Tuesday 14 December 2010

SCHIZO #6 fanzine

already 6th number of this zine (like it was yesterday when I was reading first number of it..).. the main news are that this issue will be officially printed and become alive like paper zine..
the most space is dedicated to Punk Illegal collective and festival.. that means many of interesting readings related to that great project from Sweden, from interviews, reports from this years festival to some facts and information about the collective..
this time font is impaired to minimum and on 52 pages you can read a tons of material.. from interviews this time here are: Al-Thawra, Zudas Krust (very big and great 'view), Spotlicks, Kansalaistottelemattomuus (yes they are from Finland, did you have doubts on that?!), Power Is Poison, Asta Kask, E.A.T.E.R., Burnt Cross, Sangre, Cow Mag zine, Jason Vomit and  with people from Punk Illegal crew.. besides those interviews you can find also report from Punk Illegal festival 2010, reviews, Wolfrunner info, interesting poll on the theme "what do you know about Swedish punk" (for which the author send some mp3's of Swedish bands without names of the songs to some people and their task was to unriddle which bands are those) and some more author's articles..
for the end, I really enjoy reading this zine more with every new number.. I think that Schizo is good example how good zine progresses in quality from a number to a number..
you can download pdf file for reading or for printing if you want to make yourself a copy at your own from HERE.. all that's is of course, completely free..

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