helldis was a band from Požega (Croatia) playing old school hardcore because their influences was bands which create hc like mob 47, discharge, disorder, varukers, anti-cimex, u.b.r., etc..
it's one of my favorite bands from Croatia not only because of their music/noise but also because of their music philosophy.. that's the reason why I post this here.. they unfortunately existed only for short time.. here is the text from the booklet which goes with compilation tape we're angry and we riot on which was published their demo..
and one day there was born punk like an reaction on rock stadium "we are stars" concerts.. but then, how that's ussualy works, there was born hardcore like an reaction on the commercialization of punk.. that was bands which didn't know much or even nothing about playing.. but that didn't bothered them to make music on the way they like it : fast, agresive and chaotic.. if hardcore for you is something what is on (M)TV called hardcore (biohazard, bad religion etc.) that is absolutely okay to me.. but this compilation, probably worst played and recorded ever, proves that "bullshit detector" idea still lives.. this is probably worst punk compilation ever released in terms of sound quality and musicality.. punk is you and me.. grab a guitar and voice your opinion.. punk is an attitude, not decent sound quality.. anyone can do it..that was fucking punk was, is, and always will be about.. belived or not someone still cares about that punk spirit and don't give a damn about how that sounds like.. ultra thank you to friends which gave permission to publish this shit recordings.. punk is inside of us and it's manifesting with energy and ideas, not in drill and quality production.. if this sounds like apology to anyone I don't mind.. anyway, we're just pathetic posers which lives far away from any kind of direct actions.. peace and love.. helldis
on this compilation tape beside helldis demo there was some chaos live recordings of bands verbalni delikt, loš primjer,dislike and bad justice.. tape was released only in 15 copys but the whole thing was spreding fast by copying and distributing among people..
ček, baš me zanima, jel znaš postavu helldisa??:)
Gera - vokal i gitara, Neno - bubnjevi.. s tim da je i Zoky svirao s njima na nekom koncertu bas..
hočeš i tekstove?!..heheh..
ok,anonimac je gera:), a zoki je "svirao" takozvani "stišani bas", dakle bas koji nije uključe u amp hehe.
a textovi brr, strava smo ih pisali haha, nikad više takvog panka, ev čitam ovaj info što sam pisao i ne vjerujujem, u jednu ruku prenabrijano, a opet do jaja. ne znam, ne mogu prigovorit svom panku nikako haha.
pozdrav + respect;).
hehehe..pozdrav Gera!
a to sve znam jer si mi ti nekad davno pisao info za moj zin No Progress..
da dobro kažeš nikad više takvog panka..
sječam se da je bend i sama priča oko njega i tekstovi izazvali dosta reakcija u to vrijeme..kaj je baš dobro jer tak i treba!..
prenabrijano, možda ali ko ga jebe, bar je iskreno!..
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