Monday 16 September 2024

upcoming gig in Požega, Croatia

when?.......................................21.09.2024., Saturday
where?......................................Caffe Bar Beer, Ti & Ja, Požega
who?.........................................KPAX! oi hc punk, Ser
                                                  KORIDOR post hc punk, Cro
entrance?...................................5 €

Friday 13 September 2024

some new records..

few days ago this finally arrived by mail, two absolute banger releases from Autsajder Produkcija, awesome stuff both musically and visually.. I really like and appreciate 7" releases lately and those two are for sure truly proper and great records.. check it out and support!..

KRAYAT                                            STATE MANUFACTURED TERROR





Thursday 12 September 2024

NUCLEAR ALTAR merch (t-shirt and cotton bag available)

so there's some official merch from Nuclear Altar, oldschool crust band from Požega, Croatia available..
t-shirt with interesting design made by Kktz and cotton bags with artwork from latest demo Wasteland Filth.. both are in little unusual colors for dark primitive crust band, t-shirt in bright yellow and bags in dirty white, but hey why everything should be boring and black, right!?..
all is available from their bandcamp merch page, or for the promo price directly from Kktz on the e-mail: kktz666[at]gmail[dot]com.. t-shirts are also available from Lumer - Print & Shop..
go check it and support it if you can and want, for more info and prices click at the following links..
                                                                                       OLDEN SONORITIES blog


Tuesday 10 September 2024

CHIMPYFEST 2024 New Cross Inn, London (UK) 12. - 14.09.2024.

at this year's edition of Chimpyfest two grind machines from Croatia: Krlja and Aligrindtor among some great bands like Hiatus, Anti-System, Wojczech and many more..


Monday 9 September 2024

WARCOLLAPSE - Deliberate Indoctrination - new album is out now!!!

hell yeah!.. new album by Sweden's legends is out and available, for now just at youtube and some other modern digital platforms, but I believe vinyl will be ready soon as well on Phobia Records and Bye Bye Productions..
as expected, this release turns out just like pure crust masterpiece.. 10 brutal tracks which varies enough as in length, same in song structure itself and are not boring or uninteresting for not even a second.. there are two atmospheric and longer anthems and the rest of the material is classic Warcollapse furious madness, sometimes fast as hell, on some parts maybe faster then ever, and rest is in fast to mid tempo but always brutal and heavy, harsh and aggressive, just as you would expect from them.. album of the year!? - well it's hard to tell after just one listening but here we have something much more, maybe album of the decade, so check it out and blast it loud!..

Sunday 8 September 2024

BIBLE THROWER - Strange Stories - new album is out now!!!

well, this one is brutal!.. new album by crust punk outfit Bible Thrower from Rijeka is out... and it rips!.. great dual m/f vocals, somehow maybe strange massive and heavy sound at first on which you will have to get used to, I suppose, but when it clicks it turns out awesome.. 6 songs all together in old school crust punk style with strong anarcho-punk vibe..
again don't have any info if physical release of this is in the making, but knowing Rijeka's crew there will be at least some diy tapes.. until then check this brutality and support them on YT or BC where this release is offered as "name your price" download, as well.. 


Saturday 7 September 2024

KILLING YIELD - Volatile Future - debut album is out now!!!

Killing Yield are something newer hardcore punk band from Zagreb but already well known here, although they haven't had any recordings until now, but they played bunch of local shows all around..  
these days they put out their debut album named "Volatile Future" which turned out really nice.. even 12 songs of furious and fast hardcore punk influenced by let's say American school of hardcore with good lyrics and message.. it's available in digital form from their bandcamp page and I don't have any info if some physical release is in plan.. the whole thing is accompanied by awesome cover and it would look amazing as a LP, that's for sure..

Friday 6 September 2024

DISBAJA - Impulse Slaves - new album is out now!!!

the long awaited new album by Zagreb's metal punks Disbaja is finally out and available at their bandcamp page.. probably the best quality release by them so far and at the same time more towards metal oriented.. they started with more classic d-beat/hardcore sound and nowadays their style evolved into something more modern version of metal punk with superb production, even this punk spirit is still here and it feels somewhere in the background.. for now this is available only in digital form at BC or YT and some other digital platforms, but in October you can expect some cassettes, so check it out!..