and now something little older, from last year.. all of you regular readers of this blog are already familiar with this one, but if someone isn't just in short - Bez Stila is art zine made by Crni Flomaster initiative.. the whole thing functioning is based on workshops when crew from Crni Flomaster offers all the accessories for drawing/writing and random crew use it and are creatively expressing themselves.. then all materials are collected and assembled into the fanzine..
issue 4 was made on such workshop at Klaonica squat in Zagreb at celebration of their 2nd birthday.. this time 'zine isn't made like standard one for listing pages but as a giant poster bended in A6 format so if you'll like the drawings you can easily put it on the wall..
5th number (that's the latest so far) was made in Infoshop Iskra in Zadar and besides drawings made there also includes few photos from this event and few additionally sent drawings.. all together 48 pages, this time on standard A6 format..
price is free or on donations and if you want your own copy or you want to contribute in some future issues feel free to write at:
-contact: flomastercrni@gmail.com
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