Krvavi Mandat was another one great band from Croatia which was active in late '90..they were playing crust punk with very politically engaged lyrics with anarcho themes.. they were from Zagreb.. some time after their splitting up they get back together and play at few gigs but I don't know how long was all that going.. I don't have any more info about them so here are some lyrics and covers from their releases..
line up was: Tarić (vocal), Marva (guitar), Miro (bass), Oliver (drums)
discography: 1st and 2nd demo published on tape, live recordings on 4-way tape with Speedball, Disabuse and Shears, and 9 songs on 3-way tape with S.M.C. and Gamad
you can download some of their releases from blog Nečista Savjest HERE
hvala beskrajno :D imam kazetu ali sam igubio ovaj papiric s tekstovima :D tj frend je izgubio :P trazim ovo vec preko 10 godina ;) neizmjerno hvala :D
hvala beskrajno :D imam kazetu ali sam igubio ovaj papiric s tekstovima :D tj frend je izgubio :P
trazim ovo vec preko 10 godina ;) neizmjerno hvala :D
nema problema.. ja još uvijek imam i omot i tekstove jer ovo mi je, od kad sam je prvi put čuo, bila dugo vremena najjača kazeta ikad..
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