Thursday 21 May 2015


long time no read.. some nice sunny weather and all sort of other things has alienated me from this blog, net and computer in general.. fck this shit, life's too short to spend it in front of computer and on the net..
but how there are a few of cloudy and rainy days ahead (oh, how I hate rain!) and there's not much smarter things to do you can expect some new posts here..

some things that occupied all of my free time lately:

not bad, only thing I miss are the gigs and people which I usually meet on them, there's some strange lethargy on the scene here, or at least it seems to me.. and if there are any events I usually miss them because of fcked up work time, but hope some better times are coming when it's about that..
okay, enough for now.. over and out..


Anonymous said...

Ova panova limenka tak bode v oči haha.. inače iznenadil si me.. mislil sam da bus zgasil blog. Stakor

..crucified freedom.. said...

ahaha, prvi put mi se takvo zlo dogodi i odma denem sliku..
ma nebum zgasil sam mi se neda redovito..