Monday 15 June 2015

some new stuff from Požega

yeah, some news from Požega..
- 1st, some video footage from Hellback's last gig which took place in Županja..

- and just when you think that Hellback couldn't be better band I hear that they started to rehearsal with female vocalist Nani from ex Fight Back and Nepravda.. the product of it you can see in next video.. every comment is unnecessary, that's simply perfect..

 - can't wait to see them live.. unfortunately I will miss my 1st chance on June 20th in Osijek, but if you have opportunity to be there, check them out, you won't regret..

when?..................20.06.2015., Saturday
where? Exit, Osijek
who?....................HELLBACK hc punk crust, Pž
                            DISLIKE grindcore, Pž
entrance?..............20 kn

- also there will be gig with two Pž bands at Mochvara, in Zagreb by the end of this month..

when?..........27.06.2015., Saturday
where?............Mochvara, Zagreb
who?...................DISLIKE grindcore, Pž
LOŠ PRIMJER melodic hc punk metal, Pž
USUD death metal, Zg
entrance?................25 kn

- Masakrist also have new video footage, this time like music video.. bike grind punks..

- and for the end there's a brand new blog runs by Kktz with his distro list and news about projects and stuff he's involved in, so give it a look here: OLDEN SONORITIES

update 23.06. :
- video from above mentioned gig in Osijek.. there are few others on Hellback facebook page..

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