part 1
part 2
IMPORTANT: all materials and download links represented here are provided by the bands and they don't impersonate any copyright infringements..
CULTO DEL CARGO - Nell Nome Dell'uomo La Tecnica Macina Carne [2014] (7")

here is newest material released on 7inch EP by themselves in 500 copies (still available for 4 euros) but also offered for a free download on their site.. in download folder are included scans of cover, all the artwork and lyrics.. and about the music, furious d-beat hardcore with some grind influences in traces and with old-school-styled two brutal vocals which are spitting lyrics on Italian..
be sure to check their web-site for all the info, downloads, videos, etc..
CRUTCHES - D-Beat Tsunami [2012] (7")

the note from above says pretty much all.. Crutches were formed on the ashes of Project Hopeless, and if I wouldn't know that they are from Sweden I would say this band is from Japan, so maybe you can get some picture of what kind of madness is here about.. in meantime they recorded new album under the name Lurad and it's released by Phobia, Distro-y, Not Enough and Rawmantic Disaster records available for streaming on their bandcamp, as all other releases, as well..
if you like this (and you will!) don't miss to check out their blogspot with all the info, news, interviews and videos from recently finished tour in Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore..
ERROR - st demo [2012] (tape)

ASILO - Comunión [2014]
Asilo came from Buenos Aries, Argentina and delivers some slow and greasy doom metal sludge.. I'm not into this kind of music at all, so I don't have anything clever to say, so let's have fun with facts..
after they appeared on a couple of compilation, split releases, one single and after some line up changes this is they 1st full length record.. it consists of ten songs, shouted on their native language.. interesting thing is that they have two basses and no guitar, also in some songs they have piano or something similar..
all releases you can find at their bandcamp..
MISS CADAVER - Discography [2011/2012]
"MISS CADAVER is a project from Arruda dos Vinhos, village on the outskirts of Lisbon, born in September 2009. They released a homonymous demo in 2010 with four songs, in 2011 the album "Morte Ao Fado" with 13 tracks, and in 2012, the EP "Mákinas & Cadáveres" with six songs.
Founded by Ruy (MACHINERGY, BICÉFALO, IMUNITY, D2A2N, CRUSTIFICTION), here in charge of the whole composition and instruments (except drums), comes after the end of COLUNA DE FERRO, an anarcho punk act from Lisbon where he played guitar during their short existence (eight months) during 2008. Soon after the end of CxDxFx in January 2009, and feeling the need to continue the message and in Portuguese, quickly composed four songs for the debut demo-tape "Miss Cadaver", released in 2010 by Degradagem Recs.
In 2011 comes the debut album "Morte Ao Fado", released in partnership with Fukk That! Records and Anoise Recs in professional tape format. Composed of 13 tracks (12 originals and a version of "Phobia For Change" from the British act Doom), "Morte Ao Fado" marks a notable evolution in terms of composition, more diverse and edgy, but with their ever-present basic influences, Doom, Ratos de Porão, The Exploited, Extreme Noise Terror, Napalm Death, Simbiose, Censurados, among others.
In early 2012 is released the split-tape "Mákinas & Cadáveres" along with the band Konad and a partnership with Mountain Goat Productions. Six new songs pointing and putting the finger in the wound on a more aggressive and faster approach than MISS CADAVER previous songs but never forgetting the sense of melody and simplicity.
In November 2012 is released “MÚSICA Para o Funeral de Um País e do Mundo”, a compilation that gathers the first three MISS CADAVERtapes of the quite prolific period 2010-2012.
Meanwhile, "Guerrilla Punk", the next tape with six new tracks composed and already in the process of recording is scheduled to be released in early 2013.
Composed too is already the second album to be called "Mänifestvm Raivus". It will be a discharge of pure anger in an album further enhanced with speed, mid-tempo and a lot of melody. The lyrics will be even more corrosive but there will be room also for a few more relaxed moments, something that accompanies this project from the beginning. For those who liked "Morte Ao Fado" will enjoy equally or even more "Mänifestvm Raivus". This work will mark a new stage and a new level of this pure DIY project.
MISS CADAVER always offer their work for download shortly after they are ready and even before reaching the physical format. The music should be free, the words must be heard and ideas shared."
In November 2012 is released “MÚSICA Para o Funeral de Um País e do Mundo”, a compilation that gathers the first three MISS CADAVERtapes of the quite prolific period 2010-2012.
Meanwhile, "Guerrilla Punk", the next tape with six new tracks composed and already in the process of recording is scheduled to be released in early 2013.
Composed too is already the second album to be called "Mänifestvm Raivus". It will be a discharge of pure anger in an album further enhanced with speed, mid-tempo and a lot of melody. The lyrics will be even more corrosive but there will be room also for a few more relaxed moments, something that accompanies this project from the beginning. For those who liked "Morte Ao Fado" will enjoy equally or even more "Mänifestvm Raivus". This work will mark a new stage and a new level of this pure DIY project.
MISS CADAVER always offer their work for download shortly after they are ready and even before reaching the physical format. The music should be free, the words must be heard and ideas shared."
SLOTH HERDER - Abandon Pop Sensibility [2012] (CD)
"Maryland/Pennsylvania USA based Blackened Grind band formed in Frederick, MD 2009. After an unreleased demo was recorded in 2010, the band recorded their self released ‘Sluggard’ EP in early 2012. The latest EP "Abandon Pop Sensibility" was recorded November 2012 and released on December 21st, 2012."
this is their CD released in December 2012 with 6 songs of grind/black metal/sludge.. again not my type of noise so I will stop now..
VOID FORGER - Ruined Demo [2012] (CD)
Void Forger are from Romania playing some good mix of sludge and doom crust with black metal influences.. here we have their demo recorded 2012 and released in all together 101 copies.. 3 songs in 16 minutes with standard for genre dark lyrics (on English), raw and guttural vocals, dirty sound of guitars with decent production makes this very good if you like the genre, of course.. I'm not a big fan of sludge doom whatever, as I sad for band above for example, but this is completely different and the only thing that miss here in my opinion is just a bit more speed here and there just to spice things up.. remainds me a little on Stormcrow and such bands and that's great..
there's nothing to do than wait for new releases of those guys which are, according to they facebook page, in preparation.. until then go give it some listen at bandcamp or downloat it here:
1 comment:
CRUTCHES je zloooo!!!
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