earlier today mailman cheered me up with this awesome package from Sumoggu Records which I ordered few days ago.. some older things which are on my wishlist for ages + one of the best new records out there, mighty Vastation/Mutabo - split..
I'm feeling like it's my birthday right now..
just a few quick words about records - Life Possession/Gomora - split and Anaeroba - Over the Walls and Borders come on beautiful splatter vinyls, Gelo/Baka Yaro - split and Vastation side of split with Mutabo has some really awesome artworks, also there is big Mutabo poster included which for sure goes on my wall, just when I made some diy frame for it and Man in Shackless/Last Security split 7" comes in one of the nicest cover/wrapping that I ever saw, interesting thing if you consider that this split is released back in 1998..
and Mutabo from the vinyl - hey what a masterpiece.. few weeks ago when I mentioned this split in one of the previous posts I wrote that there is something in their music that reminds me of Mad Max atmosphere, well on the end of their thanx list there is stated: "Peace, Love, Anarchy ...and Mad Max" - hehe, I fckn knew it!!..
btw, check Sumoggu records (sumoggu[at]gmail.com), he have really a bunch of vinyls for fair prices and you can expect an easy deal and fast response from him..

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