okay, let's go.. I want to visit this squat already for long, long time but because of who know what (my lazy ass, most likely) I still wasn't there, despite the fact that it exist for more then a year and half now.. also wanted to write something about it and spread the word 'cause there isn't any info on english.. and all because of the fact that this is the only squat here in Croatia, and one of the few in wider area which function on totally autonomous way and real d.i.y. ethics and principles which is, in my opinion, the only true way of how squats should look like.. I sincerely do hope that isn't to late, because crew from the squat are facing with attempted eviction these days, but we will come back on that later..
the story begins in winter on february the 14th, 2011 when few people broke into the building complex of ex-slaughterhouse after some previous more or less successful attempts of squatting in some other parts of a town.. they found the most appropriate building between more than 30 of them which all were unused and abandoned.. with the time more people gets involved and they succeed to clean up the place and bring it to fine condition in short time..

there were some small threats from the police and owners before, but as I already mentioned on the beginning, these days they are faced with serious threat to eviction from the side of complex's owners.. the following article is published on the Contra Info pages:

The building is one of around 300 abandoned and neglected spaces in the city of Zagreb, and for the last 19 months has served both as a housing project and a space that hosts various cultural and resistance activities. Free workshops, sharing food, free flea market, live concerts, free library, a music studio and rehearsal space, a free store ‘take it or leave it’, all available to anyone who shows interest in acquiring or sharing skills, cooperation and mutual assistance, and non-institutional organizing.
The squatters are in need of legal aid, temporary shelter for a couple of dogs in case of eviction, as well as physical presence of solidaritarians in the space, in order to resist the repressive operation. Let us remind that money-free spaces in Zagreb, like reciKLAONICA squat, are very few and let us also emphasize on the multicultural importance of the project, since many guests visit regularly the place from other countries and participate in its activities.
Squatters take this opportunity to urge people to support the fight for free artistic and activist work within the former industrial premises of Zagrepčanka. You may contact the collective at: violent0pacification@gmail.com
Hands off the squats!
Solidarity with reciKLAONICA!"
also, some mainstream media informed about the situation but with some inaccurate info..
in short, eviction is delayed because owner's competent man didn't know how to handle situation and the only thing that police were able to do is to identify the crew from the squat and give their data to owners and suggest them to try solving their problems on the court..
even if they were informed that in monday someone will come to take down their windows and doors it did't happen..
in meanwhile crew from the squat found out that every other attention to evict them, except lawsuit, is illegal considering on that nobody try to evict them within 30 days of the occupation of the place, so as a matter of fact now they are residents protected by the law.. it sounds nice, but we will see how things will work in the future.. just hope that they won't experience sad destiny of so many squats around the world lately - eviction..

-for all info, support and other write to: violent0pacification@gmail.com
-also visit their web site for more information and updates at: http://reciklaonica.blogspot.com/
-some other links related:
update 25.10.2012.: things calmed down now and eviction is delayed until further notice.. crew from squat are intensively working and planing new events.. so Klaonica squat stays!..
Hej, hvala puno na ovom postu!! http://reciklaonica.blogspot.com/ Evo prilike dasvratiš 3.11. ako ne ranije ;) Pozdrav! A
nema problema.. znači smirila se situacija oko evikcije i to!?..
Da. Smirilo se sve zasad pa smo u intenzivnim radovima i planiramo kojekakva dešavanja u skvotu!
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