when it's about the music/bands/gigs related stuff there are some good news for the rest of this year.. and that are:
Visions of War will go on tour in 2nd half of March, among others they will have gigs in Zagreb and Ljubljana..
after their reunion gig in Zagreb when there still wasn't any plans about the future actions Fight Back are continuing with gigs and will play few of them during the year..
one more legendary band from 90's era, Pizda Materna will play few gigs, hope I will catch them up somewhere.. I must, actually 'cause I won't never forgive myself if I miss this..
Torso, amazing d beat punk sxe band which literally blew me away on their last gig in Zagreb two years ago are coming in Europe again, Zagreb as well..
Goldy, who stands behind Neanderthal Stench distro is bringing his No Sanctuary festival in Rijeka this year and many great bands like Agathocles, Deviated Instinct and my favorites this time - Misantropic from Sweden, oh how I love this band for already a long time, but never thought I'll be able to see them live but now they are coming in Croatia, just great..
then, on this year's Monteparadiso fest will be playing mighty Extinction of Mankind, interesting thing is that they played at Monteparadiso back then in 2004 or somewhere around that, when it was my first time I was on this festival..besides them, there will be also few interesting bands like Crude SS, Pizda Materna and Extreme Smoke 57, etc.
so, as you can see pretty interesting year is in front of us.. I'll definitely miss half of those because of fckd up working time but will do my best to attend at least some of them..
okay, enough from me for now, maybe some new posts will appear here in next few days and maybe not, who the hell knows that.. drink beers, be happy and enjoy!..
P.S. - current listening: Propagandhi - How to Clean Everything, fck me, right!?.. hehe..
i kod mene propagandhi taj taman :)
ja imam na nekoj prestaroj kazeti i sječam se da se dosta vrtelo i sad si pustim, nisam mogel vjerovati kak mi je sjelo, mada me nakon tri dana vec pustilo, al ono..
ma prva dva propagandhia su meni vrh. nego, se vidimo na vizijama rata?
mislim da ne jer delam noćnu.. mogel bi se eventualno zameniti da budem popodne, al i to mi onda bas ne pase jer bi tek oko pol 12 mogel do zga..neznam, bum si još razmislil..
aj držim fige da uspiješ neš sredit
ja prodo drugi propagandhi lp, a kak je krenilo mogo bi i prvi. al prvi lp je toliko puta preslušan da je to bilo strašno.
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