Tuesday, 31 July 2012
ENEMY OF THE SUN festival 14. & 15.09.2012., Prague, Czech Republic
14.09.2012., Friday:
where?......007 Klub, Prague
who?.........WOLFBRIGADE d-crust, Sweden
SANITAR d-crust, Czech
15.09.2012., Saturday:
where?......Matrix club, Prague
who?.........WOLFPACK crust punk, Sweden
VITAMIN X hc, Netherlands
THE MOB @punk, UK
MASSGRAVE grind crust, USA
CYNESS grind, Germany
INSTINCT OF SURVIVAL stench crust, Germany
LAST HOPE hc, Bulgaria
ILEGAL raw hc punk, Canada
KRUGER raw punk, Czech
-tickets: 1st day (limited to 180 tickets) + 2nd day = 23 euros
only 2nd day = 18 euros
-for more info about how you can get your tickets and all other info go to http://www.enemyofthesunfest.com/
Monday, 30 July 2012
MIND ABORTION festival 11.08.2012., Novi marof, Croatia

when?..................11.08.2012., Saturday
where?................Novi Marof, Croatia
who?...................LIFE IN PERIL modern hc
VAI FICAR PRETO death metal grind
CHAINED IN AGONY melodic death metal
SNOB metal core
+free vegan food by Crni Flomaster crew
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
BUKA I OTPOR festival 31.08. & 1.09.2012., stara vojarna Borongaj, Zagreb, Croatia
when?.....31.08. & 1.09.2012.
who?......MALIGANT TUMOUR r'n'r crust, Czech R.
HELLTARD grind fastcore, Serbia
MORTUS death metal, Zagreb
JEBEŠ IME sludge crust, Đakovo
STENCHER grindcore, Zagreb
CANCER SPREADING stench crust, Italy
FINISTERRE dark hc punk crust, Germany
LJUBIŠA SAMARDŽIĆ metal punk, Zagreb
AMBONKER hc punk, Germany
GERANIUM neo crust, France
tickets?...one day: 50kn
two days: 80kn
camping, food and water for free!
ARM YOUR DESIRES festival 3.-5.08.2012., Tirnavos, Greece

DON'T Post-rock
GUTTER Hardcore punk
NIHILDUM Stench-crust
TIMETRAP Sludge HardcoreI WANT THE MOON Hardcore
DIRTY WOMBS Hardcore punk crust
xFOR NO REASONx Hardcore Powerviolence
CUT OFF Powervioloence
Sunday, 5.08.2012.:
DISHUMANITY D-beat hardcore
LEFT IN RUINS Raw hardcore
DEAD CITY MOTION Hardcore punk
WARDHILL Stoner crust hardcore
ZVARNA Grindcore punk
Saturday, 21 July 2012
MARTINSKA festival 10. & 11.08.2012. Šibenik, Croatia
when?.........10. & 11.08.2012.
where?........Martinska, Šibenik, Cro
who?...........INNER TERRESTRAILS skapunk (UK)
NONSENSE darkhcpunk (Cro)
NO LIMITS hc (Slo)
WARDAKHIN hcpunk (Cro)
HELLCRAWLER dbeatdeathmetal (Slo)
WOLF DOWN sXehc (Ger)
R.O.I.R. neocrust (Ser)
FAKOFBOLAN streetpunk (Cro)
CULT OF REBORN metal (Cro)
day ticket?..70kn
fest ticket....130kn
Friday, 20 July 2012
MONTEPARADISO festival 2.- 4.08.2012., Pula, Croatia
Here we go again, after 20 years we are still here!!!
02.-04. 08. - three days of hard core punk madness in well known ex military barracks "Karlo Rojc"
HARD SKIN oipunk (UK)
02.-04. 08. - three days of hard core punk madness in well known ex military barracks "Karlo Rojc"
Thursday, 2.08.2012.
NULLA OSTA hcpunkcrust (Cro)
CORROSIVE hcpunk (Ger)
MURDER DISCO X hcpunk (Ger)
ARGIES punkrock (Argentina)
SEE YOU IN HELL crustpunk (CZ)

Friday, 3.08.2012.
GREEN MOON SPARKS psychobilly (I)
AK-47 @crustpunk (Cro)
BOLESNO GRINJE grindcore (Cro)
SPERMBIRDS hcpunk (Ger)
Saturday, 4.08.2012.
AKTIVNA PROPAGANDA @streetpunk (Slo)
DISLIKE grindcore (Cro)
BURIAL hcpunk (Ger)
ANTISECT hcpunk (UK)
FAKOFBOLAN streetpunk (Cro)
festival ticket?..........................................24euros / 180kn
one day ticket?....................................... 10euros / 75kn
camping?................................................ free
Thursday, 19 July 2012
squatting in Netherlands isn't dead yet!..
You might think that squatting in the Netherlands has died since criminalisation in 2010. But that’s simply not true!
-Whilst things have become tougher in Amsterdam with the new mayor who says a law is a law and must be enforced, squatting continues, with two new places successfully cracked this weekend in the east of the city. You can read the neighbourhood letter of one place here. It was squatted by a large group and welcomed by neighbours. Earlier in the day, fifty squatters helped to take another building, which has stood empty for years.
-Evictions also of course can still happen with new squats, such as in Ede and Utrecht.
-An old farmhouse was squatted recently in Eelderwoude, a small village near to Groningen, up north.
-And there are plenty of other things going on without necessarily putting it on the internet – for example in Rotterdam – people are still squatting in Crooswijk, where the whole development plan has frozen and the demolition permits have expired for streets which are mainly squatted or anti-squat (with a few remaining renters).
-Also Valreep, a social centre in Amsterdam was squatted almost a year ago (after the squatban) and has quickly become a busy, well-used place with a lovely garden project.
-Plus, long-standing social centres continue to exist such as Huize Spoorloos in Emmen and Joe’s Garage in Amsterdam.
All over the country unused buildings are still welcoming new inhabitants and things are still happening:
Wednesday, 18 July 2012
just few words about...
...about the requests of bands for putting their stuff here:
1st of all thanks to all great (and some not so great ;)) bands which were/will send links to their releases and apologies for such a long delaying around posting your stuff but I didn't have time and will for anything lately.. soon you'll be able to read some reviews of your releases, that's the promise..
2nd ..crucified freedom.. isn't supposed to be another one music blog with only mp3s without any information about the band and release, so if you want your stuff posted here give me some hints about you and your work.. also I can't promise that everything you send will be posted here, it says clearly in the blog title "crust anarcho punk web zine" so stick to that, at least if you don't want to hear some really bad things about your band, hehe.. sorry about that, but hey, this is my blog and I don't want to post here shits I don't like.. and yes, if you are in some "indie", post metal, modern hc, blah, blah band don't even bother to send me your stuff 'cause I'm not interested in..
...about some activities that had occupied my mind and pretty much all of my free time last few months:
we finally released 2nd number of Mentalna Smrt zine and we spread it around good.. I'm sorry 'cause really don't have money at the moment to send it to everyone I want and to all I promised, sorry guys, but don't worry, I didn't forgot on you and you will get your copy as soon as possible.. with this issue we gave great tape which consist live recordings by 4 bands from Požega, Croatia and which was released in only 66 pieces , as now is "out of print" you can expect mp3 rip with scanned cover and everything other here on blog, soon..
also, lately I'm involved in Crni Flomaster iniciative.. as we speak about that, besides few vegan lunches, workshops, etc. we organized like some mini fest called d.i.y Manifesto.. there were vegan foods, discussions with guests from anarchist library "Što Čitaš" from Zagreb and of course the gig part at the evening with great bands.. the whole event was accepted well and people were satisfied, pointing out that they felt like on some gig in 90's..
...about asking me to set up a gig for you:
to everyone that are looking for a gig in Zagreb, only thing how can i help you is to give you some contacts with crew from Zagreb 'cause I don't live there.. the only place where I can set up a show for you is small town Novi Marof but it is a very small city and there probably won't be many people as in Zagreb, so we can pay you some small traveling costs, cook something for you and maybe give you some place to sleep (but that isn't guaranteed).. yes, and the best days to play here will be on the weekends 'cause I really don't know if there will be many people if gig would be in the middle of the week..
...about everything a little:
gig season is now over here so everyone are going on coast area on their vacations and numerous festivals begins (some of them are already over, actually).. on most of these I won't be able to go, actualy on any of these 'cause I'm in some rough period of my life.. I'd quit my job and it's hard to find new job now, 'cause of all this economic crises and all shits.. I think that situation here is even worse than in Greece but anybody don't doing anything about that..
but that all will maybe positive affect on this blog 'cause I have more time and can be back on posting here regularly (even if I often don't have any will or patience for anything, but we will see, time will tell...)
for the end feel free to leave comments and get in contact and thanks to everyone who already did that..
okay enough blurghhhing, stay well and see you around!..
1st of all thanks to all great (and some not so great ;)) bands which were/will send links to their releases and apologies for such a long delaying around posting your stuff but I didn't have time and will for anything lately.. soon you'll be able to read some reviews of your releases, that's the promise..
2nd ..crucified freedom.. isn't supposed to be another one music blog with only mp3s without any information about the band and release, so if you want your stuff posted here give me some hints about you and your work.. also I can't promise that everything you send will be posted here, it says clearly in the blog title "crust anarcho punk web zine" so stick to that, at least if you don't want to hear some really bad things about your band, hehe.. sorry about that, but hey, this is my blog and I don't want to post here shits I don't like.. and yes, if you are in some "indie", post metal, modern hc, blah, blah band don't even bother to send me your stuff 'cause I'm not interested in..
...about some activities that had occupied my mind and pretty much all of my free time last few months:
we finally released 2nd number of Mentalna Smrt zine and we spread it around good.. I'm sorry 'cause really don't have money at the moment to send it to everyone I want and to all I promised, sorry guys, but don't worry, I didn't forgot on you and you will get your copy as soon as possible.. with this issue we gave great tape which consist live recordings by 4 bands from Požega, Croatia and which was released in only 66 pieces , as now is "out of print" you can expect mp3 rip with scanned cover and everything other here on blog, soon..
also, lately I'm involved in Crni Flomaster iniciative.. as we speak about that, besides few vegan lunches, workshops, etc. we organized like some mini fest called d.i.y Manifesto.. there were vegan foods, discussions with guests from anarchist library "Što Čitaš" from Zagreb and of course the gig part at the evening with great bands.. the whole event was accepted well and people were satisfied, pointing out that they felt like on some gig in 90's..
...about asking me to set up a gig for you:
to everyone that are looking for a gig in Zagreb, only thing how can i help you is to give you some contacts with crew from Zagreb 'cause I don't live there.. the only place where I can set up a show for you is small town Novi Marof but it is a very small city and there probably won't be many people as in Zagreb, so we can pay you some small traveling costs, cook something for you and maybe give you some place to sleep (but that isn't guaranteed).. yes, and the best days to play here will be on the weekends 'cause I really don't know if there will be many people if gig would be in the middle of the week..
...about everything a little:
gig season is now over here so everyone are going on coast area on their vacations and numerous festivals begins (some of them are already over, actually).. on most of these I won't be able to go, actualy on any of these 'cause I'm in some rough period of my life.. I'd quit my job and it's hard to find new job now, 'cause of all this economic crises and all shits.. I think that situation here is even worse than in Greece but anybody don't doing anything about that..
but that all will maybe positive affect on this blog 'cause I have more time and can be back on posting here regularly (even if I often don't have any will or patience for anything, but we will see, time will tell...)
for the end feel free to leave comments and get in contact and thanks to everyone who already did that..
okay enough blurghhhing, stay well and see you around!..
Monday, 16 July 2012
Veganski Ručak 21.07.2012. Novi Marof
"Nastavljamo dalje u istom tonu!
Free hrana za sve!
Ako ima netko tko bi rado pomogel oko kuhanja i same pripreme nek dođe ranije, oko 4 najbolje..
Pošto znamo da ljudi ne vole ove sasvim normalne vrućine za ovo godišnje doba, odlučili smo malo pomaknuti kaj se tiče vremena, pa tako oni koji bi rado pomogli vidimo se oko 4, a vi ostali ljenivci, dođite onda bar jesti navečer :)
Pošto nemamo baš neki broj tanjura i pribora za jelo, a ne želimo koristiti plastiku, ovim putem vas molimo da pogledate u svojim podrumima, tavanima, garažama, KOD BAKE, rodbine itd.. za koji komad tanjura, svejedno duboki ili plitki i isto tako pribor za jelo uzimamo sve! Bili bi vam jako zahvalni!
Tegla s donacijama je i ovaj put na stolu, pa ako želite da priča ide dalje ubacite po volji!
-Prostor Novi Marof (Zagorska bb)-
Ako i ne budete gladni, svratite bar na druženje.."
"Evo uz sve ovo ubacili smo i jednu izložbu.Riječ je o izložbi grafika 50*70 autorice i nama drage nam prijateljice Ane Sabolić..
Pa ako i nekog zanima šta se sve radi na akademiji u Rijeci, dođite!
Otvorenje izložbe je u 20h s time da u 21h imamo i ''OKRUGLI STOL'' sa samom autoricom di budete mogli i pitati koje pitance u vezi radova, tehnike, inspiracije pa i nje same :))
Nemojte se sramiti i slobodno pozovite i roditelje ;)"
"ovaj put za ove vruće ljetne dane, radimo i posebne koktele koje morate probati ;)
kokteli su po simboličnoj cijeli od 15kn o.5l (nećete požaliti) :)
pobuna na brodu ljubavi - rebellion on a love boat (rum, cola, grejp)
por tu amor - for your love (stock, cola, rum, limeta)
1001 noć - 1001 night (gin, vodka, tonic, sok od ananasa, limun)
stari zec 54 - old rabbit 54 (vodka, gin, juice, sok od mrkve, limeta)
plus akcija za koktel stari zec 54 - platiš pet, četvrti je gratis ;)
dođite i rashladite se, nakon ručka, naravno ne preporučamo pretjerivanje :)))
vidimo se!"
Free hrana za sve!
Ako ima netko tko bi rado pomogel oko kuhanja i same pripreme nek dođe ranije, oko 4 najbolje..
Pošto znamo da ljudi ne vole ove sasvim normalne vrućine za ovo godišnje doba, odlučili smo malo pomaknuti kaj se tiče vremena, pa tako oni koji bi rado pomogli vidimo se oko 4, a vi ostali ljenivci, dođite onda bar jesti navečer :)
Pošto nemamo baš neki broj tanjura i pribora za jelo, a ne želimo koristiti plastiku, ovim putem vas molimo da pogledate u svojim podrumima, tavanima, garažama, KOD BAKE, rodbine itd.. za koji komad tanjura, svejedno duboki ili plitki i isto tako pribor za jelo uzimamo sve! Bili bi vam jako zahvalni!
Tegla s donacijama je i ovaj put na stolu, pa ako želite da priča ide dalje ubacite po volji!
-Prostor Novi Marof (Zagorska bb)-
Ako i ne budete gladni, svratite bar na druženje.."
"Evo uz sve ovo ubacili smo i jednu izložbu.Riječ je o izložbi grafika 50*70 autorice i nama drage nam prijateljice Ane Sabolić..
Pa ako i nekog zanima šta se sve radi na akademiji u Rijeci, dođite!
Otvorenje izložbe je u 20h s time da u 21h imamo i ''OKRUGLI STOL'' sa samom autoricom di budete mogli i pitati koje pitance u vezi radova, tehnike, inspiracije pa i nje same :))
Nemojte se sramiti i slobodno pozovite i roditelje ;)"
"ovaj put za ove vruće ljetne dane, radimo i posebne koktele koje morate probati ;)
kokteli su po simboličnoj cijeli od 15kn o.5l (nećete požaliti) :)
pobuna na brodu ljubavi - rebellion on a love boat (rum, cola, grejp)
por tu amor - for your love (stock, cola, rum, limeta)
1001 noć - 1001 night (gin, vodka, tonic, sok od ananasa, limun)
stari zec 54 - old rabbit 54 (vodka, gin, juice, sok od mrkve, limeta)
plus akcija za koktel stari zec 54 - platiš pet, četvrti je gratis ;)
dođite i rashladite se, nakon ručka, naravno ne preporučamo pretjerivanje :)))
vidimo se!"
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
when?................18.07.2012., Wednesday
where?..............AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?.................MASAKARI modern crust grind, USA
ALPINIST neo crust, Germany
SAKATAT grind, Turkey
KRLJA grind, Croatia
when?................18.07.2012., Wednesday
where?..............AKC Medika, Zagreb
who?.................MASAKARI modern crust grind, USA
ALPINIST neo crust, Germany
SAKATAT grind, Turkey
KRLJA grind, Croatia
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