raspad Sistema, Demant - AntiFa Fest, Gala hala, Metelkova, Ljubljana, 12.05.2001 + AntiFa Berlin, oktober 2001
Radikalna Promjena - AntiFa Fest, Gala hala, Metelkova, Ljubljana, 12.05.2001
Noise Order, Wasserdicht, Deratizator - Margin Attack, Straža, 30.06.2001
Ratos De Porao - Menza pri koritu, Metelkova, Ljubljana, 12.11.2000
ANTI MC'DONALDS MARŠ - Pula, 04.08.2001
SHIT CONTEST - Maribor, 25.08.2001

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

SLOVENIAN UNDERGROUND "Videt v Živo" '96./'97.

arrrrghhhhhhhh!!!.. something really special for 500th post!.. a digitized version of VHS tape representing live performances of bands that were active on Slovenian underground scene during 90's.. my favorites are P. Overdose, P. Materna, Wasserdicht, Scuffy Dogs and Man in the Shadow but all others are great, as well..
if video here don't work (all 180 min) go watch it on you tube.. big thanks to uploader Roscoe Grazyn..

1. BLOODSUCKERS (MKC Koper, 19.12.97´ on Anti AIDS fest..)
2. NOISE ORDER ("Gustav" Pekarna Maribor)
3. PRIDIGARJI (MKNŽ Ilirska Bistrica)
5. RAZ-PLAZ (ex-Š.Z.B.) (Unterhund Ormož)
6. PIZDA MATERNA (Idrijevanje - Idrija 97´)
7. NOT THE SAME (Kanal - Tolmin)
8. WASSERDICHT (MKNŽ Ilirska Bistrica)
9. ODPISANI (Unterhund Ormož)
10. SCUFFY DOGS (Idrijevanje + MKNŽ 97´)
11. FREGATURA (Metelkova/brezzvezdna scena, 11.6.97)
12. MAN IN THE SHADOW (Idrijevanje 97´)
13. ABSENT MINDED (Kanal - Tolmin)
14. NO NAME (Tolmin)
15. ŠTEFKA´S VOMIT (Kljub Celje, 13.12.97)
16. DICKLESS TRACY (Kljub Celje, 13.12.97)
17. UJA VON HEARTATTACK (Kljub Celje, 13.12.97)
18. S.F.U. ( Kljub Celje, 13.12.97)

Monday, 12 May 2014


"Brakkebygrenda is an autonomous wagonplace (were trucks, buses and caravans serve as living units) on squatted land, in Gamlebyen, Oslo. We have been here since 1999, Focusing on city-ecology; recycling, less consum, and a more social housing-politics. It is important for us to be an active participator in this city, to claim our rights to have a voice in the development of it, and to prove in action that there are sustainable, functional and positive alternatives to consumerism and apathy.
Squatting: consists of occupying an abandoned or unoccupied area of land and/or a building.
Author Robert Neuwirth suggests that there are one billion squatters globally, that is, about one in every seven people on the planet. Yet, according to Kesia Reeve, «squatting is largely absent from policy and
academic debate and is rarely conceptualized, as a problem, as a symptom, or as a social or
housing movement.
It is about taking your situation in your own hands, either being tired of status quo and lack of
alternatives or out of pure necessity. Be it foodproduction, housing, or social/cultural meetingplaces.
Housing-politics: There is an anti-social housing-politics in Oslo. Governmental and communal property is beeing sold out in a big scale, on the private market, which gives these people the possibility to
continouisly higher the housing prices and maximize their economical profit. This in the end excludes
young, old, unemployed, artists, poor and immigrants out of the housing market. This are forcing them to
use most of their time and resources just to provide a decent place to live, and forcing them out of the
city center. It is a human right to have a place to live, and we do not agree that this city is going to
be only for people earning a certain amount of money."

-call for solidarity published yesterday (on Sunday, May the 11th):
"Brakkebygrenda is creating an alternative in a town where everything looks more and more the same.
Eariest tomorrow morning (monday) the police might stand at the gate using what force they feel necessary to make people leave there homes. If you support the idea that people have the right to live in a different way and create something together NOW is the time to organize !! Our strongest weaponagainst authoritys is to be as many as possible showing that we do not support how the government are treating initiatives of the people.
get your ass out of the couch and get down to gamlebyen and see how you can help. This is about what kind of city we want to live in tomorrow. Do it NOW, do it TOGETHER !!"


St. Halvardsgate 27
0192 Oslo

P.S. - there's no any news on English about current situation, but if my Norwegian serve me well the court resolve that squatted land must be evicted but there is now an ongoing discussion in city council about Brakkebygrenda should be allowed to stay in St Clair Ave 27, or have a new place to continue developing the project.. the next meeting is scheduled for May 21st.. the residents won't gave up on they way of living regardless the eviction and they are finding a new ways for resolving their problems..
but this is not officially, just based on my translation from Norwegian using google translator..
I'm sure that there will be some news soon on their site so check it there..

Saturday, 10 May 2014

R.A.F.A.L. celebrating 15 years

when?................15.05.2014., Thursday
where? Gromka, Ljubljana
what?.................celebration party on the occasion of 15 years of R.A.F.A.L.

"R.A.F.A.L. was formed in 1999 by a group of people who wanted to do DIY shows and bring some life to the punk scene in Slovenia. R.A.F.A.L. rejects commercial culture and its lifestyle. It's 100% non-commercial and non-profit. There are ways to live and think differently, there are alternatives to this multi corporate culture. We want to contribute to a better development of this scene and we are here because we love to do our work and we love this lifestyle. With years many people came and left, so currently this is a three-person project.
We're strictly into HC/PUNK/CRUST... Sometimes GRIND and DOWNTEMPO/DOOM/POSTROCK. But always in a strictly DIY way! For many different reasons we can unfortunately do only 1-2 show(s) per month and we're usually booked up to 4-5 months in advance."

Thursday, 8 May 2014


A K-TOWN PUNK AND HARDCORE ZINE is written on front page of this 'zine from Copenhagen, Denmark released few days ago, so it's clear what the main focus of this 'zine is.. I've read online version but there is also real paper 'zine available from author or from some distributors..
it's written on English and have 52 pages but there is feeling (maybe because of this online form) that all could fit in something less pages.. it's done in cut & paste technique with many photographs, flyers, etc..
in this number there are interviews with The Fat Punk - guy who is behind the same name website, Rana - local anarchist, musician and DJ in which they discuss problem of sexism on the scene, Halshug - raw hc punk band, then there is article about origins and history of the term "K-Town", some punk rock news, record recommendation, reviews, extensive KPH festival report, photos by Inferno Photography and some record stores, venues and social centres address in the city..
you can check out web site of this 'zine here:, there you can get an info about how to and where you can buy it, read 1st number, etc. and if you want to read it online or for download go here:


Tuesday, 6 May 2014

just a quick review on last Saturday's gig in Zagreb

ufff, I wasn't on ANY gig since June last year, as of lack of money and fckd up financial situation due to some generally state of depression I'm in last couple of months, and if you know that gigs and music in general are drugs to me, then, well... shits just got serious..
but finally the time for going on gig has come and not on any gig but The Gig.. 4 bands that were active in 90's and early 00's (actually 3, 'cause Faak Am See are something younger and more recent band), on which I grew up and which sure have some influences on me as a person (especially here I mean for Hoću? Neću!)..
gig was taking place at AKC Medika in Zagreb.. impatience and expectations were huge  and more or less everything was going perfect that day, I collect some money for the ticket and gas, pick up a proper crew with me, get great Razlog Za t-shirt from a friend (thanks L), buy 2 new 'zines, saw 4 great bands and hear an opinion about gig and comparison of this gig with one previous that we were at a year ago from a friend who usually don't go on such events.. what more do you need!?.. well, the only thing missing was if I could drink some beers with friends, not to get drunk, just have a beer or four just for the mood, you know what I think, but it ain't happen 'cause I was driving..
1st band on stage were Raspad Sistema which warm up the atmosphere just well, on last 2 songs they changed line up and drunk guys from Požega (who were playing with them in some period in the past) joined them on the stage.. and yes last song was cover of Scuffy Dog's Revolucija..
after them Faak Am See from which I like more some old songs, and couple of those latest with more grind influences are not so good to me.. they play two covers at the end and those are punk anthems here in Croatia Industrijski Raj by Radikalna Promjena and Fight Back's Pank Pankerima..
just when it started seems to me that I was having too big expectation from this gig on stage came girls from La Kurtizana and they definitely started to arouse that 90's/00's spirit among the crew..
and then something extraordinary, to be honest congratulations goes to all the bands that night, but hey, what a great band are those guys from Hoću? Neću!.. I'm not sure who of them is original member from the beginnings of this band and if someone is actually but I don't care cause they were playing and performing GREAT!.. there was a lot of talking between songs, giving some presents to the crowd and all other interaction with people - singing, crowd surfing, stage diving, giving lyrics on paper, etc.. when they started to play it bring down on me such strong memories, emotions, such energy, I remembered almost all the lyrics even if I didn't listen their old tapes or anything else lately, simply they made me speechless.. the best atmosphere was on the songs Bednik and Pas Moj Prijatelj (dog - my friend O.E., when people in the crowd started to wail and bark like dogs in the intro of the song and I think every single person in the club who knew the lyrics start to sing), they play those two at the end for the bis, as well.. they also play two covers of another legendary Serbian band Totalni Promašaj and those were Uličar and Prodane Duše.. someone may say that their lyrics aren't actual today but I think they are, maybe even more then in the past (except those about the war in 90's in this our area) and it's good to show younger crew what was lyrics about back then and what efforts had bands putting in developing of social awareness and in bringing down the walls of nationalism and war between the people from the "scene".. yeah, there can be lyrics about something else but the apocalypse and nuclear bombs, you know.. after all, I don't know what they are waiting for, they should make some new songs and play all the time..
okay, I already say more than I wanted to (I just wanted to say how this gig was awesome and how I am happy that I had an opportunity to see Hoću? Neću!, but my fingers won't stop typing hehe..), so I will stop now.. just to say thanks to people who get an idea for organizing this and hello to everyone who were there and support this event, at the end everyone were happy as I see, all the bands, same as people who came.. I think I'm ready for another 10 months of gigs abstinence, heheh..

here are some videos for everyone who wasn't there, but to be honest any video can't evoke the real atmosphere from the gig.. thanx to uploaders missxdoekejos and Subsite TV..