Friday, 21 February 2025

14th birthday of Klaonica squat


when?.....................................................22.02.2025., Saturday
where?....................................................Klaonica squat, Zagreb
who?.......................................................BONEASH neo crust, Cro
                                                                PLASTIKA d-beat hc punk, Cro
                                                                KRLJA grindcore, Cro
                                                                VIPERA r'n'r, Cro
                                                                AVET drum n bass grindcore, Cro
                                                                + poster exhibition of diy punk gigs from Stara Škola by Loren P.
                                                                + food
                                                                + distro

Monday, 17 February 2025

ATOMSKI RAT - Krvava Ravnica - new EP is out now!!! + search for labels

the other day I wanted to make a post with some news and interesting stuff which are happening in diy underground circles here at Balkan wastelands, among others one was about Atomski Rat and that they are in studio recording new material, but as I suck lately at posting stuff here and don't have time and all the enthusiasm nor will needed for keeping this blog  going strong, I'm already late because those recordings are already finished and the whole brand new EP is already published on their bandcamp page.. 
6 furious songs in their recognizable harsh thrashy and noisy style, with already traditionally great desperate, dark and grim lyrics.. at first listen maybe little cleaner, a bit slower and more d-beat orientated as this was the case on their previous works, but I still didn't catch the time to give it a proper "dive in" so maybe the best would be to check it out for yourself.. anyhow, it is for sure one more killer EP by this original and long active band..
and the most important thing for the end, now when recordings are done, they are in search for labels which are willing to release this material on vinyl, so if you can help or know someone, please get in touch with them via bandcamp or some other social media..

Friday, 14 February 2025

NUCLEAR ALTAR - Golet - new rehearsal video

new rehearsal video from Nuclear Altar, one newer song in new line up, with Panto (vocalist in No Name) as second guitarist here.. enjoy the filth!..

"Tvoje truplo ti se smije
Crne vrane, ujed zmije
Sve će korov da prekrije
Smrtnicima krv se pije


Bijeda svoje sjeme sije
Sve će korov da prekrije
Crne vrane, ujed zmije
Ponos majke Slavonije


Golet biti će cijeli svijet"

Saturday, 8 February 2025

MALIŠA BAHAT - Lovers. Loners. Losers. - 12" LP is out now!!

finally, the latest album by Mališa Bahat named "Lovers. Loners. Losers.", with which they totally surprised us last summer and about which I write something here already, is now out and available on vinyl.. after diy cassette version we now get it on a medium it deserves and probably fits the most (I'm not trying to underestimate the beauty and value of the cassettes here at all)..
vinyl is available in 3 versions/colors: some fancy marbled red and violet or if you prefer it more in classic black.. you can get it from the band or the labels involved and those are Dingelberry Records and Distribution, Grazil Records, Mind Earser, Saitan DIY, Shove Records, Alternativna Omladina Sombora and Nothing to Harvest Records.. 
check it out and support the band and labels with buying, if you are at least little interested in good old screamo hardcore, you will dig this one for sure!..

Friday, 7 February 2025

heavy breathing..

mighty.. dark.. grimy.. massive.. greasy.. ugly.. loud.. filthy.. crust..

AXEFEAR - Prophetic End

Friday, 31 January 2025

24/24 - Hungarian raw punks are in search for labels

so, awesome raw punk band 24/24 from Hungary delivered some fresh recordings few months ago (already mentioned here) and now they are in search of labels who will be interested in releasing it.. after two striking demos released on tape now they are ready for their first record on vinyl.. some plan is to release it like a split 7" with one more interesting raw punk band from Czech R. 
definitely it would be one little hell of a record and I'm really looking forward for it and hope something will be sorted out soon..
so if you are running a label, or know someone who does and are willing to help two awesome diy bands,  please get in touch with them for more additional info and all the details..

you can contact 24/24 via facebook, bandcamp or at the email: tomiconia[at]gmail[dot]com

Thursday, 9 January 2025

CRUTCHES / SENAP mini tour Sweden January 2025

raw d-beat maniacs Crutches and punk-rockers Senap are on mini tour this weekend, starting today in Norrkoping.. support and check it if you're around..


Sunday, 5 January 2025

upcoming gig in Čakovec, Croatia


when?...........................18.01.2025., Saturday
where?..........................Prostor, Čakovec
who?.............................INDIKATOR B dark hc punk, Cro
                                      PLASTIKA raw hc punk, Cro
                                      SRANJE punk, Slo
entrance?.......................6 €