Thursday 22 February 2024

GREIA / EKBOM mini tour March 2024

I'm not into grindcore anymore to be honest, but from the younger bands there are few good ones which I notice lately, mostly thanks to this blog or their appearances on some diy places I follow and one of them is Greia from Slovenia/Italy.. at least I like the part of their songs where they don't use this death/goregrind pig squeal vocals which I absolutely hate.. in rest of the songs where using "normal" growls they sound like good old school political grind band and that's always welcome here..
anyhow, they are hitting the road in a few weeks and join forces with Ekbom, to me not really interesting mathgrind band from Italy for the mini tour through Croatia, Slovenia and Austria..
so if you are into grindcore check it out and support them while they are at your place.. 
awesome tour poster, btw..



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