Friday, 29 June 2018
CRUTCHES / URSUT mini tour (Germany/Poland) July 2018
11 JUL - GER Bremen, TBA
12 JUL - GER Leipzig, Connewitz
13-14 JUL - POL Gdynia, Klub Muzyczny Ucho, DIY Hardcore Punk Fest vol.14
15 JUL - GER Berlin, Schwester Martha at Rauchhaus
Thursday, 28 June 2018
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
when?..................06.07.2018., Friday
where?.................Klaonica squat, Zagreb
who?....................THE TRUTH hc punk Kr/Zg
RULES hc punk, Zg
entrance?.............30 kn
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
upcoming gig in Novi Marof, Croatia
još jedan malo drugčiji koncert u Marofu.. ovaj put doom/post rock/drone/nešto bend iz Belgije Wyatt E., zamaskirani ambijentalci sa ako je suditi po videima sa youtube-a zanimljivim lajv nastupima.. čujem da je na folk panku prije neki tjedan bila dobra intimna atnosfera pa bi slična mogla biti i ovaj put..
when?...............05.07.2018., Thursday
where?..............Stara škola, Novi Marof
who?.................WYATT E. doom post rock drone, Bel
when?...............05.07.2018., Thursday
where?..............Stara škola, Novi Marof
who?.................WYATT E. doom post rock drone, Bel
Tuesday, 26 June 2018
ULTRA CHAOS PIKNIK festival 29.06.-30.06.2018. Żelebsko k. Biłgoraja (Pol)

another one cool festival, along with Fear fest one of the most interesting this year.. it's already tradition that Czech and Poland have the best festivals in last couple of years so this is the thing with those two also..
this one isn't interesting because of "big" names but because diversity of music styles and of course koz of Sanctus Iuda..
more info: HERE
Monday, 25 June 2018
upcoming gig in Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia
Thursday, 21 June 2018
tomorrow in Novi Marof: projection of documentary movie "THE ANTIFASCISTS" (2017)
- dokumentarac o antifašističkom pokretu u Švedskoj i Grčkoj..
trajanje: 1h 14min
22.6. - Dan Antifašističke Borbe
Stara Škola Novi Marof
Start: 18:00h
Tuesday, 19 June 2018
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
when?................22.06.2018., Friday
where?...............Klaonica squat, Zagreb
who?..................S.H.I.T. hc punk, Can
U.B.T. hc punk, Cro
INDIKATOR B hc punk, Cro
DROTPAD punk, Cro
entrance?............25 kn
P.S. - I don't usually put here links for facebook events 'cause I hate when organisers put announcements for gigs just on that shitty social network but you must read description of bands, at least all of you who understand Croatian.. description of U.B.T. is just perfect and if I were half that creative as those guys who were writing those words that would be my description of U.B.T., too.. so go check it here:
anyhow, this one smells very interesting, promising and worthy to take a trip to Zagreb in Friday so maybe...see you there..
where?...............Klaonica squat, Zagreb
who?..................S.H.I.T. hc punk, Can
U.B.T. hc punk, Cro
INDIKATOR B hc punk, Cro
DROTPAD punk, Cro
entrance?............25 kn
P.S. - I don't usually put here links for facebook events 'cause I hate when organisers put announcements for gigs just on that shitty social network but you must read description of bands, at least all of you who understand Croatian.. description of U.B.T. is just perfect and if I were half that creative as those guys who were writing those words that would be my description of U.B.T., too.. so go check it here:
anyhow, this one smells very interesting, promising and worthy to take a trip to Zagreb in Friday so maybe...see you there..
Friday, 15 June 2018
Thursday, 14 June 2018
MORROW live @ Alerta Antifascista Deathfest, Hannover 09.06.2018. - video
I was listening this epic crust or how they say emocrust/melodic crust punk band a lot in last couple of months, since their latest album Fallow is available on bandcamp (also check their debut Covenant of Teeth which is also great if not even better).. it's about pretty interesting band, even they are active since 2014 they didn't perform live until a week ago.. probably because they are international crew with members from UK, Spain and Austria so they can't rehearse a lot together..
also I didn't hear about them before releasing this last album, even I have felling that they were a well known band to the people who are more into this kind of music but now after releasing of Fallow and starting with live shows there is already some hype around them growing slowly but for sure..
so, here's the video of their 1st live show ever at Alerta Antifascista Deathfest, there are few more songs on the same youtube channel so check them out if you like it..

what to say for a band who shares ex or current members with Fall of Efrafa, Arboricidio, Witchcult and Carnist and as influences they mention Madame Germen, Remains of the day, Schifosi, His hero is gone and Ictus?! - well in my opinion they eat most of the mentioned for breakfast without bread...and salt... but check it yourself if you don't believe me..
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
"RETROVIZOR: fanzini u Hrvatskoj" u petak 15. lipnja u 18h u Booksi
Fanzinska scena je u Hrvatskoj bila najživlja devedesetih i dvijetisućitih i tada je odigrala važnu ulogu kao mjesto komunikacije, kreativnog izražavanja, razmjene informacija i povezivanja ljudi, ali i formiranja mnogih kasnijih autora i umjetnika (dizajnera, novinara, glazbenika itd). Da je tome tako, svjedoči i činjenica da se fanzini još uvijek čitaju, ali i izrađuju.
Da bismo dokazali da nije riječ o malom, nego zanimljivom i progresivnom dijelu nezavisne kulturne, medijske i društvene scene, odlučili smo oživjeti dio arhiva i baciti pogled u "retrovizor" na domaću fanzinsku scenu.
Zadatku smo pristupili najpraktičnije što smo mogli i izradili smo vlastiti fanzin, kojem je cilj dati barem mali doprinos dokumentiranju, ali i oživljavanju scene.
U našem fanzinu, koji postavljamo i kao izložbu u izlogu Bookse, naći ćete intervju s ekipom koja je nedavno skvotirala BEK, intervju s bendom Drotpad, intervjue s fanzinašima Mašom i Gajom, tekstove o domaćoj sceni i njenoj povijesti, strip i tekst o tehnologiji izrade fanzina, recenzije nekih novijih fanzina (koje su izradili Nigdjezemska, KA-MATRIX, Ena Jurov, Ana Dumančić, Knjigozemska i ostali), distro-listu s popisom mjesta na kojima se može doći do fanzina (Infoshop Knjižnica Pippilotta, Infoshop Karlovac, Zin Zin u Rijeci, Nigdjezemska u Zadru...), mapu Hrvatske s popisom od tristotinjak fanzina koji su u nekom trenutku izlazili u Hrvatskoj i još ponešto.
Izložbu otvaramo u petak 15. lipnja u 18h u Booksi, u sklopu programa Booksa u parku koji se održava kao dio festivala Design District Zagreb 2018.
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
when?..............14.06.2018., Thursday
where?.............AKC Attack, Zagreb
who?................PONOR modern hc, Cro
HUMANITY IS A CURSE sludge neo crust, Ger
ACCIDENT punk, Cro
SENTENCE hc punk, Cro
entrance?..........35 kn
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
Monday, 4 June 2018
upcoming gig in Zagreb, Croatia
what?........................benefit gig for Sub (Graz)
when?.......................07.06.2018., Thursday
where?......................AKC Attack, Zagreb
who?.........................CC hc punk, Zg
PATH OF CESTODA neocrust, Ka
NEVERS emo punk, Zg
SHIN modern hc, Zg
entrance?...................25 kn
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