We regard music as a communication tool, to share common beliefs and feelings and therefore we stand against all profit making forms of music industry and stereotyped entertainment.
What BIOLOGICA tries to do (and has been doing for almost 18 years), is to raise consciousness against the "star system" society and deconstruct the idea of the "show", the audience and the producer. We aim at creating an interactive enviroment during concerts, where people can freely participate, with no constrains. That's why we find it important for everyone to understand that, concert organising has expenses and that we ask for the minimum compensation (2 euro-non obligatory entry fee), in order to cover the concert and maintenance expenses, as well as the traveling fees for the bands from abroad.
Last but not least, BIOLOGICA, aims through its activity, to contribute to the formation of the local D.I.Y music identity and initiate co-operation towards a common goal.

Contact Biologica at: biologica666@gmail.com
source: http://biologicasquad.blogspot.com/
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