Tuesday 23 January 2018

Pž Forces gig @ Tom Klub 09.12.2017. - video

short footage from last Pž Forces gig in Tom klub.. I heard something, like it was interesting gig with police raid and everything.. besides Nuclear Altar and No Name there was also Zamak playing but I can't find any video of them from that night on youtube but if you use facebook you can check it there..
and hey, if we are already in Požega, there are some hints that Hellback are back on track just for two gigs.. more info about that one when it comes..



axegrinder said...

HB je dignut iz mrtvih za 2 giga, ali ima ponuda i za više tako da tko zna, županja je najavljena za 16.02. deremo kao trojac, bez basa (neno, nani, gera) i jučer imali prvi gig u velikoj kraj pž, biti će neki video nadam se. axe

..crucified freedom.. said...

super.. samo pičite!.. nadam se da bude i negdje bliže tu nama ;)

axegrinder said...



..crucified freedom.. said...

ništ ne vidim, al zvuči super.. fakat se nadam da vas negdje ulovim i u ovoj postavi ;)